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Power and Wealth

Chapter 216 – God of Plague Xiao Dong
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“Ah! Someone is dead! Someone is dead!”

“I said, putting flowerpots on the windowsill is dangerous! Look! Someone is hit by it!”

“The flowerpot had fallen from so high! I think that man is dead! He is so unlucky!”

“That’s right. Of all places, he went to stand underneath this family’s house. Sigh...”

Residents of the housing estate started to gather and looked at the bleeding Qian Fei. Dong Xuebing stood beside Qian Fei, looking at him coldly. He slowly took out his phone to call for an ambulance and reported this incident to the Public Security Bureau. He had to make these calls as many people were looking at him.

After a while, the Ambulance and police came.

The paramedics carried Qian Fei into the Ambulance, and some leaders from the Bureau alighted from the Police cars.

“Chief Dong! What’s going on?” Liang Chengpeng had come with Hu Yiguo and Zhao Jingsong. Deputy Team Leader Feng and the rest alighted from another police car. Liang Chengpeng was shocked when he heard about this incident. How is it possible? Is this a coincidence? The Bureau was forced by the County’s Party Committee Secretary to release Qian Fei, and the next moment he is hit by a flowerpot?

After dealing with Qian Fei, Dong Xuebing was feeling much better. He explained. “Chief Liang, the whole incident is like this. I passed by here earlier and met Qian Fei. He insisted on chatting with me, and we took a stroll around this estate. When we are talking, there is a gust of strong wind and a loud crash. Before I could react, the flowerpot had landed on Qian Fei’s head. It’s the wind... Sighed...”

Deputy Team Leader Feng was stunned. Is this possible?

Hu Yiguo stared at Dong Xuebing. He does not believe what Dong Xuebing said and ordered two men to go upstairs to check.

Zhao Jingsong was also staring at Dong Xuebing. If this is planned, then Dong Xuebing is too stupid.

Liang Chengpeng and the rest of the officers were looking at Dong Xuebing with a heavy heart. Everyone suspects this incident is related to Chief Dong, as the grudge between both of them is not a secret in the Bureau. When the officers saw Qian Fei being carried into the Ambulance, they were cheering in their hearts. This person should just die. But if this is planned by Chief Dong, he will be in deep trouble.

Deputy Team Leader Feng walked over to Dong Xuebing. “Chief Dong, you...”

Dong Xuebing smiled. “What? You think I hired someone to throw the flowerpot down?”

“Huh? No...” Deputy Team Leader Feng looked at Dong Xuebing’s expression and was not sure if this was planned.

About half an hour later, the investigation result was revealed.

Although Hu Yiguo does not believe, he had to admit this incident is an accident. The person living on the 8th story is an old jobless hooligan, and he had left the flowerpot on the windowsill two years ago. At first, there was only one flowerpot. An older man who often walks his dog near here saw it and went up to tell the old hooligan off. But the old hooligan refused to listen and even argued with him. After that, the old hooligan placed three flowerpots on his windowsill to spite the older man.

So, this flowerpot is not placed on the windowsill today. It was placed there before Dong Xuebing was even transferred to Yan Tai County. Also, the residents at the estate can verify the sudden gust of strong wind. Now, it can confirm Dong Xuebing had nothing to do with this incident. This is purely an accident.

Liang Chengpeng was relieved. In his heart, he knew Dong Xuebing might be rash, but he will not do something like this.

Deputy Team Leader Feng was thrilled to hear Chief Dong is cleared of suspicion. This is coincident! Hahaha... Serve him, right! This is called Karma! Other than Hu Yiguo and Zhao Jingsong, no one at the scene pitied Qian Fei, as Qian Fei is the mastermind behind Jin Di Mansion. This is retribution! Even if you escape from the law, heavens will take care of you!

The next day, Dong Xuebing did not go to work in the morning. He went to the County’s People’s Hospital.

Dong Xuebing had gone to visit Qian Fei with ill intentions. Nothing much was heard after Qian Fei was carried into the Ambulance. Dong Xuebing only knew that Qian Fei had undergone emergency surgery and was unconscious after that. He is still in critical condition, and Dong Xuebing knew if Qian Fei is not dead, his family members will be in danger. Another reason why Dong Xuebing wants to visit Qian Fei is to see the attitude of his family. He needs to know if they blame him for what happened to Qian Fei, and get prepared for any revenge.

Dong Xuebing went upstairs and asked a nurse about Qian Fei’s ward.

The door of the ward is opened, and Publicity Department’s Head, Qian Shen, was sitting at his unconscious son’s bed, looking at him.

“Director Qian.” Dong Xuebing entered the ward with a bag of fruits. “How’s Xiao Qian?”

Qian Shen saw Dong Xuebing and pointed at him. “Get out!”

