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Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 31-40
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Chapter 31: The Unsolvable Criminal Case

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Of course!”

Chen smiled calmly, “I have been to Dafeng jewelry shop. It is located in the middle of the city. He’s got quite a huge plot there. Besides, the interior design of the shop is very luxurious as well. This kind of shop is like a rare hidden gem. I will not miss this golden opportunity.”

“Master, you are really wise! I will check on it, right now!” Jing Fei nodded his head.

“Alright! Off you go.” Chen waved his hand and went back to the campus.

He went to the cafeteria to eat something. Then, he headed off to the field to work out for half an hour. When Chen went back to the dorm, the three roommates of his, who would usually be found dozing off, were instead moving around animatedly around the room.

“Third brother! Come here, third brother! Your love rival is in some kind of trouble!” Zhou quickly informed Chen.

“My love rival?” Chen was really puzzled.

“It’s Shi Mingwei! His jewelry shop was robbed!” Li quickly explained.

“Mind your words please! That thing is not qualified to become my love rival.” Chen laughed condescendingly.

“Stop laughing! Come here and check it out! This is some crazy and weird robbery case!” Zhang said in rush.

Chen walked over to the computer and saw different titles displayed on the website.

[Dafeng jewelry shop shrouded in mystery and mayhem! All jewelry taken! Over a hundred million lost!]

[The lock was not damaged; all ten surveillance cameras could not capture any image!]

[Thousands of jewelries disappeared into the thin air! This is the real life “Now you see me”!]

[The police have zero clues about this case. The most mysterious burglary ever!]

[The owner; Shi Dafeng vomited blood, fainted, and sent to intensive care unit!]

[Rumor has it that Shi Dafeng owes the bank hundred million. He has no way to return the money. Will face bankruptcy soon!]


Three of Chen’s roommates were stunned when they read all those titles. It will never cross their minds that Chen was the mastermind of this mysterious heist. Chen looked calm and casual. Everything is under his control. He saw this coming.

Chen had two periods of class with Lin. Chen purposely sat at the front row. He stared at Lin whenever he could, during the class. Lin had to finish the class with her red, embarrassed face lowered.

After lunch, Jing Fei called Chen. He mentioned that he had already figured out the whole thing. But, it seemed really urgent. He had to meet Chen personally. At the same time, Shi Dafeng had just woken up in the intensive care unit of Green Vince city hospital. However, he almost passed out again when he received another piece of bad news.


Shi Dafeng put on his ferocious face and scolded, “The bank assessed my jewelry shop at one hundred million Yuan! And, now the highest bid is only at eighty million? All these f*cking animals!”


Shi Mingwei nodded and said sadly, “I received a lot of phone calls when you were out cold. All of them tried to take advantage of the situation. None of them are willing to help us...”

“How about Elder Wang and Elder Zhang? Did you try to contact them? They are my blood bothers!” Shi Dafeng asked.

Shi Mingwei nodded, “Yes, I contacted them. Uncle Wang turned off his cellphone. Uncle Zhang picked up the call but he’s only willing to offer fifty million Yuan...”


Shi Dafeng vomited another mouthful of blood when he heard the bad news. He scolded, “F*ck their mothers! F*ck their fathers! F*ck their ancestors! They were my blood brothers! I can’t believe that they would treat me like a piece of shit during my hardship!”

“Uncle, don’t be angry. Have a cup of warm water.” Bing held a cup of warm water in her hand and walked towards Shi Dafeng.


Shi Dafeng slapped her hand and the cup dropped to the ground. He scolded, “You f*cking bitch! What the f*ck are you talking about?! I’m going to be broke soon! Why are you making me angry again?!”

“No... Uncle. I did not mean to make you angry...” Bing was startled.

“Why the f*ck are you calling me your uncle?! I’m not even close to you! Get the f*ck away from me!” Shi Dafeng roared.

“I...” Bing felt wronged in her heart. Her eyes started to tear up.

“Stop acting! Initially, I did not approve of my son having a relationship with you! Your f*cking face brings bad luck to our family! Since you became Shi Mingwei’s girlfriend, misfortune upon misfortune has been hammering us down!”

“Mingwei, I want you to break up with her, right now!” Shi Dafeng said mercilessly.

“Uncle, are you kidding me?”

Bing was completely stunned and she said anxiously, “Mingwei! I believe that you will not break up with me, right? You told me that you love me a lot.”

Shi Mingwei’s face was blank.

A few moments later, he said, “I think that we should break up. Look at what happened to my family. Please return me the eight hundred thousand that I lent your father earlier on, to start off his business. I want it back, as soon as possible.”


Bing’s pupils fluttered and her legs went soft. She sank to the ground and said, “My dad has already spent the money. There’s nothing that I can return to you.”

Shi Mingwei gave her an ice-cold stare and said condescendingly, “Use your flesh to earn money if you do not have any cash with you right now. My cousin has a number of brothels. You are actually quite pretty. I think you should be able to be one of the star girls.

“What? You... You are asking me to become a hooker?”

The void quickly filled up Bing’s eyes. She never thought that Shi could be such a cruel man. But, she thought again. Earlier, she did the exact same thing to Chen. This was retribution.


All of a sudden, Shi Dafeng’s cellphone rang.

“Hello? Lawyer Fang? What? Is someone willing to pay a hundred million to buy my shop? He can pay right away?”

Joy quickly filled Shi Dafeng. He said, “Great! I’m willing! I’m willing to sell the shop! Bring me the contract. I can sign it right now! I’ll be waiting for you at the hospital.”

“Dad! Is there someone who is willing to pay us one hundred million?” Shi Mingwei was getting really excited as well.

“Yes! That’s right!”

Shi Dafeng nodded, “I can clear the debt from the bank with this one hundred million. As long as the police retrieve all the lost jewelries for us, we can definitely start all over again!”

“Great! This is so great!”

Shi Mingwei was filled with unlimited hope. He said, “If we can escape this shitty situation, I believe that good things will happen to our family soon.

Bing sat on the ground, her expression formed by a zombified mask. Her face was deathly pale. She knew clearly that she would never be able to lay her fingers on Shi’s money after they start all over again. If Shi really forced her to return the eight hundred thousand Yuan, becoming a hooker would be the only way to clear off the debt. Shi’s cousin; Dabiao, was the famous mafia boss on the west side of this city. He had at least a hundred followers. Bing did not dare protest any further.

A half an hour later, a man with golden frame glasses walked into the ICU. He was the lawyer that called Shi Dafeng just now.

“Boss Shi, Hello!”

