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RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse-Novel

Chapter 467 Two Teams Of Two
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--AN) More on the way--

"I am sorry, but you have yet to explain what you mean by the gates of the underworld." Josline's grandfather asked. He understood whatever it was, was bad, but he did not know what exactly it was.

"I will explain from here." Ishtar stood up and walked over, and stood next to Lillia. Lillia nodded and let Ishtar take the floor. "The gates of the underworld are just that. They lead to the world of the dead that has many devils living there.

"In this place, there is no law. You are either killed or the killer. This is just how it is. You can think of the reglios, which are called Keegs there, as the man on the bottom. They are one of the weakest forms of devils. How they came to this world, I do not know, but if they were to open the gates to the underworld. Not only would those who have died long ago flood into this world and become something similar to a demi god, or worse yet, a god, the higher ranking devils will begin to flood in as well. This will be the worst case scenario. We can only hope to stop them before they do." Ishtar bowed her head slightly before moving to sit down again.

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Lillia once more stood up and looked at everyone. "As Sister Ishtar has stated, the reglios are much more of an issue than we had originally thought. So we must form truces with even our biggest enemies."

"I understand. So this is why the Lord went out and saved the dragonic clan." Josline's grandfather finally understood the entire situation.

"Yes, Blake did not want to allow the reglios the ability to collect any more souls. The more souls they gain, the more chances they have at achieving their goals. So, for now, we will do as I just stated. Any objections?" Lillia asked as she looked at the people at the long table. Not a single person objected, which meant they could go ahead with these plans. "Then we will start with the clans closes to us."

"Um…. Lillia, we have already sent messengers to the beastkin clan and the human clan led by Grace." Bret informed. He did not know if she knew this or not.

"Then we will send a messenger to the elven clan as well as the fairy clan." Lillia hoped that these two clans would not end up trying to kill the messengers she sent out.

"I will go to the fairy clan. My father, the fairy tyrant, can no longer hold a candle to me. So there is no problem with me dealing with him." Mina nominated herself for this mission. She knew her father would end up trying to kill whoever was sent.

"I will go to the elven clan. While my brother hates my guts, there is no one there who poses a threat to me." Noa was now a demigod now that she could use astral magic. On top of being a drakani now made it possible for her to deal with anything that the elven clan threw at her.

"You two need Blake's permission to leave the base. If he says yes, then we will go with that." Lillia would not make decisions like one of her sisters leaving the city without Blake's permission. There was a big difference between sending someone from the military than one of her sisters. Of course, this did not mean that the girls could not leave and do the things that needed to be done when Blake was not around since they had to handle all the decisions at that time, but when he was home, it was up to him on how they should go about it.

With the meeting now adjourned, Lillia, Mina, and Noa went to visit Blake, who was still confined to his bed. "So that is what is happening."

Blake's brow creased. He did not like his wives going out by themselves. "Go in twos. If you go in twos, then I can allow it. I would go myself, but as you can see…."

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"Alright, we will go in twos."  Noa leaned over and kissed Blake. This was followed by Mina.

"You are such a worry wart, you princess goddess picker!" Mina smiled as she hovered over Blake.

"Just be safe. If you feel something is off, return here immediately. I do not want any of you to come to harm." Blake held his head. He was still feeling weak.

"We will be sure to stay safe."

It was decided that Faana would go with Mina while Clance would go with Noa. The elven clan was the farthest away, so this would cut down travel time by a lot for now and Clance. They could then teleport over to Mina and Faana's position using tracking magic to get their location. Ishtar and Nanaya would also be keeping an eye on them. They could also open a portal between the two locations if needed to allow people to move from one location to the other to transfer over any refugees. Or if anything unexpected happened. This was all set up by Lillia, who wanted to make sure Blake did not need to worry so much. With things set, the two groups left Destiny City.

Outside, a white stone wall that rose high into the sky. Noa and Clance appeared at a tree line near this wall. "They really made a lot of progress…."

"It was to be expected the last time my father built up a palace was when we were sent into the void. With the help of many elves, they created the entire palace and temporary residents for the clan in a matter of three days. But that was when my father cared about the citizens. I doubt this would still be the same now." Noa had not been here at all since she exited the void. She had no idea how things were now with the clan.

The two began walking towards the gate. Noa could just break through the barrier surrounding the entire city, but she did not want to cause too much of a scene. So she planned to enter from the front and request an audience with her father.