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Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 84
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#Chapter 84 – Everything Has Changed

I move my hips to match Victor, meeting him stroke for stroke. His breath comes fast, his back curled

so that he can raise his hips higher, get further inside of me. I’m gasping now, gasping for air, gasping

for release. I want more of him as he pounds into me, the rhythm of him carrying my passion forward.

Each one of his movements inside of me brings me closer to my breaking point.

I don’t let myself think about it – think about what we’re doing – what it could mean –

Instead, my legs spread wider, letting him pulsing deeper into the center of me, driving away those

thoughts. My nails digging into the flesh of his back, urging him faster, harder.

I only care about the growing, trembling feeling between my legs. My whole body is suffused with it,

with the need to have him, to be closer to him. Unthinking, I tear my shirt and bra off over my head,

wanting him all over my flesh.

Victor grasps me back to him, unwilling to let me go for a second. He brings his lips to my chest and I

wrap my hands in his hair, continuing the fervent movement of my hips as he slips my breast into his

mouth, his tongue moving over my n****e.

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The sensation throws me over the edge and I gasp, my body shuddering as I near it – almost –

Victor turns his face up to mine, growling – I can feel him grow harder inside of me at the sight of my

pleasure. His face turns ferocious, the man almost completely erased by the animal. Quickly, before I

know what’s happening, he’s moved from beneath me, his arm wrapped around my waist so that he

can position me how he wants me.

My hands hit the ground, my knees likewise on the floor, and Victor moves behind me. I rise up so that

my back is pressed against his chest, and Victor takes a moment to savor the shape of me, running his

hands across my stomach, up to capture my full breasts. I turn my face up to him, eager for his mouth.

“No,” he growls, and pushes me forward so that my hands are on the ground again. I press my hips

backwards, feeling his powerful c**k push against my ass, pounding the pulse of its need.

“Please,” I pant, eager to feel him. “Please, Victor.” With one swift movement, Victor is inside of me

again. I slap a hand over my mouth to muffle the shout that I can’t stop. He angles his c**k upwards,

stroking that spot inside of me that makes my legs feel weak.

Victor is fervent now, chasing his own need, and I ride the wave of his desire, meeting him with every

thrust, pressing backwards to take him further, give him more. Every thrust brings me closer as well,

and I feel my knees start to tremble, my elbows go week. Unable to hold myself up any longer, I lower

myself first to my elbows, and then to the floor.

Victor comes with me, dicking me down into the ground, wrapping his arms around me so that our

movement is condensed to the powerful pounding of his hips against my ass. I close my eyes as he

holds me close against him, f*****g me hard against the tiled floor, my breasts and face pressed against

it as I take every inch of him, letting the sensation take over my body.

My mouth falls open as something within me breaks loose. I shudder and shake against Victor’s chest,

my body going rigid as the feeling floods my body, my limbs, curling my toes. As my body tightens with

this pleasure, Victor gasps as I clench against him. Then moans, his thrusts faster, deeper, his body

shuddering. I feel his wet warmth inside of me, spreading with his final thrusts.

Victor’s body shakes with every after shock and I enjoy the weight of him on top of me as he begins to

collapse, his fervor spent. He falls to his side, groaning, taking me with him, his arms still wrapped

around me. We lay there, on the kitchen floor, panting, with our eyes closed.

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For a moment, our mingled breath is the only thing in the universe.

But then, I start to feel the stark cold of the kitchen floor, which I didn’t mind a few moments before. I

realize that my skirt hitched up around my waist and Victor is still fully dressed, his pants around his


I fight away these thought, these realizations, these sensations that start coming to my mind then. I

want to stay, instead, in our little bubble. I press my eyes shut, trying to ignore everything. If I can stay

here, wrapped in his arms – then we never have to face –

I feel Victor shudder and sit up behind me, going rigid, almost as if waking up from a dream. He

hesitates for a moment and I know, instinctually, that he is looking down at me. I pretend not to notice.

As if making a decision, Victor lays back down behind me, pulling me closer against him. He runs a

hand up my leg, starting at my knee and moving all the way up to my hip. He lowers his mouth to press

a kiss to the top of my spine.

“Evie,” he breathes. He’s not calling to me, I know. He’s just savoring the taste of my name.

For a moment, I let myself believe it, basking in the fantasy of what I truly want. To be his. His Evie.

Then, not able to deny our reality anymore, I bite my lip and open my eyes.

“Victor,” I whisper. “What are we going to do?”