Fang went straight to the point and took out the contract. He said, “This is the contract that I had written earlier. Please read. Sign it if you have no problems with it.”

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Chapter 32: Tycoon Chen

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Fine! Let me see...” Shi Dafeng was a smart man. He spent around ten minutes to finish reading the contract.

“I have no problems with this contract. I’m signing it right away!”

Shi Dafeng couldn’t wait to finish signing the contract. Then, he asked, “Fang, may I know which boss would like to purchase my shop? I need to show him my gratitude!”

“Hold on, Boss Shi. My client will be here soon.” Fang lawyer said.

“Quick! Go and make some tea, Mingwei! This person is our savior! We must thank him properly!” Shi Dafeng said excitedly.

“Save the trouble. I’m not going to drink your tea.” Chen entered the room slowly.

“You son of a bitch! Who the hell allowed you to enter this room?” Shi Mingwei scolded angrily.

“Master Shi, please watch your words. Mr. Chen is my client! If you attack him with your words again, I will start pressing charges!” Fang warned him sternly.

“What?!” Shi Dafeng, Shi Mingwei, and Yao Bingbing were all so shocked when they heard lawyer Fang’s claim. They never thought that Chen would be the one who is purchasing Shi Dafeng’s shop. How was it possible for a low-life farmer to come up with one hundred million? This was unbelievable!

“Mr. Chen, please sign this contract. I will follow up with the rest of the matter.” Fang walked towards Chen and handed the contract to him. Without a second thought, Chen signed the contract immediately. The contract was immediately placed in effect.

“Lawyer Fang, sorry for troubling you. I will transfer the one million Yuan fee to your bank account later.” Chen smiled casually.

“You are most welcome. It’s my pleasure to serve you. I hope we can work together again in the future!” Fang lawyer bowed in front of Chen. His attitude towards Chen was extremely polite and respectful. Chen had been introduced to Fang by Uncle Qin. Also, the fees that Chen paid to Fang lawyer were much higher than the standard marker price. Naturally, Fang lawyer would give his best services to Chen.

“Bastard! Quit being so happy! With your one hundred million, I will be able to clear my debt! When I retrieve back all my lost jewelry and start over again, I will make sure you pay for what you have done to our family!” Shi Dafeng said angrily.

He blamed Chen for what happened to him. The whole Shi family saw Chen as the mastermind behind his recent failure. They would most definitely have their revenge.

“Hehehe... I hope you will be able to retrieve your lost jewelry soon!” Chen smiled and he shook his cellphone unconsciously. All the lost jewelry was in his treasure chest. Even if Shi Dafeng dug his way to the core of the Earth, he would never be able to locate his lost jewelry.

“Chen! Help me... Help me please...” Bing crawled to Chen and hugged his leg tightly with her two arms.

“Hehe... What do you want this time?” Chen stared at her coldly. Chen had zero feeling towards this bitch.

“Please lend me eight hundred thousand Yuan... Shi Mingwei is going to make me work as a hooker... I’m still a student... My life will be destroyed if I work as a hooker... Please help me...” Bing cried and said.

“Eight hundred thousand Yuan is nothing to me. But, why should I help you?” Chen asked in an ice-cold voice.

“Chen, what I did to you was all my fault. I’m apologizing to you right now. I want to become your woman again. I don’t mind becoming a mistress as well! Please! Forgive me!” Bing threw away all her dignity to borrow money from Chen.

“Get the f*ck away from me! You are not even qualified to lick my shoes!” Chen swiftly withdrew his leg and Bing fell to the ground.

“Chen! I beg you... No one else will help me...” Bing begged piteously.

“Fine! I will give you a chance!”

“I remembered telling you earlier, that someday you will kneel in front of me, full of regret over your actions,” Chen said condescendingly.

“That I do, I truly do regret it all...” Without a second thought, Bing knelt on all fours, her forehead touching the ground. She sobbed, snot coming out from her nose. Actually, this was not the first time she felt extreme regret for breaking up with Chen earlier on.

However, no matter how regretful she was, Chen would never go back to her.




Chen wrote ‘eight hundred thousand’ on a piece of cheque and threw it at Bing. With this, he completely cut off all ties with Bing. Just like two parallel lines that will never meet.

Finally, Chen released all his piled-up emotion and knot inside his heart. If there was any way of describing how Chen felt right now; ‘Oh yes!’ Chen turned around and left the room. The room was filled with stunned folks. He was too cool to be true.

Chen felt refreshed and relieved when he exited the hospital.

“Master. You look really pleased, I’m sure everything went by smoothly!” Jing Fei rushed to Chen, basking in his master’s happiness.

“Well, I decided to wrap things up myself. Of course, it would go without a hitch!”

Chen smiled, “You contributed a lot in this matter as well. Say it. What do you want as a reward? I can buy you a car, or even a house! Just name it!”

“It’s my job to serve you. I don’t want any cars or houses. May I... May I have one more piece of the dog food that you gave me last time?” Jing Fei asked. He even gulped, a most puppy-like expression on his face.

“What the hell? Is it really that yummy? Its worth way more than any car or house!” Chen was tempted to try one himself.

But then, he thought again and shook his head, “This dog food is extremely important! I only have two of them left! I can’t use them up for no reason.”

“Fine...” Jing Fei looked rather disappointed.

However, his loyalty towards Chen would never go down. After a few seconds, he was back to normal again. He said, “Master, what should we do next?”

Chen thought and said, “I still have nine million in my account. Since I mentioned a house and car, let’s go and buy a few luxurious cars for ourselves! Then, let’s find the best interior design company to furnish my new bungalow! I can invite my parents to stay with me after I settle these two matters.”

After that, they grabbed a cab.

Chen asked the cab driver with the demeanor of a filthy rich man, “Where can I buy the most luxurious cars in this town?”

The cab driver thought for a while and mentioned to them that there was a car show happening in the town. Then, he sent them over to the car show. There were the three most important things in a car show; nice cars, beautiful women, and rich men.

Jing Fei was like a maniac after he entered the car show. He kept on laying his eyes on those skimpily dressed models. Chen had spent quite some time with Lan. Thus, he had no interest towards all those ordinary girls. Chen went straight to the car that he wanted. With the thought of driving his parents to this city himself, an SUV was a must for him. After some time, he had his eyes fixed on a Bentley, Bentayga. Chen had no idea how to choose a good car. All he believed was that the more expensive the car, the better the car. The Bentley, Bentayga cost four million and nine hundred and eighty thousand Yuan. It was the most expensive SUV among all the displayed SUV.

“Salesperson! I’m buying this car!”

