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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 333
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The two men in black heard what she said and suddenly became nervous. They said in unison, “Yes,


Then, both of them brought more than ten people and quickly hurried downstairs.


At the same time, at the police station. Stanley Batton and Fred Thomson were brought together into

the interrogation room.

The face of the superintendent who had already been waiting there turned cold when he saw Stanley.

He ordered his subordinate officers to turn off the surveillance camera right away. He then quickly

walked to Fred and nodded politely. Then, the superintendent looked at the two officers behind Fred

coldly. “Why can’t you untie him quickly? There are so many people here, are you afraid that he will run


The two policemen received their orders and immediately untied Fred.

Fred glanced at Stanley coldly before walking quickly to the front of the interrogation counter and sat

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down. The superintendent looked at Stanley and ordered him impatiently, “You… Sit there too.”

His lordly lookwas as if he was a mighty king.

Stanley glanced at him coldly without saying a word. He silently walked to Fred’s side and sat down.

Although every single person around him looked fierce and malicious, he still remained as steady as a

rock. The aura that lingered around him obviously contrasted with the people around him.

The superintendent quickly came and sat on their opposite.

After that, the superintendent looked at Fred and said, “He said you raped him, and you said he framed

you, which one of you is telling the truth? Can you describe the whole process?”

Fred snorted coldly. “Of course, but wait for a while.” Then, he glared at Stanley who was beside him


“You didn’t expect that it would work out if you frame me like this, did you? Don’t mention if I did not do

anything to you, even if I did, do you think they will sentence me to prison?”

“Although I don’t know why you did that, but I advise you, don’t be ridiculous. An ordinary person like

you will never know what is called ‘privilege’…” Fred was straight to the point, and he was getting more

and more rampant.

After that, Fred casually sat with his legs crossed, looked at the superintendent and said, “This person

drugged me and framed me, just that simple. Believe me, just capture him and sentence him, I assure

you will get a promotion and be rich.”

“Of course I’ll believe you. If I don’t, I can’t possibly believe him, right?” The superintendent looked at

Fred while trying to please him.

Stanley did not say a word from beginning to end. His finger was tapping on the table with a rhythm, his

eyes were like a pond without ripples.

They were actually very close, but they looked like they came from two different worlds.

“You… What’s your name?” The superintendent asked Stanley arrogantly.

Stanley slightly squinted his black eyes. He lifted his head slowly and looked at him. “Does your

superior know how you handle cases?”

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His eyes looked calm and firm. However, there was an unignorably pressure lingering around him.

Even the superintendent, who had met people of all walks of life, felt suffocated when his eyes met


However, he recovered instantly. He bellowed with dissatisfaction. “Where did this bastard come from?

How dare you talk to me like this! Do you know that I can sentence you to death anytime?”

“You can try that…” Stanley said indifferently. There was a hint of iciness in his calmness.

“F*ck, you really don’t know your place…”

Fred clenched his teeth while looking at him and said, “If you are clever enough, you should just

explain the crimes you committed clearly and proactively, or else I’ll ask them to torture you till you

need to find your teeth on the ground, do you believe me?”

“What can a scum like you do to me? Do you know who my father and my uncle is? What positions do

they hold?”

“Not to mention a small superintendent, even if he is a f*cking Attorney General, he will still need to

kneel, kowtow and call me his father. ”

“How dare you set me up and frame me, you really want to die… Don’t think that it would work out if

you remain silent, even if you don’t admit your crimes, I can still make you guilty if I want to.” Fred

continued to bark with a domineering look.