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Reincarnated as a Son of the Sword Saint and the Sage

Chapter 33 33: Double Purple
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We've been fighting the lizard according to our plans but none of them worked. Standing tall in front of our opponent, we began to start the execution of Plan C, the Double Purple. But before that…

The lizard grown thin black spines on its tail. It turned its body at bullet speed, despite its massive size, and shoot dozens of six-inch sharp spines at our direction.

"It is not even at the level of Mom's Water Bullets."

I could help but criticized the spine and compare it to the sparring with Mom before. It's sure its fast, but only in the eyes of average people. I just repelled all the spine by a single swing of my sword, and so my sister.

Witnessing how we effortlessly repelled its projectiles, the lizard charged its massive body towards us. It opened its mouth filled with rows of small sharp teeth and sticky acidic saliva and attempt to chomp my standing sister, whose the ones closer.

But before the lizard snap its teeth, Sister slashed her sword at incredibly high speed. The upper jaw, along with its forehead, went flying in the air, cleanly cleaved its skull and brain. The forehead flew back to the head as if being pulled by a bungee cord.

The lizard's not finished yet. It raised claws and slashed it horizontally. As predicted, the slashing limb went flying in the air by my sister's sword and flew back to the main body.

The lizard attack simultaneously against my sister but she just avoided the claws effortlessly and gracefully. With my preparations finished, I finally make my move.

"Step back, Sis!"

"Got it!"

Following my words, Sister quickly leaped backwards away from the lizard. I dashed towards the lizard then laid my free left palm against its gray toned left torso.


In an instant, the scenery changed and the temperature suddenly dropped. Cold tempest winds and foggy clouds wildly touched my fare skin as we dropped from the altitude of twenty thousand feet.

I let go my sizzling hot palm away from the lizard's hide and cast, "Warp" back to the surface.

"Raphael! Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I have Corrosion Resistance so it's nothing to worry about. We still have thirty seconds until the lizard fall here."

My palm is still sizzling from the lizard Cursed Body. But healed almost instantly with my Regeneration skill.

Before we started the Plan A, I already sent my Clairvoyance to the sky. Calculating the trajectory and the air resistance, I pinpoint where to drop the lizard and land it on the exact position.

We waited for several seconds until we could see the falling lizard with our naked eye. We wait for the right moment before we can activate our abilities. It's mana consuming and we don't want to ran out of MP during the execution.

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"Let's get started, Sister. Let this dreadnought lizard feel true despair."

"And guide it to its inevitable death."


The Indestructible Lizard had dropped for kilometers and was already a few hundred meters above surface. From the drop point, it's already reached the velocity of over a thousand of kilometers per hour before it fall to the ground. And that is the time for us to do our job.

"Purple Lightning!"

Like a snake slithering around her fare arms and thicc legs, Sister's body is now enveloped with flickering and dazzling purplish-white flashes of lightning. Her beautiful amethyst eyes glowed that leave a trail of it amidst the darkness, except it afternoon right. The purple lightning bolt also wrapped around her blue katana by Weapon Enchantment skill as an additional attribute.

Not only it increases her speed exponentially, but also accelerated her perception and think process with the same growth. It's a super difficult and complex magic spell that great increases the lightning temperature and can inflict a bit of damage to soul.

Because Lightning element is rare and difficult to control, only mages with high AGI stat can handle it. A handful of people with incredibly high AGI stat like Mother, the Sword Saint, can do the Purple Lightning.

But now, in front of my eyes, I witnessed my sister's first successful activation of the Level 10 Lightning Magic: Purple Lightning. Of course, she's not the only one with purple powers.

"Infernal Flames! Sacred Light!"

I didn't activate my Thermal Blade so there's almost no changes in my appearance, except for one thing. My eye. Like my sister, the eye glowed that would greatly emphasized in the dark.

Infernal Flames is also a Level 10 Magic spell like the Purple Lightning. It is a spell that greatly increases my flames' temperature and also damage souls a little.

I activated the Sacred Light again for additional damage, but this time, I casted it on my sister. It was effective on the lizard before and heard its slight pain for the first time. We have to finish the lizard quickly because Level 10 spells consumed too much mana.

The lizard was only a few meters from the surface. Sister bent her knees as she sheathed back her lightning-streaked blade. She held the hilt of her sword, which was hanging on her left waist, with her right hand and waited for the right moment for her to make a move.


A meter right before the falling lizard hit the earth, the girl clad in purple streaks of lightning, Louise, launched herself at unimaginable speed with her blade unsheathe. The speed which the boy, Raphael, could not perceive with his eyes.

Enhanced with Purple Lightning, she racked her brain and body to the point where she is in a suspended world. She traveled dozens of meters before she finally draw her navy blue blade.

With the falling lizard in front of her, she instantly slashed her katana at high speed. So fast that it reached high-hypersonic speed.

(I can do this!)

She screamed in her own mind as she was thinking about the successiveness of her next move. She increased the speed of her blade further more and execute her ultimate technique, the Level 10 Sword Art: Thousand Slice.

