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Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 264.10: Man proposes, god disposes and the demon decomposes (part 10)
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The angel girl started to fade away from Daimon's vision, meaning Adam was regaining his composure, he also stopped hearing their conversation.

But now that he was completely sure Adam had a system, Daimon had a lot of questions like why he could see through them, but not the contrary as well as why did the angel girl was clearly visible for Adam, but he couldn't see Evangeline.

He tried to see through that white sword with his infinity eyes, but the only thing he could see was that the sword was connected to Adam's hand at a microscopical level, he also realized that now that Adam was calm, his infinity eyes couldn't even see through his skin.

'That sword is like your apex predator body, a one-time high ranked reward granted to help the host survive', mumbled Evangeline well knowing she'll be interrogated later.

Daimon frowned, there are so few cases of things he can't see through that a he has developed a theory, which he was eager to test, but right now wasn't the moment for that.

He had two system users in front of him, and while he had the upper hand currently, who knows what kind of tricks could they pull if needed.

'Well, I guess that explains why that white sword was able to survive a frontal clash with Gram, thought Daimon, so far there is no material that could endure Disaster's blade, one must take into account that while the sword changes its form and gets a completely different set of abilities, its physical properties were based on Disaster, including weight and sharpness.

He then gazed at Marcus from the corner of his eyes, unlike Adam who had calmed down at this point, he was getting furious with each second that passed, not only because Daimon mocked him, but because of the administrator of his system.

'One of your bitches was killed, you were pushed back by someone younger and lower ranked than you, and your darkness couldn't harm it, I guess I need to remind you what happened to the last weakling that tried to wield the power of this queen~", she said with a threatening smile on her face.

Marcus gritted his teeth, his eyes seemed to spew fire at this point.

'Shut up stupid woman, if you lent me your power without demanding a sacrifice then would I still be struggling with all these lowlifes!'.

The administrator of Marcus's system was a tall woman wearing a short black sleeveless dress, her skin as paler to the point of looking a bit unnatural, her hair was of a deep black and her eyes were blood red, her nails were a bit large and black colored, unlike the halo crowing the head of the little angel, she had a pair of black horns, here barefoot where visible as she floated here and there around Marcus.

Instead of a devil, Daimon associated her more to a ghost.

'Turns out I was quite lucky with you, right Eve?', thought Daimon, making Evangeline snort.

Inside the space she resided Evangeline slightly blushed, but she then snorted.

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'Humph, you should appreciate me more, that devil administrator messed up the tastes of her host just for fun'.

While Daimon was lost in his thoughts, Laila and Sera stared at each other, only someone with a decently high status in their galaxies knew there was something important in that island, so someone spilled the beans and that attracted a shark to them.

Everyone's attention was suddenly drawn to their feet, the sea which was frozen by Stella started trembling and from afar they saw a huge wave coming their way.

"S-Seaquake!", shouted Calvin to warn them.

Laila and Sera nodded at each other and then they answered Daimon.

"The best we can do is not chasing you away, whatever you get is up to your luck", said Sera with her gentle yet serious voice.

"Leeching men aren't attractive, werewolf boy~", added Laila.

Daimon noticed they wouldn't concede more than that, and he smiled.

"Deal, but just to make sure you don't guide me to a trap, those two will be my guests, also the creatures are mine, the members of the tribes are yours, take it or leave it", said Daimon as he walked and stood in front of both Laila and Sera.

"Mm?", Tessa saw Daimon was pointing at them before he offered a handshake at the Lord ranks and she sighed.

"What, of course no…", before Adam could refuse, Laila and Sera both accepted Daimon's handshake.

"Deal", their answer of course made Adam once again become agitated enough so that Daimon could see through him.

'Idiot', thought Daimon, but now that he accomplished what he wanted, he called the cannons off, and then everyone relaxed a bit.

Specially Stella, who was calmer seeing Daimon conceding a bit instead of completely blackmailing the church of calamity and the church of light at the same time.

Daimon then jumped back onto the deck of his ship and Stella followed them, the ice freezing the water dispelled, forcing everyone to return to their respective ships, Tessa and Femi followed Daimon, to Adam's displease but right now the had no time to worry about that.

The huge wave created by that seaquake bypassed them and instead advanced towards the island.

"Let's go!", with Daimon's order, the fleet followed that large wave who also seemed to ignore the current battle that was taking part near the island, as soon as it reached the shore, the water was absorbed by the sand and then a large wave of mana came from the island, illuminating the sky in a light blue light.

The sudden phenomenon made the three parties which were already aiming at each other's throat, to become fiercer with their attacks, some ships failed to block the cannons of others and were sank, increasing the number of deaths by a lot.

