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Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 189
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“I didn’t call you here for your measly sacrifice. You barely keep your guilds afloat the way it is and I’m not interested in drowning my slaves. Instead, it seems there has been an upset. You, leader of the Trinata guild. Step forward”

The man stepped forward and swallowed nervously as the leader of the Alcatraz guild stood and spoke in a demanding voice.

“What do you think you’re doing on those beginning floors? Is it true that your people are attacking my recruits or do you have a death wish?”

The leader of the Trinata guild took a quick step back! How could his people even think of attacking the Alcatraz guild! He already told them all to stay away from them!

“No! I made sure to tell them that we are still trying to find a way to stop you and that they should not attack you. You told us that you didn’t want our connection to be known publicly, but we made sure that they knew how dangerous you were!”

“Is that so…?”

The leader narrowed his eyes threateningly and looked towards the person that brought the news of the deaths on the fifteenth floor. Who was lying to him here? He didn’t have a detection skill so he looked towards the person who did. The man on his left shook his head in the negative and the leader became confused. None of them were lying? How was that possible!? If they were both telling the truth then someone was trying to play him for a fool! He would never accept such a thing! They had to do something about this!

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“Very well, it seems that some people have forgotten our power. We will have to show it to you all again. Prepare for war!”

The four leaders quickly started to protest! War!? Again!?

“We can’t do this again! A lot of our people have been killed already! If we stage another war now, then the number of bronze and silver Stars that will die will be close to a hundred!”

The leader of the Rivera guild said this desperately while trying to plead for her guild. What the leader of the Alcatraz guild was suggesting was for them to tell their people that they would be going to try and subdue the Alcatraz guild.

The leaders knew that the Alcatraz guild was stronger than their own, but the members of the two guilds didn’t know this. The war was just a stagged act that the leaders put on for them to give the Alcatraz guild members a chance to steal even more skills from the members of the two guilds without making the two guilds look too weak.

It was something they have been forced to do for so long! They couldn’t do anything about it since the Alcatraz guild could just kill them all off if they wanted! The only reason the Alcatraz guild kept them alive was so that they could get more members and then repeat the same stagged massacre all over again!

The leaders felt an intense amount of bloodlust gather in the room and then it fell upon them like a massive hammer! The leader of the Alcatraz guild looked down on them with wide, terrifying eyes.

“Do you think I asked you to talk? You don’t have any choice but to obey me! If you want to fight us for real then come and try to get rid of us! You are our puppets and we are going to use you till you are completely dry and useless! Do you understand!?”

The leader of the Trinata guild gritted his teeth angrily before he finally nodded. He couldn’t do anything against this man with the way he was. He only had five skills above two hundred, but that man had more than ten skills that were above two hundred! It would not even be a match at all!

Once the leader of the Rivera guild agreed to also call her members to prepare for war they were told to leave.

The leader of the Alcatraz guild sat down and laughed as he watched them leave defeated. The man on his right side only chuckled a little before he turned his head sharply when he noticed a slight ripple in the air. He thought he just saw something move. It seemed like a person. He squinted his eyes and tried to see what was there, but there was nothing that he could notice. Maybe it was just the light?

Han had his hand in his pocket as he looked at all the eight leaders of the Alcatraz guild. He had all of his stealth skills activated [Hidden in Plain Sight], [Presence Concealment], and even [Silent Steps]. He was standing right in front of these people but they couldn’t even see him!

Han heard everything that was said in the meeting and it all made him happy. It seems the scout did exactly what he wanted and the outcome of it was more interesting than he thought it would be.

It was shocking that these two guilds were just puppets to the Alcatraz guild, but this could also work in his favor.

He didn’t think he would be getting rid of the Alcatraz guild so quickly. His original intention was to wait for a bit longer before dealing with them. But what they were doing on the lower floor was becoming too annoying, besides, it wasn’t like they were important in the grand scale of things. Han didn’t need them anymore, so he could easily get rid of them.

Han hummed, should he just kill these ones now? They were all just right there. One [Slash] with a sword should be enough to remove all their heads at once! Besides, it might be a bit difficult to fight against eight full-fledged gold Stars at once. Not impossible, just difficult. But Han decided that it would be more beneficial to leave them alive for now. The truth was that he didn’t want them to spark a revolution before the war starts.

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They had a lot of people under their command and it was obvious that they were all psychopaths! So if their leaders all suddenly die, then there will surely be nothing holding them back from going on a rampage to try and get revenge. It was not going to last long before he stepped in to stop it, but the number of deaths would still be very high.

Han was going to just let them call all their people in for the ‘war’ they want to have. Let them have this euphoria of thinking they were going to get an easy win in that battle. Han will be there at just the right moment to grant them their own deaths as well.


Han walked out of the base of the Alcatraz guild and he began to track down what direction the four leaders had gone. There was a separation on the road. The Rivera guild went one way and the Trinata guild the other. Han decided that it would be best to first go to the Trinata guild. Maybe it would be good to see Leona and take that hypnosis off her? I don’t really need her anymore since she already did what I needed her to do.

The leader of the Trinata guild arrived at the base and he was greeted at the entrance by some members. Among them was Leona. She was brought here to heal and recuperate after the failure on the tenth floor happened. It took a short while for a gold Star to help her get to the thirtieth floor easily. But it was a good thing that she was brought here, if not for her information then they would never have learned about the death of Roland. It was too bad that she didn’t know who did it, but her information allowed them to narrow down the suspects and send out people to investigate.

The leader didn’t know that everything they did was just playing according to Hans’s plan!

A man came up to the leader once he entered and told him that Fey and Ragnar arrived and wanted to talk to him as soon as possible! He decided that it was best to find out about what they had to say before he said anything about the ‘war’ they had to prepare for. He went to see them in a private room and they didn’t waste any time in telling him what they needed to!

“Sir! The Alcatraz guild has gone too far this time! They killed an entire settlement of Cyclops on the fifteenth floor, and they even killed Roland and Senna!”

The leader’s eyes widened in surprise! Was that even possible!? He already knew about the Cyclops that were killed, but Roland was new news. How was it the Alcatraz guild that killed him? They have been in a state of mutual nonviolence since they were subdued by that guild! The Alcatraz guild will surely not break the agreement!

“Who told you that it was the Alcatraz guild? Did you see anything that can prove it?”

Fey produced the badge that they got from Han and the leader grit his teeth. This was Tully’s badge.. He was the one in charge of kidnapping new chosen so that the recruits of the Alcatraz guild can have people to kill and steal skills from. How would this man be killing Roland!? He didn’t even have the capability!