Chen activated his filthy rich man aura and everyone at the car show was shocked.

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Chapter 33: Whatever The Price Is, Makes No Difference to Me

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chen took out his credit card and enjoyed the attention given by the people around him. However, all he received were people giving him cold stares, thinking that he was some kind of idiot. Worst off was the salesperson. Not only did he act like a scum bag, but he mocked Chen as well. He said mockingly, “Douche bag! Are you sent here by monkeys? This is not a circus! You can’t perform here! This car costs four million nine hundred and eighty thousand Yuan! Not four hundred and ninety-eight Yuan! Get the f*ck out from here! Stop acting like you have the money to buy it!”


Without waiting for orders from Chen, Jing Fei stepped forward and backhanded the salesperson’s face. Jing Fei was an elite in the latter phase of the human body’s enlightenment. His combat power was one freaking thousand! The salesperson was sent flying, four to five meters from where he stood earlier. His face was so swollen that his parents would not recognize him. Blood and a few broken teeth came out from his mouth.

“Assault, call the cops!”

“Shut up! Do you have a death wish? That skinny guy possesses enormous strength! He’s definitely a Kung Fu elite!”

“Oh my God! That handsome young man is protected by someone this powerful! Who the hell is he?”

“Only God knows his real identity! We can’t afford to offend him!”

People around Chen started to get really restless. All of them were afraid of Jing Fei. At the same, they were trying to make some guesses about Chen’s real identity.

“What happened? What happened?” A middle-aged man with a serious, grave look ran towards them.

“Manager Wu! He... He hit me...” The salesperson covered up his face and complained to his manager.

“Cut the crap! You should be honored that my master chose to buy from this place! However, your mouth was so full of shit! You brought this upon yourself!” Jing Fei roared softly.

His deadly, cold aura filled the whole place instantly. He was like a snake that released a great deal of fear inducing pheromones. Manager Wu was smart enough to notice that Jing Fei was no ordinary person. Also, Jing Fei was addressing Chen as his master. Although this young and handsome man; Chen was dressed rather unremarkably, he had to be someone.

“Sir, our salesperson offended you just now. I hope you can look past that. We will definitely reprimand him later.” Manager Wu bowed politely in front of Chen and said.

“Cut the crap! Here’s my card!” Chen handed the credit card to the manger impatiently. His filthy rich aura flooded the atmosphere immediately. Those who gave Chen ice cold stares earlier were blinded by Chen’s golden light.

“Oh my god! That car costs four million and nine hundred eighty thousand Yuan. He’s just casually swiping it!”

“This young man must be on a Godly level!”

“Glitterati, can I be your friend?”


Everyone around him was completely stunned. The salesperson who mocked Chen earlier was crawling behind the counter. He was afraid that Chen might make him paid for what he did.

“May I know your name? Sir?” Manager Wu asked fearfully.


“Alright. Master Chen. Please hold on for a while. I will get back to your shortly.” Manger Wu ran and got a credit machine to Chen. He put in Chen’s credit card and asked Chen to key in his password.

When the transaction was completed, manager Wu smiled and said, “Thank you for your purchase! Just let me know if you have other needs! I will definitely make sure that you get the best service.”

“I would like to buy another Sedan car. The best, premium, deluxe, model of the same brand. Also, a supercar.” Chen said calmly. Everyone was amazed by his quick purchase decision.


Manager Wu’s anus quickly tensed up, as he professionally kept a straight face and said politely, “The price of the premium edition Sedan car costs five million and nine hundred and eighty thousand Yuan. It was designed and hand-crafted by the best car designer in the world...”

“Just take my card!”

Chen just repeated the same thing. He was not here for all the connoisseur lingo. Those few words managed to create a nuclear explosion in everyone’s hearts. Every single person around him was extremely jealous of him. They felt like Chen was from a totally different world. They had nothing to compare to him. Chen keyed in the password again, and five million and nine hundred eighty thousand Yuan was deducted from his account.

Chen didn’t even blink his eyes when he saw part of the money disappearing from his account. He said calmly, “The SUV is for me to drive my old folks around. The Sedan car would be theirs to drive. The supercar is for me. Perfect!”

“May I know, what kind of supercar model are you looking for?” Manager Wu asked politely while bowing down to Chen.

Chen shrugged and said, “Honestly, I’m not good at picking cars. Just show me the most expensive supercar you have here.”

“Errrrr... Please follow me.” Manager Wu was so anxious that his shirt was now stuck to his back, plastered by a layer of sweat. He felt as if he was speaking to an otherworldly creature.

“Jing Fei! Stop staring at the showgirls! Let’s go!” Chen summoned Jing Fei. He quickly grabbed his butt and rushed to Chen.

“Master Chen. Please have look at that supercar. It’s a Bugatti Veyron! There are only three of it in our country! And only one in Green Vine City!” Manager Wu pointed at the elevated showcase in front of him.

On the stage, there was a jet black supercar. The curve of its body was perfect. Its design radiated with power. The color was dark and mysterious. It was like a mysterious phantom that emanated a powerful aura.

Chen took a look at it and he was moved by it. Then, he said, “This is the one! Take my money!”

“Yes! I will do it right now!” Manager Wu had a broad grin on his face. He ran to the counter. However, he was shoved aside by someone.

“Why did you push me?” Manager Wu furiously stared at the young man who pushed him.

Two men, the size of grizzlies appeared behind him all of the sudden. They donned suits and shades. Manager Wu was so startled that he almost wet himself.

“What do you mean, I pushed you? You freaking blocked my way! You are lucky that I did not kick you in the ass!” The young man snapped.

“Wen? Wenfeng? You are the inheritor of Wen family; Master Feng?”

“Hehehe... Other than me; the richest second generation of Green Vine City, no one else can afford a Bugatti Veyron in this city!” Wenfeng pompously drawled.

“But... Master Chen wants to buy this car as well...” Manager Wu awkwardly turned around to look at Chen.

“Master Chen?” Wenfeng followed the manager’s gaze and his reaction got really interesting.

“You are looking at the right man! I’m Master Chen!” Chen put on a joker smile and walked towards Wenfeng.

“You? Master Chen? Stop fooling yourself!”

Wenfeng scolded, “A poor ass farmer shamelessly acting like a master?! Where is your dignity?!”

“What are you saying?! I dare you to say it again!” Jing Fei was being really protective. He was getting ready to beat up Wenfeng.

“Jing Fei, calm down.”

Chen stopped him and asked with a smile on his face, “So, Wenfeng, are you going to buy this car?”

