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Resent, Reject, Regret by Aqua Summers

Chapter 906
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Chapter 906 She Won't Push Me Away If She Really Loves Me

Storm clouds pooled around Brendan's visage almost instantly. He locked his eyes dead on Deirdre's face, snarling,

"How long are you going to act like a brat, McKinnon!?"

The commotion summoned Mrs. Engel out of the kitchen. Seeing ceramic pieces bathing in a pool of pumpkin soup

on the floor, the good woman immediately tried to de-escalate the situation.

"Mr. Brighthall, please hear me out! Mrs. Brighthall had never liked pumpkin soups! I can vouch for that! This is why

I made something else for her instead. She's not trying to make things hard for you, I promise!"

Deirdre's face was ashen and unyielding. 'You don't have to explain anything to that thick skull, Mrs. Engel. I'm

always wrong to him anyway!" She sulked.

Brendan scowled. His patience was running out. ‘You're the one who's been acting out like a petulant tw*t since you

were released from the detainment center!” he thundered. "If anything in this house offends your oh -so-high

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horses, talk it out like a grown-up! Nobody will lick your boo-boo just because you know how to throw a fit!” "M-Mr.

Brighthall!" Mrs. Engel faltered, appalled. That was so sarcastic even Mrs. Engel could not bear to hear it... let alone


Just as she had expected, a resentful glare overtook Deirdre's face.

Charlene's glee was palpable from the twinkles in her eyes. The time was ripe for her to step in. "Bren's right, you

know," she said, her voice dripping with faux concern. "If something's bothering you, let it out like an adult instead

of throwing a tantrum, okay? Bren's exhausted from work already. There's no reason he has to come home just to

suffer another round of punishment." "I don't think you have as much right to comment as you think you do. Why

do you think Brendan's exhausted at work? That catastrophe couldn't be made possible without your amazing

contribution, Miss McKinney!"

Charlene's face fell, and her eyes turned misty. "But that’s because you pushed me down the stairs from the first

floor and almost killed me! How was I supposed to play it cool after all that trauma!? In fact, you’re the one who’s

getting a slap on the wrist instead of actual justice. You used your pregnancy to fish for sympathy and got out

sooner than you should have! Meanwhile, I have to suffer the public’s rage!" "Ha! You deserve it." "McKinnon!"

snarled Brendan. "Watch your mouth! Nobody here is obligated to indulge you!"

Deirdre froze. Then, seethingly, she rose from her seat, stormed up the stairs, and shut the door to her room.

Mrs. Engel wanted to follow her and comfort the young woman, but Brendan stopped her. "Screw that b*tch! I bet

she's starting to act like a brat because I've been too nice to her! As if I haven’t been as patient and understanding

as I could! If I let you comfort her despite her being at fault, she will start acting like a royal pain in everyone's *ss!"

"But Mr. Brighthall, M-Mrs. Brighthall's.... She’s simply hurt. I don't believe she wanted to throw a tantrum for

tantrum’s sake at all. Pregnancy also often comes with mood swings, and-’’ "You should stop defending her, Mrs.

Engel," Charlene suddenly spoke up and sighed. ‘This isn’t the first time I've seen her throwing hissy fits. Bren's

human after all. Of course, his patience wears thin. But I’m sure Miss McKinnon will come around someday... when

she has finally thought things through."

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Mrs. Engel shut her mouth but not her mind, which had been firing off curses against Charlene for a while. It was all

that demon's fault! She just kept sowing discord ever since she had arrived. Even Brendan's attitude toward Deirdre

had changed because of her!

Charlene pouted as though she was the poor, sad victim. "Please, Bren, don't be mad anymore,” she comforted. "I

think she's just jealous of seeing me living under the same roof, you know? In the end, she's acting out because she

cares about you. If this isn't working out, I guess I'll just leave "No. No need." Brendan frowned. "You have to stay

here to stop those online narratives from growing. Besides... if it was out of jealousy, she would do whatever it

takes to make me stay by her side and love her instead of shoving me away."

The event soured Brendan's mood. He lost his appetite altogether.

Charlene watched the man's retreating back with her face propped on the thick of her palm. Schemes after

schemes began to take shape in her mind.

She wanted her life with Brendan to return to what it used to be.

That would be far more ideal than working with those people and becoming their puppet.