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Reincarnated With A Summoning System-Novel

Chapter 110 - 110
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"You'll take me? As a full member, no prospecting?" Belle asks hopefully and Char gives her a hug.

"What that other guild did isn't normal. You'll be a full member, with pay and benefits as soon as you join." The Shaman assures her.

[Exploitative contract, took 100 percent of her drops and then required additional daily payments on top. They even made her sleep in the yard, saying she would get a room when her trial was done, but their members list is full.] Char sends in Guild chat.

Cain had almost forgotten about that sort of douchebags. They've met so many good people lately, and with him spending time in Graska where they see no transfers, he started getting used to the Dwarves "Everyone is equal to the skills they have." attitude towards life.

Cain sends the Guild invitation right away, informing Belle to look it over carefully.

"Will we need to do anything to break her old contract?" he asks Char, who shakes her head.

"It had a two Gold coin penalty for breaking the contract, and I've already paid it at the hall. No worries there, we're covered." She confirms. Good, it would be greatly annoying if another Guild sent guards and lawyers to come after their item drops.

"What is this part in the section about picking a room? Is there more than one house that counts as a Guild House, or are new recruits kept somewhere else?" Belle asks suspiciously.

"We have houses here and in the city of Graska. The two are linked by a magical circle, so you can walk from one to the other. Want to see the available rooms before you decide?" Cain asks and she nods.

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First up, they show her the common areas, the sitting room, the library, the games room and the big women's bath before moving on to the freshly renovated basement here, which she is surprised to see isn't the last option members would pick.

"Dwarves like being underground and near a forge. It helps them sleep." Cain explains and Dimnys points out her room across from the forge.

Then they go upstairs, showing her around the few empty rooms left on the top floor of the Sunnybrook house. She looks impressed, but not overwhelmed. But that's probably going to change when she sees the unique opulence of the Graska house's bedrooms.

"Now, back to the basement and we will go to the Graska house." Cain leads the way through the portal, startling Gramps and Ragnar who are smelting ore into ingots at the Graska forge.

"Just showing a new member around to pick out a bedroom. Belle, this is Gramps, in charge of the Graska house and Tavern, and Ragnar, one of our in house blacksmiths."

Belle greets them both and looks around the stone work of the Dwarven built house, marveling at the kitchen.

"I've never seen a kitchen so magnificent in either world." She sighs, running her fingers along the shiny metal counters.

"Oi, watch the hands or I'll break your face." the sound of Triss's angry voice comes from the tavern upstairs and Belle startles before realizing it's not directed at her. There's music and many voices coming from the Tavern, they must be busy tonight.

"Next up is the Tavern, expect it to be full of drunken Dwarves all night long, but it's soundproof, so it won't bother anyone else in the house. In fact, you can't even hear it in the forge." Cain explains as they head upstairs.

A group of young men wearing the Tailor's Union crest is picking one of their members up off the floor and laughing, while Triss scowls at them.

"Got it all in hand?" Cain asks and she turns to smile at him.

"That skill set is working out just fine for me. We'll have to finish it up soon, these blokes are even more rowdy than I remember." Triss chuckles, keeping an eye on the two servers working here today. The Orphanage Matron has decided that Triss and Gramps will be full time employees here, while the other two workers they contracted the Orphanage for will cycle between the other kids, giving them all an equal chance at getting paid. Nobody really minds, most of the kids drop by to play or visit a couple times a week anyhow, so they're not going to be getting any strangers.

The two tonight have their hands full, there's a Tailors hundredth birthday party going on, and the place is packed full of Dwarves not just here to drink, but to eat too. In theory one of the girls serving food is the cook tonight, but they're both upstairs delivering platters.

"Need me to get Tanya and the girls in Sunnybrook to lend a hand? It looks like you're all working double time." Cain asks and Triss shakes her head.

"We're good, we just had a big food order come up all at once. After this they should be able to manage." The Dwarf laughs, pouring more drinks.

"Is she filling that mug entirely with whiskey?" Belle asks, crinkling her nose.

"That one and a hundred more. Dwarven whiskey is a house favorite, and the stout hearted drink it like a fish does water." Cain says and the Dwarves around them cheer.

"That's a frightening level of alcohol tolerance." The werewolf shakes her head before Cain leads her out the other door and up the stairs to the Guild Member's rooms.

"Oh, these are nice. All the exotic wood smells so good. The Elves like just one sort of wood per building, but this, it all blends together. I can still pick out the individual rooms though." Belle explains, looking through the empty options.

"Those two are bunk beds, and the last two are somewhat unique." Cain explains when they're only a few doors from the end.

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They quickly look into the rooms with bunk beds, before moving on, everyone anticipating Belle's reaction to the last few rooms. She starts to go right, but Cain stops her, opening the door to the Spanish Galleon themed room first.

"It's like a resort room. Great if you're role playing for a night, but I don't think I could live in it full time." She laughs.

"Well, then you'll understand the next room perfectly." Cain says, ushering her across the hall.

"This is, oh my. I read about this in a book once back home, but it's really something else in person." Belle says, backing away. Cain can see that Misha is somewhat reluctant to leave so fast though. Valuable information.

"Last up isn't an empty room, but my room. We should show it off though, the Dwarves really did a magnificent job in here." Cain explains.

Belle laughs as soon as they enter, finding Nemu laid out on a pile of cushions in her lighter cloth outfit. Kone darts past them to flop down next to the Felian, calling out her Giant Lynx.

"This room is great to relax in. There's a huge game room in Sunnybrook, but I like to play cards here on the cushions, and Vala prefers the hot tub." The Druid giggles.

"Well, what do you think of the accommodations?" Cain asks.

"This is an amazing house. Do you think I could get that one with the Cherrywood and slate theme? It's even got wolves carved into the armoire doors."

"Of course, any of the empty rooms are free to choose. I'm glad you found one you liked." They head back over with Misha and Char to look at the room again as the others disperse, Belle opens the curtains to see the back yard, facing the stone wall and overlooking the partially finished second building.

"What's that house for? It looks like it's in this yard, and doesn't face a street." She asks.

"That's the guest house, for visitors and for hosting dignitaries that don't want to be seen. It's not quite complete yet but it will be soon." Char tells her, looking out at the rock wall that makes up most of the view with a discomfort unique to Spirit Folk instincts.. Kone rarely looks out the windows either, the reality that they're inside a mountain 'feels disorienting' in her words.