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Prime Originator

Chapter 418 - One Day Challenge Rule
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Chapter 418 - One Day Challenge Rule

The Crimsonfog Tribe's battle could be said to have ended in a big victory, considering their casualties were almost negligible. However, they had exhausted their strategic weapon against the Land of Darkness, and the fate of their chief is unknown.

It would take a long time to gather the resources needed to produce more Tier 5 Demon-slaying Arrows to equip the Death Passage.

As the warriors cleaned up the battlefield, the five remaining Venerable Shamans gathered around with pondering expressions. The future of their tribe looked grim.

"Venerable Shamans, the long-distance voice transmission pillar has received another message from the Darkmoon Tribe." A messenger came to report after failing to deliver the news to the chief.

"Oh? What kind of message did the Darkmoon Tribe send to us this time?" One of the Venerable Shamans asked.

"Chief Valencia of the Darkmoon Tribe has requested for the chiefs of the seven tribes to convene at Darkmoon Tribe for a summit; to discuss important matters concerning the future of the Seven Tribes Alliance and the Infertile Plains as a whole."

After the messenger finished speaking, the five Venerable Shamans glanced at each other with furrowed expressions.

"What do you all think the Darkmoon Tribe has to discuss that it would concern all seven tribes? Hm, it should be called the Six Tribes Alliance now that the Blackwind Tribe has become history." A Venerable Shaman said, unbothered by the destruction of the Blackwind Tribe.

"Six Tribes Alliance sounds good. The Blackwind Tribe has always been the weakest yet also the greediest out of the seven tribes. As for the matter of the summit… I cannot tell. Perhaps it has something to do with the Bone Calamity."

"If I recall correctly, it has not been long since the Bone Calamity started. The other four tribes on the eastern side of the Weeping Forest should still be busy dealing with it on their end. I doubt they will be free to attend the summit right now."

The Venerable Shaman speaking shortly turned to the messenger and asked, "What else did the Darkmoon Tribe say?"

"The summit will be held a week later, two days after the guesstimated end of the Bone Calamity. Those who want to attend, attend. Those who don't, don't. However, Darkmoon Tribe will not be held accountable for the future destruction of our tribes if we choose not to attend. Those were the words of Chief Valencia, Venerable Shamans." The messenger said respectfully.

The five Venerable Shamans frowned with deep thoughts. The strained-back Venerable Shaman spoke, "If it is that serious, I don't think the matter is about the Bone Calamity."

"If Baskara is awake, we could be asking for his opinion. We are quite old and don't concern ourselves with these matters anymore." A one-eyed Venerable Shaman sighed.

After a moment, another Venerable Shaman suggested, "Let us go check Baskara's condition first. Maybe Daal has already finished healing him."

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The five Venerable Shamans quickly approved and headed to Venerable Shaman Daal's abode. Just as they arrive, they found a huge crowd gathering outside.

They thought the tribesmen were concerned about Chief Baskara and were waiting for his recovery outside. However, that was not the case. The tribesmen were divided into two groups and argued over a particular matter.

"Has your morals been fed to the demons?! What the hell are you people thinking at a time like this?! How dare you take advantage of Chief Baskara's weakness!" A young Peak-rank Warrior shouted.

On the opposite side of the young warrior's group was a group of much older tribesmen. They were all Great Warriors. The one at the front of them was even an Extremity-rank Great Warrior.

"Morals? I don't care about that. I only know that Chief Baskara is in a coma with no certainty of waking up while someone is needed to lead the tribe! I am thinking of the tribe's best interest!" The Extremity-rank Great Warrior said shamelessly.

The young Peak-rank Warrior sneered, "The tribe's best interest or YOUR best interest?"

"You—!" The Extremity-rank Great Warrior was immediately angered by the young warrior's blatant disrespect for him and said, "It seems that someone needs to teach you some manners and how to behave in front of your elders!"

"What, you want to get violent? Bring it! I might not be able to beat you, but that doesn't mean I have to be afraid of you! You won't get past me!" The young Peak-rank Warrior spoke and blocked the entrance.

The other young warriors also bravely blocked the entrance to the Venerable Shaman's abode alongside the young Peak-rank Warrior.