“Cut the crap! Are you going to buy this car if I’m not buying it?” Wenfeng said condescendingly.

“Hehe... I wanted to buy this car earlier. Since you want to buy it as well, I will not fight you.” Chen shrugged and said.

“Hmph! You are not even qualified to fight with me! This car costs thirty-eight million! It’s not possible for poor asses like you to buy this car.” Wenfeng said arrogantly and his eyes were filled with despise towards Chen.

“Hehehe...” Chen smiled and did not say much after that. He stepped back.

“Master! Why you stop me from beating that son of the bitch?!” Jing Fei was infuriated.

“There are a lot of ways to teach someone a valuable lesson. I shall teach you how to do it...” Chen crossed his fingers and smiled evilly.

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Chapter 34: If You Can’t Afford It, Get Out.

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Jing Fei chuckled upon hearing Chen’s instructions.

He then walked over to Wenfeng casually, stole his wallet and threw it into a bin far away.

It was done so subtly that no one noticed what had happened.

Chen grinned, his hands behind his head, enjoying the show.

After a few minutes, Wenfeng had the deal done.

A beautiful hostess in evening gown then invited Wenfeng onto the stage, announcing, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention, please. This is an important moment!’

This attracted the people around the park, and a crowd quickly gathered around the stage.

In an instant, Wenfeng became the center of attraction, causing him to jut his chin out, running a hand over it, stroking his non-existent beard.

The beautiful hostess continued, ‘Just as everyone has heard, this limited edition Bugatti Veyron, with only 3 of it available in this country, will be welcoming its new owner – Mr. Wenfeng!’


This simple statement, like a ripple of waves, caused the crowd to become very excited.

“Damn! The real rich man is here!”

‘This car is worth thirty-eight million! I could never afford it – not even if I work for ten lifetimes!’

“Wenfeng is just too damn rich!”

“God, I envy him...”

On the stage, Wenfeng watched the crowd below him. He was like a king of kings, looking down at all the mortals from a higher place. This was just too damned awesome for him!

Having given Wenfeng the benefit of stroking his ego, the hostess said, “Right then, now let’s invite Mr. Wenfeng to make the transaction, so that everyone can witness your Wen family’s immense wealth.

“No problem!”

Wenfeng acted cool and reached for his wallet.

After a while, he froze.

“M... My... Where’s my wallet?” Wenfeng’s eyes widened and his jaw fell so wide open that you can put a fist in it.

Right in front of an eager crowd, his wallet had gone missing!

‘Mister... Mister Wenfeng, you, you are just kidding right?’ the hostess was getting impatient.

“No... My wallet was just here. I don’t understand.” Wenfeng could feel beads of cold sweat running down his face.

A minute ago, he was acting all mighty and cool; now, he looked like a complete idiot.

Standing before the audience, he wished that he could bury his head in the sand.

“You insolvent bastard! If you can’t afford it, get off the stage!”

It was then, when Chen strolled up the stage, taking his own sweet time.

The casual statement was like an invisible slap. Wenfeng was being slapped around like an idiot.

“Who is this guy? He must be mad! Where did he get the balls to call Wenfeng poor?”

“I don’t know... He doesn’t dress like a wealthy progeny, but he is quite a looker though.”

“Looking at his actions, it seems like he wants to buy the car.”

“No way, there’s only a handful of second generation wealthy people in Green Vine, who else can afford it?”

The crowd below was extremely shocked and impressed.

Wenfeng’s face was green. He looked as if he had just swallowed a fly. His heart and liver were so twisted up but he can’t do anything about it. “Excuse sir, but who are you?” the hostess murmured.

Chen flashed a pose and uttered two words, “Card swipe!”

Damn son!

The crowd was dumbfounded.

Who got slapped after failing at acting cool?

Who was the powerfully handsome one?

What was insanely swag and cool?

Card swipe!

These two words were enough to create a huge impact.

“Please, go ahead, Mr. Chen!”

The sensible Director Wu immediately ran up the stage with a wireless credit card terminal and, with both hands, presented it to Chen.

Chen keyed in the pin number and, within a few seconds, spent another thirty-eight million!

He didn’t even bat an eyelid. Rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, Chen strutted down the stage, cool as hell.

It was a good minute before the crowd recovered from the shock, and exploded in babbles of disbelief.

“My goodness! Why does such powerful person exist on this earth?!”

“That was damn cool!”

“Tycoon, I want to give birth to a monkey for you...”

The assemblage was dumbfounded, abuzz and excited.

Only Wen Feng’s face was a dark cloud, anger bubbled in him like a volcano ready to erupt. He grit his teeth, “You shithead! You just wait and see. Today’s shame, you will experience tenfold! Ten! Fold!’

Later on.

Chen did not stay. He drove away immediately.

He piloted the supercar; Jing drove the jeep and Director Wu took the sedan.

Three super-expensive automobiles were shiny enough to blind the audiences. It attracted a lot of people to turn their heads around to gaze at the cars. I’m pretty sure my dear readers are now wondering, how did Chen know how to operate a car? He came from a poor village. Supposedly, he shouldn’t have had the chance to drive a car. However, Chen’s village leader owned a wood business. Chen’s father always helped the village leader to transport lumber to a designated location. Chen had always followed his father around. This was how Chen learned how to drive.

The law wasn’t so tight by then. Chen had spent around two thousand Yuan to purchase a driving license. He could finally use his license on the road today. After that, Chen made a call to Uncle Qin. He asked the contact number of the best interior design company. His priority now was to have his bungalow furnished. He wanted to invite his parent to stay with him after the bungalow turns into a real home.

The second task on his mind was to make some changes on Dafeng jewelry shop and changed its name. After Chen finished the call with Uncle Qin, he quickly rushed to the interior design company. With the introductions from Uncle Qin and driving in a super car with a tow luxurious cars tagging along, the owner of the interior design company personally waited outside to expect Chen’s arrival. The deal went smoothly between the boss and Chen.

Chen had two special requests.

“First, the design has to be oriental. You know, jade. Jade, everywhere. Dragons, and lions and turtles and crystal balls and feng shui? My parents are more used to the local culture. Secondly, I want the best of everything for my parents. The most important thing is that my parents can live comfortably.”

Finally, the boss gave a rough budget to Chen. It cost around twenty million! The price of the bungalow was thirty-five million. The cost for renovation was two-thirds of the price of the bungalow. This was definitely a luxurious way of doing things. Chen did not even bother to negotiate with the boss. He straight away paid two million upfront to the boss. He had promised himself that he would give the best to his parents.