Dong Xuebing shook his head and put down the bag of fruits. He took a glance at Qian Fei before he left.

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Qian Shen did blame Dong Xuebing for what happened. If Dong Xuebing did not investigate Jin Di Mansion, his son will not be arrested, will not appear at the foot of the building with Dong Xuebing, and will not be hit by the flowerpot! Everything happened because of Dong Xuebing! Qian Shen swore that if anything happens to his son, he will not let Dong Xuebing off!

In the corridor, Dong Xuebing could tell what Qian Shen was thinking, and he frowned. He needs to prepare himself against Qian Shen’s revenge.

Suddenly, Dong Xuebing heard Qian Shen’s cries behind him. “He’s awake! Xiao Fei is awake! Doctor! Where is the Doctor?!”

Dong Xuebing turned back. Is he awake? Qian Fei is alright? Damn! What is his head made of? How can he still be fine after this accident?

A few doctors and nurses ran into the ward. Even the hospital’s director also came down from upstairs.

Dong Xuebing did not enter the ward, as Qian Shen does not welcome him. But he did not leave the hospital either. Dong Xuebing needs to know Qian Fei’s condition, and he went to the lobby to wait. After about 1 hour, Dong Xuebing returned to outside of Qian Fei’s ward. Dong Xuebing saw a doctor coming out of the ward, and he stopped him.

“Is Qian Fei, alright?”

“You are?”

“I am from Public Security. How is Qian Fei’s condition now?”

The doctor hesitated and did not reveal Qian Fei’s condition. “You will know when you see him.”

Dong Xuebing walked to the entrance of the ward and took a glance at Qian Fei. The next moment, Dong Xuebing saw something shocking. Qian Fei was sitting on the bed, smiling at Qian Shen. His eyes were hollow and were drooling. The ward also had a strong urine smell. Dong Xuebing looked at Qian Fei’s bed, and there was a wet patch. Qian Fei should have peed in the bed!

Qian Shen was crying. “Xiao Fei! I’m your father!”

Qian Fei was still smiling like a fool and pulled the hospital equipment around him.

Dong Xuebing took a deep breath and left for the doctor station. “Doctor, Qian Fei...”

A doctor in his white gown sighed. “You are his family member? Qian Fei’s brain had suffered serious injuries, and we had informed the family members to be prepared for this to happen before the surgery. We had tried our best. At least, his life is saved.”

Dong Xuebing asked. “What are the chances of recovery?”

The doctor shook his head. “It’s impossible for him to recover fully. He might be like this for the rest of his life...”

Dong Xuebing nodded. “Thank you.”

After leaving the hospital, Dong Xuebing looked at the sky and stretched. An idiot will not pose any danger to his family members. Qian Fei’s current condition should be worse than death. This is his retribution! But it’s not the heavens who did this. It was Dong Xuebing who used his powers to serve Qian Fei his retribution!

Dong Xuebing smiled and reminded himself that Qian Shen would take revenge for his son...

Back at the Bureau, Dong Xuebing continued to think of strategies to deal with the coming revenge.

Dong Xuebing did not expect revenge to start so soon!

At around noon, almost all the internet forums in Yan Tai County and Fen Zhou City published an article . The article even states the names of the people involved. Yan Tai County’s Public Security Bureau Deputy Chief had smashed a Mercedes Benz in front of the wedding convoy. The article described how Dong Xuebing disregarded the law and abused his powers. A few pictures of Dong Xuebing in front of his mother’s house were posted. Luckily, the pictures only showed the damaged Mercedes Benz and not showing Dong Xuebing’s men bashing up the vehicle.

Dong Xuebing’s face changed and clicked open a Yan Tai County’s online forum. There were all sorts of replies.

“The policemen now... Sighed...”

“Government officials like this must be terminated! He is a menace to society!”

“I know Chief Dong. He had done a lot for the people. He dares to arrest the people with backings and has a good reputation.”

“You won’t know what he is thinking inside!”

Dong Xuebing looked at the time of posting. It’s been half an hour, but the related department still did not remove these articles, which will tarnish the County’s image. Dong Xuebing immediately knew this must be the work of Qian Shen! This is his revenge. During a county government meeting in the afternoon, the County’s Party Committee Secretary even mentioned Dong Xuebing’s name and reprimanded him! This is the start of a storm!

Ring, ring, ring... Liang Chengpeng called Dong Xuebing.

“Xiao Dong, you must be prepared to be transferred. Sigh...”

Dong Xuebing was not surprised. “The Party Secretary is going to deal with me?”

