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Protagonist's Evil System: My Girlfriend Turned Into A Dragon

Chapter 84 Domain Is Broken, Now What?
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"Okay, we need to go there now! Do you know which way is the closest?" Lucas asked him.

"Yes, it's behind the forest."

"Then, let's go!"

They ran through the woods, following the direction Notru had given them, and they found themselves near a lake. Lucas and Notru stopped in front of it and looked at each other.

"Do you think we should jump in?"

"I don't know, we need to check for sure."

"Well, I can't swim, so I'll stay here until you come back," Notru whispered.

Lucas shook his head and grabbed the boy's shoulder, "no, you're coming with me,"

"Why? Don't you trust me?"

"Of course not, I just want to make sure that you won't drown," Lucas replied sarcastically.

The boy sighed and nodded, "okay."

Lucas led him to the water and the boy hesitated at first, but then he stepped into the lake. Lucas watched him carefully, making sure that the water didn't reach his neck, but Notru kept moving his feet towards the bottom of the lake.

"That wasn't a good idea," Lucas said and got to his feet, "come on!"

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Notru stood up and followed him to the shore. Lucas helped him out of the water and took a towel from his bag.

"Let's go, we have to move!" Lucas said.

They left the lake and walked further, following Notru's directions. After walking for some time, Lucas asked him, "how far are we from the domain?"

"It's near."

"So, we only need to keep going straight?"

"Yes," Notru answered and Lucas nodded.

They started running and reached a small hill, where Notru pointed at the sky. Lucas looked up and saw a dark spot, "that's it!"

"We're almost there!" Notru exclaimed.

They went down the hill and Notru felt something moving around his feet, "what's that?"

"Do you feel it?" Lucas asked him.

"This is it. The domain is above us," Notru explained.

Lucas looked up again and saw many black dots circling the sky.

"Which one?" Lucas asked and Notru pointed at a big one.

"That's the domain!"

"Can you take us to the top?" Lucas asked Renexa who was following them from behind.

During his whole observation and long conversation with Renexa, he found out that if he learns how to save his physical strength and control his breathing, he will be able to keep Renexa in a pigeon form next to him.

The bird absorbs a lot of his energy and steals his mana, but it comes  handy to him to have it next to him flying around. This also proves that Lucas was getting physically stronger.

The system was finally being helpful for once, but that made Lucas question its motives once more, 'why was it so obedient this time, something was definitely wrong.' It didn't make sense to him why was it so nice to him.

Judging from the knowledge it shared with Lucas, he assumed that something was against the system's power, something was happening without the system's knowledge.

The disappearance of Kalaini and Kali made Lucas worried, the fight he just had with a strange-looking man he saw for the first time also made him keep his guard up.

The system mentioned the organisation called 'Raven' but didn't say much about the domain his teammates were stuck in right now.

They walked pretty far to be able to catch it, and the system refused to tell him more about it, which made Lucas assume that it was Izek's power and that the system was powerless against it.

It decided not to talk about how it could help him destroy the domain but spoke of a woman he never heard of, "something is telling me that we should be quick with this one," Lucas spoke slowly while glancing through his shoulder.

"Don't worry," Notru looked confident.

Lucas couldn't believe that the boy he just saw crying an hour ago, was standing all brave before him.

Notru was still a huge mystery to him, and so were his powers too but the only ones with the answers were his three teammates stuck in the domain created by Izek.

Even if Kali was his priority, Lucas had to rescue the three of his friends first to be able to find Kali.

"Do you know how we can rescue them?" Lucas's pupils turned smaller after looking at the bright blue sky and shiny sun, "this is really bad for my eyes," he whispered and put one of his hands on his forehead.

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"This should help," a pleasant memory went through his mind, reminding him how he was putting his hands on Mina's head to help her avoid the sunburn on her face.

"Notru, I think, I know what I should do," Lucas spoke to the boy again.

"And what is that?" Notru turned to him, as his eyes were filled with sparkles.

"With a count of three, I will need you to step back, as I will ask Renexa to use her wings and throw her glass into the domain," Lucas smirked.

"1...." He started counting immediately without waiting.

"2...." That took Notru by surprise and he immediately started to walk backwards without looking what was behind him, "3!" Lucas finished counting and shouted, "Renexa, attack!"

The bird who was of in a small size swung its wings and released the glass ball at an incredible speed.

Lucas and Notru covered their heads with their hands, trying to protect themselves from the flying stone. They tried to look over the side of their hands and saw the ball shattering in the air and surrounding the black domain where Notru claimed Lucas's teammates were.

"Wow, I didn't think she could do that!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Yes, I'm surprised too!" Notru said and they both started smiling at the same time.

Lucas put his hand on Notru's shoulder and turned him towards him, "you did great!

The domain that was flying in the air, started to fall down faster and the two friends watched it until the whole thing crashed on the ground.

Lucas took a deep breath and looked at the inside of the dark domain, "let's go!"

Notru nodded and led the way, while Lucas was following him closely. As he walked, he noticed a red light coming from domain, "I think it's opening!" He exclaimed.

The big dark gate opened and his three teammates that were stuck inside came out of it, what surprised Lucas, Xina was holding a snake on her shoulder, "took you long enough!"