After that, Jing Fei and manager Wu sent the cars back to the bungalow. Chen drove the supercar back to the school and parked at the school’s underground parking lot. Tomorrow was Lan’s grandma’s birthday party. He would definitely drive this car to the party.


At the Green Vine City police station, inside the director’s office.

“Director Liu, I have already transferred the ownership of the house on the east side of the city to you. You have to try your best to retrieve the lost jewelry. If I manage to start everything all over again, I will definitely reward you greatly.” Shi Dafeng stood there and asked, respectfully and politely.

Liu said impatiently, “I know! Leave now. You are disturbing me!”

“Erm...” Shi Dafeng was stunned. He gave a house away to him. He couldn’t believe that he had been asked to leave, after one sentence. Shi Dafeng scolded Liu’s ancestors incessantly within his heart.

However, he did not have the guts to show any dissatisfaction. Liu was the director of a police station. He had serious power. Even when Shi family was at its peak, none of them had the balls to offend him. Now, Shi family was at the bottom of the pit. They had nothing left.


The door of the director’s office was kicked opened all of a sudden.

Editor’s thoughts: Down goes the morals of our Chen, who started from humble beginnings. You know, I think this is how a gamer would act if he started activating trainers and cheat codes. Think about it. If you gave yourself infinite gold coins in a certain RPG via means of console commands/hacks/trainers, you would act similarly, I guess? Because deep down, you know, that you have already ruined that savefile in a way. His heavenly master better serve him some humble pie soon...

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Chapter 35: Police From The Six Doors Organization

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Who is this? Such rude manner!” Liu slammed the table in rage.

Liu held the throne above all in the police station! Anyone who had the balls to kick open his door must be planning to make a mess in this place! Shi Dafeng stretched his neck to take a peek at the brave soul who was crazy enough to kick the door. The two of them were stunned for a second. A woman who looked like the Anne Hathaway’s rendition of Catwoman from the Nolan Batman movie, strutted into Liu’s room.

She sported a pair of chic sunglasses and ten-meter-tall heels that emphasized her long lean legs. She was clad in a skin-tight leather top and pants — the jet-black attire giving her a supercilious disposition. The polished fabric hugged her voluptuous body, showing off every curve and bump, exuding a sultry and risqué allure. Liu and Shi’s stared at her, their eyes wide opened. When she removed her sunglasses, the two lascivious old men drooled even further. She was stunning beyond words! Absolutely breathtaking! Her facial features were delicate and exquisite — there was not a trace of defect her face! Her skin was fair and velvety, like snow and crystal jade: her beauty was beyond compare.


The woman lifted up her hand and gave Shi Dafeng a tight slap. Shi fell to the ground, one side of his face immediately swelling up.

“Don’t... Don’t hit me!” Liu hunkered down and turned his head away. Even the bureau director would be rewarded with a right slap if he continued gazing at her so lustfully.

“Are you Liu Quanfu?” Her voice was like something out of this world. However, there was an iciness in her voice that frightens most people. The surrounding temperature quickly went down when she started to speak.

“Yes, I am... May I know who you are?” Liu gulped and said. Although he was a bureau director, fear emerged from the bottom of his heart as he faced this woman.

“Six Door Organization. Senior inspector. Luo Puti.” The woman took out a golden badge and said coldly.

“Six... Six Door Organization...” Liu’s pupils dilated, sweat started to come out from his forehead, and his hands shook when he heard what she said. Shi Dafeng observed it all silently.

He never expected Liu to be so scared of her. So, what was Six Door Organization? It was formed during the Ming dynasty. Also, it had been known as the emperor’s secret organization. The members consisted of Jianghu elites. It was their duty to protect the government’s important documents. They could only report back to the emperor. They were the imperial envoys. They always ranked superior over other officers when they worked on the field. They were extremely powerful in terms of authority.

Could it be that this organization still existed in this modern world? Shi Dafeng’s mind was filled with tonnes of question marks.

“Senior inspector, please sit!” Liu quickly stood up and saluted Luo.

“I’m here today to take over the Dafeng jewelry shop robbery case. I want an office prepared, and all related documents on my desk within half an hour. Also, ask the victim to come and meet me.” Luo said noncommittally. She gave out a chain command without a sense of sloppiness. She was really a decisive and powerful iron lady.

Joy quickly filled Shi Dafeng when he heard what she just mentioned. The success rate of solving this case would be increased enormously when someone so powerful was involved in it.

“Hello, senior inspector! I’m the victim...” Shi Dafeng had to forget about the fact that his face just got slapped and put on a smile on his face.

Luo frowned and stared at Shi Dafeng in disgust. She said condescendingly, “This robbery is very special. It might involve some special people from Jianghu. Please, give me a run through. Did you offend anyone recently?”

“People from Jianghu?” Shi Dafeng stunned. From what he knew, people from Jianghu were some kind of small-time gangsters. However, with the involvement of people from Six Door Organization, Jianghu probably meant something more profound. All these factors made the case even more mysterious.

The real elites from Jianghu were those that possess some insane ability. They were stronger and more powerful than ordinary humans. The normal police officers could never handle cases like this. It is no wonder that Luo was taking over this case. Shi started to get really nervous, because she couldn’t think of anyone that he offended recently.

“I don’t really know any Jianghu elite. But... Recently, I had a conflict with someone.” Shi Dafeng said.

“Who is that person?” Luo paid attention to Shi all of a sudden and asked.

“Chen Xiaobei! One of the students from Green Vine University!”

Shi tapped on his head and said, “Right! I remember now! I had a Jianghu elite with me some time ago! His name is Jing Fei! He lost contact with me, since yesterday!”

“Jing Fei? The Thief King of Yunchuan, Jing Fei!”

Her eyes flashed. She said coldly, “Liu Quanfu, help me look up on this Chen Xiaobei immediately! I want to know everything about him!”

The second day, Chen woke up early as usual. His physical body was much stronger than before but he still insisted on training an hour every day. He went back to the dorm to shower and changed to a pair of clean clothes. He then walked towards the university’s gate. He had an appointment with Lan today. He was going to achieve another level of transformation in the morning and attend Lan’s grandma’s birthday party in the afternoon. This would be the first time he would be going out with Lan, just the two of them. He parked his car in front of the gate earlier to show his chivalry. Also, he got to show off his new car. So, why not? However, a pretty female officer came before Lan. Luo had changed to a set of regular police uniform. However, her voluptuous body did not agree with it. Her breasts stretched the material to the limit, threatening to burst out of their constraints. The skirt was tight enough to show off her rear buns with perfect curves. Her long legs were wrapped in black stockings. She was so seductively dressed.

