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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 363 Growth And Development
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2 weeks after the swearing-in ceremony…

Geralt had a humble look on his face as he stood before the President.

Alongside the Vice President at the high seats, there was High Official Legolas, High Official Newton, and High Official Eleanor. While below were other distinguished individuals in Planet Darvis who attended this special occasion.

After 2 weeks since the swearing-in ceremony, the President finally decided on the next High Official of Planet Darvis who would take his Vice's position.

After accepting the physical mantle of authority as a High Official from the president which was a mini Axe made using the newly mined Arcanite, Geralt turned to face the spectators as he raised his right hand and swore.

"I, Geralt Silvertongue, do swear in the name of God and all Supers that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of our beloved Planet as by law established and that I will discharge the duty upon which I am about to enter".

"I will do my outmost best to defend the interests of the planet".

"…" Legolas' lips twitched. "Such blatant plagiarism".

"He almost used the same words as the Vice President".

Only a few people heard this but they laughed nonetheless.

With that, Geralt became the new 4th High Official of Planet Darvis.

Since becoming the President, it seemed that President Shanks was determined to never rest. In his words, no one knew when the Nak f*ckers would suddenly attack, this was the time of preparation and development.

While preparing for the upcoming cataclysm, they needed to implement measures for the planet to grow and develop rapidly to meet the benchmark.

According to him, without meeting a certain benchmark, Planet Darvis had no chances of resisting the cataclysm and was why he worked so hard.

Geralt's appointment was not done inside the Presidential Villa which was called the Super Palace, instead it was done inside the new headquarters of the Core Protector Alliance which was completed just a few days ago.

Though they only had a few weeks to thoroughly study it yet, the more they studied it, the more the scientists knew the incredible properties of Arcanite.

This prompted President Shanks to accelerate the development of the Core Protection headquarters, and today immediately after Geralt's appointment, the 2nd star of the day came to the stage in the form of the new Daemon.

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After the battle of Hellfire Mountains, the Necromancy King was no longer that vicious skeleton. Having been forced to shed his body during the war, in his quest to restore his body, he decided to go for a more conventional one.

Shedding his Lich body broke the previous limits on his soul as a Necromancer. After a month, Daemon gained a new clean human body.

Due to his contributions in the war, and everything else that followed, he earned the President's favor, Daemon stood before the President.

President Shanks shook his hands and looked into his eyes. "Daemon, you taught me that our situations and forms does not determine our hearts".

"You are a Necromancer but you have a good heart".

"You are extremely knowledgeable about our planet and our resources".

"Now, I want you to use your bountiful knowledge to serve the Planet".

"Today, I appoint you as the new Core Protector of the Core Protection Alliance".

Cheers and applause erupted after the President appointed him.

Core Protector Daemon occupied the stage a bit after his appointment as he gave a brief speech about his commitment to the President's cause. After a brief thank you and others, he finally left the stage.

Geralt and Daemon's appointment heralded the rapid growth that followed in Planet Darvis. Under President Shank's leadership, the planet thrived.

With Grade C powerhouses now leading the planet, more emphasis was put on military might and individual strength.

In just about a month since the President's swearing-in, under President Shanks' direction, more supers were produced in the Planet than were produced in the past 2 years combined.

Even as new homes were built for all those who lost their homes in the war, and as those who lost loved ones were compensated, a week later after Core Protector Daemon's appointment and another big event took place.

After taking their time, the Landmark Construction Company finally completed High Official Newton's project.

Again, President Shanks was present as the Chemist Haven was opened.

This chemist organization which became a branch to his Elementalist Academy became the anchor for Newton's redemption.

After being selfish for so many centuries and taking so much from the planet, he finally wanted to pay back what he gained and give back to the planet.

On the first day alone, more than 2000 applicants were admitted into the haven for chemists where they could learn Newton's techniques and specialties.

This big event was still not the capping event of this period of explosive growth, the event that capped it all was the opening of the Nightmare Army, Legolas' organization that had been on the work for months.

"What do you think of the organization?" Legolas asked curiously as he looked at the mirror, admiring his mature red attire.

"It will become the biggest in Planet Darvis". Heimdall declared seriously.

"It will become powerful". King Nagakin chipped in.

"I don't know by how much, but it will become powerful".

Legolas turned to look at the Frost Giant. "That answer is too vague".

The Frost Giant remained serious though. "I decided to follow you because I recognize your potential. Under your leadership, the Nightmare Army will grow rapidly, I am sure of it".

"My reason for saying just powerful is because our growth has no cap".

Heimdall snorted. "Just get on with it and say what you want".

"Why the need to use so many words to make it seem like you're smart?"

King Nagakin conveniently ignored the Shadow Elementalist without answering. Instead, he continued speaking on the potential of the organization.

Months ago, King Nagakin and Heimdall made their decision to join Legolas' faction. While the headquarters of the Nightmare Army was being built, alongside Christensen, they were in charge of supervising the developments.

Now, they were about to reap the fruits of their labor.

"Guguwa…!" A familiar cute voice reverberated.


Blade opened the door and entered, the Titan baby was originally playing with a metallic toy but he paused as soon as he entered this room and saw the 3 familiar faces, he jumped in Blade's hand in excitement the next moment.

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"Gu…, dada!"


Uranus exclaimed excitedly as he tried to squirm away from Blade's hands.

Blade frowned. "You're becoming stubborn these days, stay in one place!"

He forcefully held the Titan baby down; this came with repercussions though.

"Bu…" Uranus sniffed as the atmosphere instantly turned tense.

"Wahhh….!!!" He wailed.


Uranus barely cried when Heimdall shadow-teleported behind Blade, landing a kick at his back before snatching the baby away.

"Ouch!" Blade rubbed his back grievingly.

Heimdall ignored him. "That's my baby Uranus, now say Uncle!"

"Uncle!" Uranus cheered as he wiped his tears.

He turned to look at Blade and giggled, the Pugilist snorted.

As the old Shadow Elementalist played with the baby Titan, Blade went up to meet Legolas. "Most of the guests are already in place, including Mr. President".

"We need to go".

"Ok, just a minute".

Exactly a minute later, they all left the room outside.