She slashed her sword a thousandfold in a matter of split seconds. Each slash has the speed surpassing high-hypersonic. With that speed combined with its lightning effect, her blade cleaved the airborne lizard without any resistance and instantly burned the lizard into a thousand chunks of charred meat.

After she finished the technique and passed the lizard by several meters, she stopped her feet in the suspended world and raised her blade's sheathe to the eye level vertically. Along with the floating parts of the monster behind, she slowly sheathed her blade back to the scabbard.

As the golden tsuba touched the mouth of the scabbard, Louise dispersed the lightning around her entire body as she feel the by-product of forcing her body beyond its limit.

Upon releasing the suspended world, the world returned to its own pace and the chopped lizard continued its descent into the ground. Hundreds of thuds resonated around the vicinity as the chunks one by one fall to the earth.

She panted heavily from the exhaustion of stamina and feel a sharp pain in her head as she depleted too much mana. These were the drawbacks of using two Level 10 move at the same time.

Amidst the agony, she had the willpower just to turn her lissome body around and took a glimpse at her little brother, who is preparing for his final move, with a confident smile.

(Finish that lizard, Raphael. Show that lizard real demise.)

She thought then used her remaining strength to dash away from his little brother's spell range.


After seeing his sister's ultimate move, Raphael could help but awe. He couldn't even caught a shadow of her sister's blade. All he could see was the dazzling streak of purplish-white lightning piercing the lizard.

He immediately bugged off that thought and begin to cast his current most powerful spell in his disposal. A one hundred meter diameter psychedelic purple-colored magic circle appeared on the earth, with him as the center, engulfing the lizard pieces and the vegetation.

When he saw his sister dashed away from his attack range, he pointed his blade towards the charred lizard.

"I restricted myself from using this attack. It was too destructive that I have to only use it when I don't mind my surroundings."

He flips his katana to an underhand grip, then holds it overhead. He poured tremendous amount of mana and spread it out inside the magic circle.

Sensing the inevitable danger, the lizard desperately trying to heal itself but couldn't. The reason of it was the attack before.

Techniques created from the movements of the physical body. Magic spells are the product of ones imaginations. And Skills are the powers that is engraved in the soul.

The Purple Lightning of Louise had soul damaging properties. Hence, damaging the lizard's soul, rendering skills like Infinite Regeneration useless.

Damaging of one's soul invalidate the using skills, including some resistances. Therefore, dreadnought lizard felt fear for the first time in centuries.

"Let the fear engrave into your soul… bring it even in gehenna."

Then he channeled enormous amount of mana into his blade in his right. The thick condensation of mana leaked out of his body and sword in the form of a carmine helix.

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"Infernal Flames of Hell."

With those words as a sign, he struck his carmine blade to the earth, causing the concentrated mana to fill the magic circle. Without a delay, the magic circle finally release the stored energy.

A swirling pillar of psychedelic purple Level 10 Flames of Hell engulfed the fifty meter radius zone. Reaching the height of a kilometer, the flames set a beautiful light in the middle of the afternoon sun. Catching the eyes of panting Louise and another monsters from afar.

Burning the trees to crisps and disintegrate. The lizard feel the intense heat and suffered unimaginable pain before it vaporized in the hellish flames.

Dozens of seconds has passed before the purple flames subside and vanish. The aftermath of the attack slowly manifest as the smoke fade away.

Molten earth displayed in the scenery. The flames burned everything within its range. Not even a piece of charcoal or any remains of the lizard appeared in the site.

Like the Purple Lightning, Infernal Flames was also a soul crushing spell. Before the lizard get its skills back, the flames completely burned its whole material body, including its soul. The lizard completely disintegrated as if it never existed.

The only one standing on the aftermath was the boy who created the said aftermath.


"Hah… hah… hah… That worn me out."

I wrapped my hands around the hilt of my sword. I use my sword to support my tired body and breathe heavily after I used two Level 10 Magic spells at once. The drawbacks hitting my entire body as I exhausted most of my mana and stamina.


The voice of my beloved sister vibrated from distance. She showed her raddled self out of the woods. She set her feet on the hardened molten earth and ran with weight on her steps straight to mine.

"Raphael! I'm glad you're alright." she said, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you for concern, Sister." I let go my hands from the hilt to wrap my arms around her and hug her back.

"You really defeated that lizard."

"I won't be able to do it without your help, Sis. So we defeated it together."

We laid our butts on the spot until we regain some of our strength. When we restored half of our strength, we used the Warp spell to transport ourselves back to our abode. Sister cannot use the spell so she just use her golden bracelet to teleport.

When we reached home, our mothers saw our ragged appearances and asked what happened. We told them about the stampede and how we defeated the monster which started it.

They reprimanded us for being too reckless fighting an unknown monster by ourselves and for not informing them first. But they seem glad to see us in one piece.

Mother seems happy for Sister successfully mastered the Thousand Slice. Mom on the other hand, happily praised me for casted two Level 10 magic spells at the same time.

Later on, a report from the Adventurers' Guild reached our Mother's office. It stated that there was a monster stampede occurred in the forest but the adventurers managed to subjugate it.

Even though we recovered physically, we still had mental exhaustion. I washed myself first before I laid my body on my bed and immediately fell asleep.