Just as the two sides were about to clash, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman within the group of five Venerable Shaman stepped forward and angrily roared with his commanding presence, "What is going on here?!"

His powerful voice shook the ground and startled the crowd into halting their steps.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman was the only Peak-rank Battle Master among the six Venerable Shamans in the tribe. When he is angry, it is enough to instill fear into people and command their obedience.

"V-Venerable Shamans!"

Both sides stopped to greet the five Venerable Shaman with slight shivering expressions, evidently shaken by the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's roar, which was unexpected like gunpowder suddenly exploding in their eyes.

"You speak!"

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman immediately singled out the Extremity-rank Great Warrior, who appeared to be the strongest person present in the crowd, to explain the situation to him.

"I… I…"

The Extremity-rank Great Warrior stuttered with trepidation and hesitation, causing the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's patience to be stretched thin quickly.

"I, what?! Answer the damn question properly!" The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman barked angrily before insulting, "Is it true that the more one ages, the more cowardly they become? Where is your courage!? Are you a warrior, or are you still a baby, sucking on your momma's tits?!"

The Extremity-rank Great Warrior's face was flushed red, but he could only lower his head with tightly clenched fists. He dared not to talk back to the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman when he is angry.

At the side, the other four Venerable Shamans shook their heads and quietly thought with amusement, 'Old Mate One-Eyed is going at it again.'

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman had always been the one with the fiercest temper among them Venerable Shamans in the tribe.

Seeing the Extremity-rank Great Warrior not talking, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman turned to the young Peak-rank Warrior and said, "You, explain to me."

"Yes, Venerable Shaman!"

The young Peak-rank Warrior shivered slightly but still stepped forward to answer proudly. This was the difference between a person acting with a clear conscience and a person without it.

"After Venerable Shaman Daal took Chief Baskara inside to treat him, these men shortly arrived after to find trouble with the chief, saying they want to challenge Chief Baskara in the tribe's Battle Arena!"

The young Peak-rank Warrior had more to say, but the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman stopped him there and turned his attention back onto the Extremity-rank Great Warrior.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman solemnly asked.

The Extremity-rank Great Warrior continued to have his head hung low in silence to the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's question.

"What? You dare to act but not dare to admit it? And you still wanted to become the chief like this? Pathetic." The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's gaze became serious, shouting, "Answer me! Did you or did you not issue a challenge to Chief Baskara!?"

"He did, Venerable Shaman!"

The young Peak-rank Warrior shouted.

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However, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman raised his hand to stop the person from speaking further before stating in a grave tone, "I want to hear the answer from the person in question himself."

"Well? What is it? If you are not going to answer my question, then just run along back home to your momma."

Under the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's repeated insults and provocation, the Extremity-rank Great Warrior exploded, "Yes! So, what if I did!? Are you going to punish me for it?!"


The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman answered so flatly and calmly that the person became stunned and confused.

Even the group of young warriors were confused by the Venerable Shaman's answer. They thought that the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman had stepped forward to administer justice on behalf of Chief Baskara, but that does not seem to be the case.

"This person did not break any rules of the tribe, and the one-day challenge rule has always been a tradition of the tribe. This will not be changed and must be enforced. We will go see if Chief Baskara has recovered consciousness. If he is not awake to accept the challenge, then his position of chief shall be forfeited to this person."

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman left those words before entering Venerable Shaman Daal's abode with the other four Venerable Shamans following behind him.

The group of young warriors immediately broke into an uproar, filled with indignant expressions due to the Venerable Shaman's words.

Sometime later, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman returned and unhappily stated, "Chief Baskara is indeed unable to wake up, so from henceforth, that person will be the new chief."

"What! But Venerable Shaman, we cannot accept this decision! Is there no justice?!" The young Peak-rank Warrior immediately objected.

"Even if you cannot accept it, you have to! It is the rule of the tribe! If you are not happy with it, then challenge him!"

"But I am not strong enough to beat him!"

"Then find someone who can beat him!" The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman said before flicking his wrist and reentering the abode.

The Extremity-rank Great Warrior was excited.

However, he did not get to enjoy that excitement for long before another Extremity-rank Great Warrior arrived at the scene and barked, "I want to challenge you on the Battle Arena!"