Initially, Chen just wanted to take a peek at her from a distant, but Luo walked towards Chen at a quick pace.

“Hello, I’m a police officer of Green Vine police station. My name is Luo Puti.” Luo was very polite. Her voice sounded calm, but her words were full of icy shards.

Chen calmed himself down and said, “Good day officer. How may I help you?”

“Are you Chen Xiaobei?”


“Can you take a look at this man in the picture?” Luo took out a picture from her pocket. The man in the picture was Jing Fei! Chen was not stupid enough to admit that he recognized him. Nothing good is going to happen when a police officer asks about Jing Fei.

“I don’t know him!” Chen denied it immediately.

“Are you sure?”

Luo put on a straight face and changed her tone. “We have details on you. Witnesses have told us that they saw you and Jing Fei walked together. You better think carefully, before answering me. If not, I have the right to detain you.”

Chen started to get really nervous when he heard the word ‘witnesses’.

“Master! Master! Something bad happened!”

Suddenly, Chen heard someone calling him. It was Jing Fei.

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Chapter 36: Let’s Have Fun Together Slowly

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Luo had come to Green Vine University to look for Jing Fei. With Jing Fei calling Chen master, there was no way for Chen to talk himself out of this situation now. But, Chen was shocked when he turned around to look at Jing Fei. Who the hell was this guy? The height of the man running towards Chen was over six feet in height, with a moderate build, not really muscular but not skinny either.

“Are my eyes failing me?”

Doubt filled Chen quickly. He could not believe that the who that stood in front of him was Jing Fei.

“Master! Earth to master? I’m talking to you. Can you hear me?” The man spoke again. Finally, Chen’s doubt was cleared and he knew the man who was calling out to him was Jing Fei. But, how did he go through such a huge transformation? This was just getting weird!

“Who is this man?” Luo frowned and asked. Jing Fei had grown taller and stronger. His pallid, hollow face had filled up with flesh again. Luo was holding Jing Fei’s photo, but she couldn’t recognize the man in front of her.

“His name is Fei. He is my friend. We are playing a game of master and servant.” Chen said.

The game of master and servant? Luo frowned, deeply disturbed. She was imagining something disgusting in her mind; Jing Fei wearing a maid costume, a pair of cat ears and kneeling on the ground, calling Chen his master.


That was some real disgusting gay shit. Luo’s mind was polluted, it couldn’t be helped. With her nose wrinkled up as if she smelled something bad, she said, “Your friend is currently under an investigation. Please, leave this place.”

“Alright. Fine.” Jing Fei was not some idiot. He saw the picture in Luo’s hand. His instincts told him that danger was close to him. He quickly left the scene. Chen was relieved when Jing Fei left him.

Since Chen’s physical appearance had gone through a huge transformation, he may be able to slip past this still.

“Officer, I don’t know who the hell is Jing Fei. I will tell you the same thing, even if you decide to bring me back to the station,” Chen said.

“Alright then, come with me to the station.” Without a second thought, Luo took out her handcuffs.

“Not a problem. I’m a good citizen. I will try my best to cooperate with police’s investigation. This is my duty as a good citizen.” Chen smiled and lifted up his hands calmly to be cuffed.

Luo’s eyebrows moved and she kept away her handcuff.

“I was just testing you. All good now, since you really don’t know who Jing Fei is.” Luo said.

“Can I leave now?” Chen smiled and said. Then, he walked towards the parking lot.

Looking at Chen’s back, thousands of ideas flashed through Luo’s mind. She took out her cellphone and dialed a very special combination of numbers.

“Chief! I have arrived at Green Vine City. Everything went smoothly.” Luo said.

“Okay. Don’t forget your true purpose! I will not tolerate failure! Success is the only acceptable outcome!” A serious tone came right through the cellphone.

“Understood!” Luo hung up. Her rose-colored lips curled into a knowing grin.

She put on a daffily charming smile and said, “Chen, I shall play this game with you, slowly.”

At the underground parking lot.

“Master. Why was that police officer looking for you?” Jing Fei asked nervously.

“I’m not sure either.”

Chen shook his head and said with a guilty conscience, “She asked me whether I knew you. I don’t have the balls to ask for the reason behind it.”

“Right! What happened to you!? You have transformed into a different person overnight!” Chen asked.

“I’m not sure as well. But, I think it has something to do with the dog food that you gave me!” Jing Fei said.

“Dog food?” Chen was shocked. He opened up his treasure chest and checked on the effect of the dog food again.

[Heavenly dog food; it contains nutrients that comes from heaven. It helps with the growth of your pet. Also, it keeps your pet’s loyalty towards you at 100%! Do you wish to withdraw it?]

It helps with growth! Chen was shocked. Finally, his question was answered. Since the dog food was of divine origin, it was no wonder that it had such an impressive effect on an ordinary human. It actually helped Jing Fei to grow again. This was too magical to fathom. With such a magical effect, Chen was tempted to consume a piece of dog food himself. It is a man’s dream to grow taller, to build more muscles, and to have a longer manhood. But, Chen was already quite tall and his manhood, already enhanced and cultivated beyond the average human being, did not need any further growth either. It might become too much for anything to accommodate. After some thoughts, Chen decided to reserve the dog food for another potential loyal follower.

“You looked for me this early in the morning just to tell me that you went through a huge transformation?” Chen asked.

“Yea! The transformation is too huge for me to take in alone!” Jing Fei nodded.

“It’s good that you went through a huge transformation. Now, get yourself a fake identity. Also, don’t call me master anymore. It’ll get us into unnecessary trouble.” Chen said.

“What should I call you?”

Jing Fei said quizzically, “Boss? Grandpa Chen? Bro Bei?

“You can call me Bro Bei. Sounds good to me.” Chen’s raised his eyebrows to show that he was satisfied with this new title.

“Alright then, Bro Bei, what should we do today?” Jing Fei asked happily.

“There’s nothing for you to do today. You can go and treat yourself to a meal or a drink, or drop by the whorehouse, heck, you can even gamble away at a casino. I don’t know, do as you wish. Do you have any cash with you? I can give you some cash if you need any.” Chen said generously. His rich aura was still going strong. Originally, he had ninety million in his bank account. He had spent fifty million to buy three luxurious cars, and twenty million on renovating the bungalow. He was still left with twenty million to be spent casually.

The true purpose of earning money was to spend them! Chen had an open mind when it came to spending money. He would never be miserly. It was not a big deal to spend all the money, because it could be earned back again in no time.

“I don’t need any cash for the moment.”