“The orders will be out soon, and you might be demoted.” Liang Chengpeng knew the smashing of the Mercedes is only an excuse. Qian Shen is determined to take revenge for his son. Liang Chengpeng does not know how Qian Shen persuaded the County’s Party Secretary, Chang Lei, and why Chang Lei stood by Qian Shen. Chang Lei had ignored how others looked at him and helped Qian Shen with his revenge. No one dares to go against Chang Lei to protect Dong Xuebing! Liang Chengpeng was puzzled why Chang Lei helped Qian Shen to release Qian Fei when he was arrested and now, helped Qian Shen to deal with Dong Xuebing. Why is he doing all these? Could it be that he is also involved with Jin Di Mansion?

Dong Xuebing smiled to himself in his chair. Even the County’s Party Committee Secretary wants to deal with him?!

The next moment, everyone in the Public Security Bureau is talking about this.

Too many things had happened these few days. Just when everyone heard about Qian Fei becoming an idiot, news of Chief Dong getting transferred had spread. Many officers, especially Deputy Team Leader Feng, felt unjust. Everyone knew who was the one who cracked the Jin Di Mansion case. Now, not only the person who solved the case was not rewarded; he was even demoted and transferred? Compared to solving the murder cases and getting evidence of the Casino, the Mercedes incident is only a small matter. Furthermore, it’s the people from Jin Di Mansion who tried to find trouble by blocking the wedding convoy with that Mercedes. Now, Chief Dong is going to get demoted because of this?! This is so disappointing!

But the County’s Party Secretary had given out the order, and no one can do anything.

Dong Xuebing also felt this way. It might not be a problem to deal with Qian Shen. But if Secretary Chang got involved, there is no way he can escape. It’s useless even if he sought help from Xie Huilan. This is out of reach from Sister Xie, but Dong Xuebing did not regret what he had done. He did not do anything wrong. Jin Di Mansion must be shut down, and Qian Fei must be punished. Dong Xuebing does not have any regrets!

Just when everyone thought Dong Xuebing’s career was finished, something unexpected happened!

Ma Dakai reversed his confession! He heard Qian Fei had become an idiot and had no chance of recovery, and Ma Dakai changed his statement!

Maybe Ma Dakai was threatened by Qian Fei, and he dare not testified against him. But once Ma Dakai heard about Qian Fei, he immediately spilled everything out. He admitted Qian Fei is the owner of Jin Di Mansion, and everything, including the murders and Casino, was ordered by him. He was only acting under Qian Fei’s instructions. All the earnings from Jin Di Mansion were taken by Qian Fei, and he had only taken a small portion. He requested for leniency as he is not the mastermind and promised he would assist the police to get more evidence.

Deputy Team Leader Feng’s man was the one who had interrogated Ma Dakai. He knew Ma Dakai’s confession had an impact on the outcome of the case, and immediately reported to Deputy Team Leader Feng.

Old Feng was troubled when he heard from his subordinate. Qian Fei had become an idiot, and the County’s Party Secretary had ordered to close this case. Now... can they still carry on with the investigation?

Deputy Team Leader Feng could not make the decision and called Dong Xuebing to discussed it with him.

Dong Xuebing said. “Old Feng, I am going to be transferred. You should report this to Chief Liang.”

Deputy Team Leader Feng seriously replied. “Chief Dong, as long as you are still around, you will always be my leader! I will only follow your orders!” Deputy Team Leader Feng was not saying this to make Dong Xuebing feel better. This was from the bottom of his heart. Not only him, the rest of the detectives, felt the same after working with Dong Xuebing on the Jin Di Mansion case. Dong Xuebing had shown his character, abilities, and capabilities, especially his guts, to stand up against those higher than him! This was what impressed Deputy Team Leader Feng the most!

Chief Dong had clashed with Hu Yiguo more than once...

Chief Dong had clashed with Yu Zhengzhi...

Chief Dong had clashed with Publicity Department’s head, Qian Shen...

These three people are of higher rank than Chief Dong, and all of them had strong backings and powerful connections.

Anyone who wants to go against these people must think twice. But Chief Dong did not even bat an eyelid! He did not care who his opponents are!

Dong Xuebing laughed. What Old Feng said had warmed his heart. “What do you think we should do?”

Deputy Team Leader Feng hesitated for a moment and said. “I want to carry on with the investigation! The person responsible must be held responsible!”

Dong Xuebing nodded. “Then let’s investigate! We will get to the bottom of this! But you must not get involved as this is too sensitive. I will investigate this myself!”

“Chief Dong, I...”

Dong Xuebing laughed and interrupted Deputy Team Leader Feng. “I am going to transfer out anyway. I am not afraid of offending others!”

After hanging up, Dong Xuebing went to see Ma Dakai. When he reached, Ma Dakai had confessed a lot to add on to Qian Fei’s crimes. At the end of his confession, Ma Dakai gave Dong Xuebing an address. It’s the address of Qian Fei’s mistress, and she is Qian Fei’s most trusted woman. The police had only recovered a small sum of money from Ma Dakai, and most of Qian Fei’s money is kept with this woman. This woman might have more evidence.

