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Re: Evolution Online-Novel

Chapter 637 What now?
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Chapter 637 What now?

Liam instantly knew that he had hit jackpot. This was the person that he had been looking for all this time.

And he also knew that he had to act fast. The barbarian in front of him was Level 54. So he might not be as strong as the chief but he could easily become just that powerful with the weird skill.

Liam did not want to take any chances. He immediately rained down hell on the barbarian, giving him a taste of all of his powerful attacks.

He was not going to repeat the same mistake again.

Before the guy even had a chance to take the next breath, the barbarian was dead and his soul floated to Liam's hand casually.

He ignored the other souls and started harvesting this one at full speed. A few minutes later, a brand new soul minion stood tall in front of him.

"Tell me everything you know."

"Raaa!" The barbarian shouted angrily. He shook and trembled and made a constipated face as if he was trying to get out something but his mouth was running off on its own.

"Bloodlust. I use my bloodlust and anger to become stronger."

"Hmmm? And how do you do that?"

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The barbarian shook his head. He had no answer for that.

"Is there some sort of special skill or training method?"

"Yes, beast land. We train there to unlock our strength."

"Oh?" Jackpot! Now Liam was more curious. "Tell me more about this beast land."

"The beast land is located at the center of the barbarian territory. It is heavily guarded at all times because this is our clan treasure."

Liam nodded and the soul undead continued, "Inside the beast land, we undergo hellish training. We can only fight with our hands and nothing more."

"We train there. We become stronger. We become powerful. We cannot be touched by magic or trickery! We rely only on our strength! Raaaa!"

The undead became really emotional as he began recollecting the details of the training. Unfortunately, the guy did not know much more.

All he knew was that the first round of training involved fighting with beasts. He hadn't passed even the first round so his knowledge stopped here.

Liam listened to the guy for a few more seconds and then began to consider the situation. There were two main issues for him.

One was that this said beast land was located in the middle of the barbarian territory so it would take a lot of effort on his part to get there.

Secondly, he also did not know just how useful this secret technique might be for him. This low-level lackey did not know more details about the technique itself and the more he understood it, it struck him as an innate ability of the barbarians.

So even if he took the effort to reach the center of the enemy's territory, it could be pointless and there were other things he needed to do first.

Thinking about it for another minute, Liam suddenly asked the barbarian another question. "Do you know your way out of this wilderness?"


Back in the Gresh Kingdom, the entire trade city was abuzz with hot news. In fact, the entire world was talking about this astonishing news.

All of a sudden in 'Evolution Online' another S Rank guild had shown up out of nowhere!

Every single player inside the game was currently discussing this new development. One of the top guilds in the game at the moment, Crimson Abyss was the only guild to obtain this rank. So they held a massive advantage over every other guild.

This difference in strength was so drastic that even several guilds combined couldn't shake the guild residence of Crimson Abyss. They chased away the top guilds of the Gresh Kingdom without a single casualty.

However, all of that had changed now. There was another guild with the same rank. This was huge game-altering news because now there was a chance for everyone to obtain the secret of upgrading their guild.

When it was just Crimson Abyss, no one was able to get this information but now there was a new guild in town, Abyssal Warriors.

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All the players from the top guilds across the various kingdoms, the government-associated guilds, and several corporation-associated guilds, everyone immediately scrambled to reach out to this new power.

Inside a restaurant in the divine city, Alex looked at the direct effect of this latest development and frowned. The number of players applying for their guild drastically reduced all in a day.

"Meh. Why do you care so much, sis?" Rey who was sitting in front of her mumbled with his mouth full of food. "We don't want a bloated guild, right? It's good to lose some of the fickle-minded people."

"Shut it and eat. You are spraying food everywhere." Alex sighed. She did not want to explain to this idiot. It might start out as decreasing number of applications but it was going to end with something else.

"Why do you look so worried, sis?" Rey asked again in confusion.

But this time Alex gave him a proper reply or rather she was simply thinking out loud. "Hmmm… there might be another guild war soon. With Liam away, we need to make preparations well in advance for this."

"Oh?" Rey nodded with seriousness after understanding the gist of it. What his sister said wasn't far-fetched at all. Though he might not know to think ahead like her, he could understand this much.

"What do we do now, sis?"

"Hmmm… Nothing. We are already preparing for the worst so there is no need to change anything. But perhaps… we can do some arrangements."

She stared silently at her message list for a while and then clicked on a certain message that she had received a while back.

Rey peered over to look at it and when he saw whose name it was, he gulped in shock. They were going to contact their enemy?


Bonus Chapter~

Please thank Kingrig for sponsoring this bonus chapter~