Jing Fei smiled and said, “Shi Dafeng paid me three million earlier to protect him. I have not spent a single cent from that amount of money. I don’t want to waste my Bro Bei’s money.”

“Shi Dafeng?”

Chen frowned. A thought just struck his mind.

“I suspect that the lady police officer just now had something to do with Shi Dafeng. Go and investigate this matter in secret, and figure out what is going on!”

“Understood!” Jing Fei got serious as well. He quickly left.

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After that, Chen gathered his thoughts and drove his Bugatti Veyron to the University’s gate. The only Bugatti Veyron appearing in Green Vine City made a quite a scene around the university. No matter where it parked, it would attract a lot of attention. Everyone froze in their steps when they saw the car. They took pictures of it and shared it on their social network.

After some time, the crowd’s attention was being diverted to something else. Lan was here! She wore an asymmetrical top that had only one sleeve, and a pair of straight cut jeans. She looked like a fashionista. Her majestic and scrumptious figure was accentuated by her outfit after all. As the most beautiful lady in the university and the President of the student council, she was the most talked person in this university. Her appearance quickly overtook the shine of the Bugatti Veyron.

Shortly after that, she stepped into the Bugatti Veyron!

“Oh my god! Lan has a boyfriend now?!”

“Who the heck is the driver of that Bugatti Veyron?! He is so rich and he even managed to make Lan his girlfriend!”

“He’s got cash, he’s got a girl. THE girl! This is what I call a big winner of life!”

“This is so torturing for all the single dogs! Does he want us all to jump down altogether...”

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Chapter 37: The Most Handsome Man In Green Vine City

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lan wanted to transform Chen, but as it turned out, she did not have to do anything special afterall. There wasn’t much left to improve. She brought him to the barber to get a new haircut. Also, she brought him to the tailor to get a new set of suits. Undeniably, Lan really had good taste when it came to choosing suits for men. These two-small transformations made Chen look like he belonged to the upper echelon of society. He looked even better with his recent “plastic surgery” and the healthy physical body that he earned from his training. He was definitely comparable to those Korean movie stars. After finishing up everything, both of them proceeded on to Lan’s house.

There was a mountain to the north and a lake to the south in Green Vine City. Lan’s house was located at the lake. It was a standalone mansion. Compared to Mu’s villa, Lan’s mansion was even bigger in size. The interior design was far more luxurious. Also, it was much cozier as well.

“Tsk... Tsk... All these wealthy folks really know how to enjoy their lives to the fullest. My bungalow is nothing compared to this mansion. I will definitely buy a mansion like this when I have more money.” Chen sighed as they walked through the well-decorated garden.

Lan replied with a smile, “Why do you even need such a big mansion when you only have three family members?”

“You are right! I need to marry at least six wives to make sure that a mansion like this does not get too quiet.” Chen nodded, with a serious deadpan expression.

Lan frowned and said jealously, “Why stop at six wives? You should get yourself seven wives! There’s seven days in a week. You will be served by a different wife every day.”

“No way. I need to rest on Sunday.”

Chen said seriously, “There is a saying; A cow will die of exhaustion from working too hard but the ground will never be spoiled. I’m not ready to die on a woman’s body.”


Lan wanted to bang her head on the ground after hearing Chen’s words. Also, she wanted to give him a tight slap for having such potty mouth.

“Why are you getting angry?

Chen smiled evilly and said, “Could it be that you are jealous of what I said just now? I was just kidding.”

“Hmph! Don’t be a narcissist! I will not get jealous because of you!” Lan stared at Chen angrily.

“Ms. Lan, Chen, you guys are here.”

Uncle Qin welcomed them from the inside.

“Come on in. There are a lot of guests inside! It is so lively inside.” Uncle Qin said with a smile on his face.

“Uncle Qin, can you take care of him for a bit? I would like to get a change of clothes first.” Lan pouted and walked away from Chen.

“Errrrr...” Chen scratched his nose tip, slightly regretting his bad joke.

“Chen, this way,” Uncle Qin smiled and led Chen into the mansion.

Walking through a long front courtyard and hallway for five minutes, they finally reached the backyard. There was a huge back garden near the south lake. The scenery was gorgeous, and it also provided the guests a variety of sights around their surroundings. In order to organize a birthday party to Lan’s grandma, this place had been arranged into a high-end dining area.

By looking at the guests’ attire and temperament, Chen knew that all the guests were super wealthy. None of them were ordinary people. If the “old” Chen attended such a formal event, he would have been so scared that his legs would have turned into jelly. However, Chen is a completely different person now. He was as calm as a mill pond.

The people around Chen were looking at him with curiosity and admiration. They were gossiping about him.

“Who is this young man?”

“I don’t know him. But. I’m pretty sure that he is definitely someone because Uncle Qin is personally leading him about.”

“You are right! We should get to know him better.”

The guys were making guesses about Chen’s true identity. At the same time, the ladies were admiring his physical appearance.

“That young lad is so handsome! His body is not bad as well! He is my kind of guy!”

“Tsk... You are old enough to become his mom.”

“Wow! That big brother looks like some kind of movie star!”


Women who were as old as forty and girls who were as young as fourteen had stars in their eyes. They had all become Chen’s super fans. Suddenly, the crowd’s attention was diverted to someone else who just came in.

“Junfan! Wu Junfan is here!”

“Ah... He is still so good looking! He is the most handsome hunk in the Green Vine City!”

“Awww... He is my prince!”

All the ladies in the garden went into a frenzy!

“Eh? I don’t believe that there is someone better looking than me!” Chen frowned and look at where the crowd was looking at. He saw an urbane, courtly and honorable young lad walking towards the garden. He was wearing a silver-themed semi casual attire. A classy temperament was oozing out from him. This guy is really good looking. He had a thick pair of eyebrows, dreamy black eyes, crimson lips, and rows of white teeth. It was as if he did not need any makeup done to act in a movie.

Also, other than his good looks, he was also one of the richest and single men in Green Vine City. The Wu Family was the third largest family, after the Lan and the Wen Families. It was no wonder that all the ladies were crazy about him.

“Good day, Uncle Qin.” Wu walked towards Uncle Qin and greeted him politely. He was well educated and full of manners.

“Welcome, Mr. Wu.” Uncle Qin was smiling warmly at him. It seemed that Uncle Qin liked him a lot as well.

“Uncle Qin. May I know who is this young lad?” Wu moved his attention on Chen and asked.

“He is Lan’s friend; Chen Xiaobei.” Uncle Qin introduced Chen to Wu casually.