So, Dong Xuebing brought two men with him to that woman’s house.

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Qian Fei’s mistress, in her thirties, might have gotten news of what’s happening and was packing her belongings to escape. But her plans to escape was foiled by Dong Xuebing. Dong Xuebing did not care about the search warrant and start searching for her apartment!

The evidence found in the apartment shocked Dong Xuebing!

They found a bank book with more than 20 million RMB in it. Besides the bank book, there was an envelope containing a few photographs of a couple. All the photographs were showing the couple hugging, and hugging and the man were wearing sunglasses in every photo. But when looked closer, that man is the County’s Party Secretary Chang Lei!

Dong Xuebing’s heart skipped a beat. No wonder Chang Lei helped Qian Shen against him. Qian Shen had a hold on Chang Lei! Other than these photographs, Qian Fei and Qian Shen might have other evidence, like giving money to Chang Lei, to threaten him. Secretary Chang should be afraid of Qian Shen, exposing him to his current state of mind and helped them? Or are there other things which Dong Xuebing still had not found out?

Dong Xuebing slowed down his breathing and knew the seriousness of this situation. This had gone beyond his power.

Dong Xuebing called Liang Chengpeng immediately and told him about the evidence he found.

Liang Chengpeng thought for a while and said. “Don’t let anyone know about this and wait for my call.”

About 15 minutes later, Liang Chengpeng called. “Xiao Dong, I will bring someone with me over now. Let me handle this!”

Dong Xuebing could tell the County’s Mayor behind Liang Chengpeng, is going to act.

Dong Xuebing is too low level to interfere with the politics of the higher-ups. He gave the evidence and Qian Fei’s mistress to Liang Chengpeng and returned home. He still felt uneasy and wondered how many people will be implicated by the evidence he found. Will the evidence unseat Chang Lei? If Chang Lei is removed from his position, will I get to keep my rank?

Dong Xuebing’s guess was right!

Yan Tai County Government is in an uproar!

The next day, the Head of Publicity Department, Qian Shen, was taken away from the Commission for Discipline Inspection for corruption. Dong Xuebing guessed it must be the transaction recorded from that bank account found in Qian Fei’s mistress house. Every transaction will leave trails, and Chief Liang must have used these clues to get Qian Shen. The following day, County’s Party Secretary Chang Lei was transferred to the Provincial Museum.

Everything happened so suddenly!

County Mayor Xiang had been tolerating Chang Lei and reserving his strength since the day he was transferred here. Now, he finally got the chance to get rid of his opponent in one deadly blow!

But in the County Public Security Bureau, there was more discussion about Chief Dong than the changes in the County Party Committee.

“I heard Chief Dong is not leaving and is still rewarded with credit.”

“Eh, Secretary Chang had just wanted to transfer Chief Dong away, why did he got transferred himself?”

“Isn’t Director Qian the same? He had just tried to revenge for Qian Fei and in the end... he is arrested for corruption.”

“That Qian Fei is unlucky. He had just left the Bureau for slightly more than an hour, and he met Chief Dong. Both were just chatting, and a flowerpot fell on his head, and he becomes an idiot.”

“I heard the Jin Di Mansion’s case’s investigation had implicated Chief Hu, and he was given a warning from the higher-ups.”

The officers suddenly stopped chatting and took a deep breath!

They were shocked when they think back about what happened!

Those who had gone against Chief Dong had all gotten themselves into trouble.

Everyone knew about the clashes between Dong Xuebing and Hu Yiguo. Since the start of their rivalry, Hu Yiguo had never won against Chief Dong. He even received a warning because of Dong Xuebing. Qian Fei also had grudges with Chief Dong, and what happened in the end? Jin Di Mansion was shut down, and Qian Fei became an idiot. The former County Party Secretary Chang Lei and Qian Shen wanted to demote and transfer Chief Dong. But less than a day later, one of them is arrested for corruption, and the other was transferred to a powerless position!


Everyone was shocked by the outcome of those who had gone against Dong Xuebing. Is Chief Dong the reincarnation of the disaster star? Everyone who had gone against Chief Dong suffered.

The most miraculous was the flowerpot incident. Of all places, it landed directly on Qian Fei’s head!

Soon, Fire Fighter Dong Xuebing had a new nickname in Tai Yan County. God of Plague Xiao Dong!

After work, Dong Xuebing noticed everyone in the Bureau looking at him differently and hiding from him. He thought to himself. What is wrong with everyone? Do I look so scary? When Dong Xuebing heard of his latest nickname from Qin Yong, he cursed! God of Plague?! What the hell is this nickname?! It’s too degrading!

Dong Xuebing did not feel that he had brought misfortune to others. God of Plague?! Who did I harm to get this nickname?!