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Prime Originator

Chapter 599 - Cleansing The Capital
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Chapter 599 - Cleansing The Capital

"That's one way to put it." Heinrich nodded before adding, "Thanks, son. I'm feeling much better."

Although dark bags remained under his eyes, he showed a livelier expression than just a moment ago.

Shortly after, Heinrich continued, "It's problematic enough with the new atmosphere brought by the Cataclysm. It's difficult to fathom why these demon worshippers would come out to sow chaos…"

"Some people just want to watch the world burn by the looks of it. As if life is not hard enough." Elizabeth frowned.

"They might not even be people." Leon pondered for a moment before asking, "Father, you mentioned that they reek with a terrible stench. Have you smelt it before, or did it came from the report?"

"From the shadow guards report, of course. Haiz, I don't even have time to go for a walk in the garden these days…" Heinrich sighed before asking, "Where would I find the time to around sniffing some stinking rats?"

"It's been hard on you, Father. How detailed were the reports, though? Did they mention how the terrible stench smelt exactly?"

"Not really. Most reports only stated that the traces smelt terrible—" Heinrich shook his head before suddenly recalling, "Oh, there was one that said it was like the smell of the current atmosphere but concentrated."

"Like the current atmosphere? The sky?" Leon muttered before his eyes flickered with a guess, "The smell of Wrathful Demonic Energy, perhaps?"

After a short moment of contemplation, Leon suddenly smiled and said, "Father, I think I can solve your problem quite quickly."

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"Oh? I knew I can rely on you, but how so? Let us hear it, son." Heinrich said with a pleasant surprise.

"Un." Leon nodded before explaining, "It's quite simple, actually. I just need to purify the Capital by absorbing all the Wrathful Demonic Energy in the atmosphere."

"Once that is done, all that would be left is the smell belonging to these demon worshippers, making it easier for us to track them down."

"Oh? Not bad. That does sound easy, but I'm afraid that only you would be capable of such feat." Heinrich said before he asked with a frown, "Will it pose any risk to you, son?"

"Not at all."

Leon shook his head and said, "I have a special method to refine these Wrathful Demonic Energy and remove all the properties that make people go berserk. Hence, the reason I said purify."

"That's great to hear."

Heinrich nodded with relief, feeling like a big burden had been lifted off his shoulders, causing him to slump back on his chair.

"I'll go and get it done right away. The supply of Refined Demonic Energy will help me produce more power sources for the teleportation array. Still, fewer people will also be at risk of going berserk in the city the sooner I get this done."

"Hold on, son. Before you go, aren't you forgetting something? Who's this lovely young lady?" Heinrich suddenly stopped Leon from leaving before shifting his attention to Duna.

"I'm quite curious as well. I thought you would introduce her to us at some point, but it seems like the thought never crossed your mind," Elizabeth added, causing Leon to be slightly stunned.

"Eh? I haven't introduced Duna to Mother and Father yet?" Leon asked.

After receiving their shaking heads, Leon cleared his throat and said, "This is Duna, the one who haunted Lost Isle Alley for 400 years."

"What?" Heinrich and Elizabeth widened their eyes in shock.

At the same time, Leon took the chance to leave from the balcony while they were in a state of surprise.

However, Duna did not follow him. Everyone's gazes fell back onto her shortly after Leon disappeared from sight.

'Young Lady Duna? No, no, no. She is over 400 years old. It is too disrespectful to address her as such. Old Lady Duna? That's not right either.'

Elizabeth and Heinrich wanted to speak with Duna but failed to find the right words to address her immediately.

After a moment of pondering, Heinrich finally uttered while reaching for his teacup for a sip after, "Miss Duna, I wonder what is your relationship with our son?"

"Your son?" Duna paused for a moment before her lips curved into a mischievous smile and said, "We are f*ck buddies."


Heinrich immediately spat out his tea while Elizabeth's expression darkened with her forehead filled with dark lines.

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"This outrageous. How can our son be like this? It seems that we need to have a real good talk with him after he gets back."

"Agreed." Heinrich nodded solemnly.

Unbeknownst to the unchecked disaster that Leon left behind, he continued on his forward flight and reached a certain altitude in the sky.

"The density of Spirit Energy is higher now… But it's nothing compared to the Wrathful Demonic Energy…"

He studied the energies in the atmosphere before he slightly sweated, "It's good that Wrathful Demonic Energies are still mixed and hidden inside Solar Energy."

If pure Spirit Energy and pure Demonic Energy had mixed together, he would be expecting numerous micro-explosions going off throughout the Crawford Empire.

"If there's an Energy Conversion Tower any close to the World Tree…" Leon stopped speaking.

He did not dare to imagine what kind of violent reaction would occur in the Grassland Region if there was one.

"Haiz, life is full of problems. Never mind. Let me purify the Capital first, then worry about these other problems later."

Shortly after shaking his head, Leon spread out his divine sense and summoned the power of Nihility Law, turning himself into a black hole that drew the surrounding energies towards him and devoured them.

"The range of Nihility is too short, limiting the cleansing speed. At this rate, It will take an entire day to cleanse the whole Capital—but I don't have an entire day." Leon frowned.

'Should I borrow the absorption power of the Divine Book of Life and swallow everything into the Worldspace?'

Leon only thought for a moment before quickly banishing the thought.

'No, it's too risky. The world is filled with hidden dragons and crouching tigers… Drawing unwanted attention to myself is not wise if I cannot defend my treasure.'