Still, that was limited to the soldiers and subordinates, the four royal ships on the tribes side, and the two large ships on the creature's side didn't interfere in the fight and watched form the sides.

Their rest ended as soon as they saw the newcomers, while the members of the tribes cheered seeing their "reinforcements" arriving, the creatures roared.

But the laughs and cheers of the members of the tribes, stopped the very second, they noticed the ships of their royals, aiming the Lord ranked cannons towards them.

"Oi, Randall, isn't that your cousin's ship why the hell is he aiming at us you bastard", shouted a tall shirtless guy with brown tanned skin.

"That idiot Nestor didn't answer to the emergency call, so it's probable that he got done in by those bumpkins", answered a dark red skinned guy with long black hair.

"You know the deal Neal, I get to chose women from the loot first", said the tanned guy as he licked his lips.

"Humph, you would have gotten along pretty well with that idiot of Eleazar, sure take the women you like, I want their treasures and fire element mages".

"Boom!", the canons of Daimon's flagships roared and four lines of fire were shot towards the royal ships and the two ships with peak Lord ranked creatures.

Two black robed figures immediately jumped from the royal's ships and used their mana to redirect the attacks of the cannons, but they had no time to rest because two figures intercepted them on the air.

Laila and Stella each took one of the black robed figures, and drove it away from the rest of the battle.

"Foolish humans, sending their strongest warriors to a long-term battle", one of the creatures which had its four limbs and a head laughed in a harsh voice as it chewed the leg of some unfortunate guy.

"I disagree", Sera who sneaked past the detection of the creatures, appeared above them and then unleashed a wave of dazzling white light and mana, making the weaker creatures literally explode in flames.

"Don't underestimate us", the two creatures expelled green flames from their whole bodies, covering their subordinates as they jumped towards Sera each with a weapon made out of the bones of other creatures.

"Boom!", two different explosions filled the battlefield, at the left, Laila and Stella were each taking on one of the death guards, while at the other side, Sera was using the advantage light had over the creatures to stall two of them at the same time.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Adam and Marcus immediately took their ships to attack the tribes, rushing to get those "free" contributions and treasures that they could loot from the weaker members of the tribe.

Only after using those two as guinea pigs to confirm there were no traps set on the sea, Daimon guided his fleet towards the creatures.

"Fire!", the canons of the ships aimed at the farthest enemy ships and then rained destruction all over them.

Some of the leading creature joined together were able to ward off a couple of the attacks from the special cannons, but then they felt danger coming from above.

When they turned to see upwards, their eyes widened as the saw a black-haired youth carrying a slim orange hair girl on his shoulders.

"Feather Massacre~", Leslie pointed her fingers at the ship of the creatures, and then two large wings made out of fire appeared on her back, usually she would have had to be get angry for this to work, but right now she was receiving mana from Daimon while being carried by him too, so she was all smiles.

"Aghrhfhfh!", the creatures on the other hand got the short end of the stick, horrible screams came from them as they were burned down.

Once Leslie's attack finished, the ship started to sink, Daimon landed on it and then used it as a jumping platform, to return to his own ship.

Leslie stole a gaze at Daimon, remembering that sensation of bliss she felt when she used her legacy spell without getting tired, and on a larger scale thanks to Daimon sharing some mana with her.

The two peak Lord ranked saw their ships being destroyed one after the other and they fiercely attacked Sera to force their way out.

Daimon regrouped with the others but as he was about to pass on another order, his pupils contracted and then he jumped grabbing Aisha an the Risha sisters with him.

Then the world seemed to stop for a split of a second, as a last drop of blood from one of the many downs on the battlefield, fell to the sea, the light coming from the island changed from that light blue tone, to an ominous red one.

With the island as the center a red light expanded, everything which was touched by it aged and then withered away.

Daimon saw Adam and Marcus gazing at him from afar with mocking smiles before a small bead hanging from their belts broke and turned into a white and black sphere respectively, but he inwardly smirked.

'Switch', with a thought, both Sera and Laila who were flying towards Adam and Marcus, were forcefully transported, one appearing next to Calvin and his other classmates as well as Tessa and Femi, and the other appeared near Scarlett and the girls.

Before they could react their spheres also appeared covering the others too.

As for Daimon, his body exploded in white flames creating layer after layer of shields with Demon Light, to protect the Risha sisters and Aisha.

The last thing he saw was the girl from the Penddra family whose face was twisted as she was engulfed by that wave of red light.

'Blame those two idiots for going through their plan mentally', thought Daimon.