“Hello. My name is Wu Junfan. It’s my pleasure to meet you.” Wu reached out his hand to shake Chen’s hand. It was really chivalrous of him.


Chen shook his hand politely. His grip was warm and friendly. From this minute detail, Chen figured out that he was different from all those arrogant filthy rich guys. He should be one of those kind and wealthy, second generation young men.

“Alright! You young lads should be socializing with each other. I’m going to attend to other guests.” Uncle Qin walked away after that. It looked like he was happy and relieved to let Wu take care of Chen.

“Are you really Lan’s friend?”

Wu felt like he said something that might offend Chen. He quickly said something to make it better, “It’s just, I’ve never seen you in Lan’s circle before.”

“I was only friends with Lan recently,” Chen said.

“Oh... New friend... Huh...”

Wu smiled and asked, “I suppose, you are not from Green Vine City?”

“I’m from Green Vine City but I’m from the rural part of this city,” Chen replied honestly.

“Hmm... Then, I’m less worried now.” Wu’s smile was even brighter now.

“Why are you less worried?” Chen felt something is wrong.

“Actually, I’m pursuing Lan. Initially, I thought we are going to become rivals. But, I think I thought too much about it.” Wu shrugged and said.

“I don’t like what you just said.”

“So, you mean that I’m not qualified to become your rival. Am I right?” Chen said unhappily.

“This is not about qualification.”

Wu shook his head and said confidently, “I’m better in terms of temperament, look, and family. So, I’m not worried that Lan will choose you over me.”

“Hehe...” Chen was really unhappy. He was planning to give this hypocrite a lesson.

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Chapter 38: A Scary Discovery

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Wu, let’s cut the crap!”

“Since you said that you are pursuing Lan, did you pick her up today at the university?” Chen asked.

“I did ask her but she said had something to do. So, she told me that it wasn’t necessary to pick her up!” Wu said.

“Did you know why was she busy?” Chen smiled and said.

“I have no idea.”

Wu shook his head and asked, “Did you know why?”

“Of course!”

Chen pointed at himself and said, “She brought me to change my hairstyle. This is my new hairstyle. Her personal hair stylist cut my hair.”

“Hehe... You can go ahead and boast all you want. Lan’s personal hairstylist is no ordinary person. It is extremely hard to make an appointment with her. I’m no exception.” Wu pouted and did not believe Chen at all.

“Don’t believe me? Take a look at this.” Chen took out a name card and handed to Wu.

“This... This is Miranda’s name card. Lan really brought you to her personal hair stylist? How is this even possible?” Wu’s jaw dropped on the ground instantly.

“Not only a hair makeover. She even bought me this suit.”

“This suit costs eighty thousand Yuan! I asked her not to buy it for me but she insisted on giving it to me as a present. So, I had no choice but to accept it.” Chen laughed jokingly.


Wu was completely stunned. It was like someone dropped a few atomic bombs inside his heart. He was on the verge of dying with only one health point left. Chen gave him another stab in the heart by saying, “Oh right! Wu, has she ever given you any presents?”

“No... She never gave me anything.”

First Blood! Wu died right on the spot! His twisted good looks with the combination of having the urge to vomit blood was pure epicness.

“Wu, I think you are over confident.”

“I admit that my family is nothing compared to you. However, I’m on the winning side when it comes to temperament, body, and face. Lan’s choices are the best proof that I’m the winner.” Chen said seriously.

“I...” Wu’s face was showing all kind of pain and he had no words to come back to Chen. The most handsome guy in Green Vine City was defeated by an ordinary young lad. Chen looked at him mockingly and laughed evilly inside his heart by thinking that no matter who was fighting or boasting, the one who sat on the throne was the big winner of today.

“Wu! What happened to you? You face is green!” Suddenly, a voice reached them from a distance. A group of second generation, filthy rich, young lads walked towards them. The one who walked in front of everyone else was none other Wenfeng himself.

“Oh... Nothing happened.” Wu was a well-mannered man. He calmed himself down and introduce Chen to them, “Wenfeng, come and meet my new friend. I am going to introduce him to you guys...”


Chen and Wenfeng were enemies. Their eyes blazed with fire when they saw each other. Both of them said condescendingly, “You can save the trouble. I don’t want to know this asshole! My brain has no room for the memory of this person!”

The rich followers around Wenfeng started to mock Chen as well.

“How did this asshole manage to get in here? He does not belong to his circle!”

“Look at the combination of the dog head and shiny suit. I believe this shiny suit was rented from somewhere.”

“Quickly, go and look for a security! He should leave this place if his name is not on the guest list. His presence is going to spoil our appetite!” All of them enjoyed mocking Chen.

“Chen is my guest! The rest of you that followed Wenfeng here to gate crash better know your damn place! If not, get out from this place!” Lan walked towards them all of a sudden and said. She was wearing a purple long dress. Her kohl-black hair with her pearl white neck evinced that she was sophisticated.

Her voice was so cold and powerful. She definitely sounded like a queen on a throne!

“Lady Lan...” Those rich brats started to get really nervous. It was like rats catching sight of a vicious cat. They shut their mouths immediately. None of them dared to even draw breaths.

“Lan, you are here...” Wenfeng was a man of obsession. He couldn’t remove his stare from Lan’s voluptuous body. He almost started drooling.

Lan ignored him completely. She walked towards Chen straight away and said, “Chen, let’s go.”

“Lan, I...” Wu wanted to say something to Lan.

Lan cut him off by saying, “What are you going to say?! I thought you were a nice guy. I can’t believe that you did nothing when Chen was being bullied by this group of bastards. I’m very disappointed at you!” She held Chen’s hand and left the scene.

“I...” Wu was so stunned that tears started to roll down from his eyes. He had not even spoken to Chen much. It was pretty understandable that he did not help Chen. Also, he did not even get the chance to help Chen even if he wanted to do so. Lan had reprimanded them before he could even say anything. He felt that a great deal of injustice had just fallen upon him. Everyone around them was equally stunned as well.

“Who is that Chen Xiaobei? Lady Lan was so protective of him!”

“Also, Lady Lan held his hand and walked into the house! What does that mean?”

“Son of the bitch! Wu and I did not even get the chance to touch Lan’s finger tips! He has no right to touch her!” Wenfeng gritted his teeth and said angrily. He wanted to charge at Chen and beat him up.

At the same time, Chen and Lan arrived at another house.

“Why are you bringing me here?” Chen asked curiously.

“My grandma is inside this house,” Lan said.

“Oh... You are bringing me here to greet the birthday star. This is a nice courtesy.” Chen quickly tidied up his attire and hair. He wan