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Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 46 A shocking battle
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The next few minutes of the battle royale saw slow yet consistent eliminations untill about 50% of the starters had been eliminated , with the majority of them being the weaker first years into their first ever battle royale.

The Green House led by Percy suffered the least losses , as they abstained from battle in the first few chaotic minutes , however even so the moment the flame wall died down , all three houses charged towards the green house .

The set-up the green house had , made it such that the best third year’s were holding the outermost back-lines , hence when the charge from other houses came , it was naturally a lot of pressure for them , not having even a little room to maneuver around.

Even so , most of the third year’s stood firm , however a few were still eliminated.

This meant that although the green house had the least casualties , they had their best third year’s who were eliminated instead of the weak first years , which made a huge difference.

When about 50% participants were eliminated , the martial stage slowly became sufficiently big for proper fights to take place , without opponents having to fear bumping into other people with every step taken.

Hence it was then that the real competition began , as strategy and team planning from every house came to display !


Yami saw the situation and felt that it was the right time to divide the red house students into pre – determined battle formations , that already had specific tasks assigned to it..

Hence , following the captain’s order , the red house was within moments organized into 17 Units of 15 people in each unit , with only Ronan being left alone.

Ronan felt awkward for a second , as although it was his own idea to not join any group , with everyone walking together in a unit , he felt like a loner.

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However at that moment , something unexpected happened as a yellow house student took on a unit of the red house near him alone , and disabled five members , while eliminating one from the contest.

The kid was a first year , just like Ronan and he was here to challenge Ronan to a one vs one fight.

Initially Ronan would have ignored him , as although the kid did beat a few red house students , he was basically surrounded and unlike himself he did not have the ability to get out of encirclement safely , however Ronan was surprised to see that two units from the yellow house rushed in to provide back-up to this kid as he continued on his way to Ronan for a challenge.

When Nitin was finally face to face with Ronan , he said with anger in his voice ” Ronan Draco , finally we meet! TREMBLE because your nemesis is here ! “.

Ronan looked at the kid , then he looked at captain Yami outside as he made an gesture of ‘ Who is this clown? ‘. which completely enraged Nitin.

” Do not pretend like you haven’t heard my name , for i know you have , it was me Nitin , the strongest first year student who challenged you few months ago , yet your fear of me did not allow you to enter any house competitions to face me

I donot blame you , if it were me , i would not want to face me either , however today there is no escape , you will be defeated by me “. Nitin said as he smiled smugly , he looked at the crowd of spectators outside as he knew his appearance was famous around school now.

Murmurs started in the crowd , as many of the eliminated first years started chattering about Nitin’s strength.

Those who had fought him head on , were in awe of his godly control skills that seemed way beyond what a 7 year should be able to manifest , hence some of them beleived Nitin’s words to be true.

‘ That’s Nitin , the second strongest first year , oh my god!! , will we see him fight Ronan for the undisputed number one? ‘

‘ That Nitin is a dark horse , his rise is too fast , Look he is level 23 now , but he was only level 2 when he joined 5 months ago , not even Ronan is this fast in terms of levelling ‘.

‘ Nitin you can beat Ronan , go show the world your strength , the yellow house is behind you! ‘

‘ Ronan Draco is a born genius , hmph, arrogant snot , dirt can never become gold ‘

‘ Booooo , who do you think you are talking to commoner , thats the second prince of the nation! Not some street rutt like you ‘

More Boos than cheers rained on Nitin , as the only one’s supporting him were his housemates who were blinded by house loyalty.

However for Nitin it only seemed as if the world underestimated him and his strength. Afterall , how could seven year olds ever hold a candle to the soul residing within his body?

Nitin was one of the dark horses propelling the yellow house these past months , winning three house events in the months that Ronan did not participate , rising to become the second strongest first year , as everyone was left speechless by his astronomical rise.

However Ronan still stood there unaffected as he cleaned his ears with his finger and said ” Soo Nitisha , are you here to fight? “.

Ronan was extremely casual , however he accidentally mispelled Nitin’s name , but this caused nitin to pop a vein as he screamed

” YOU….youu… you need to be taught a lesson in respect! arggghhhhh “. Nitin screamed like a barbarian as he charged towards Ronan.

The seven year old was wayy immature , and had a very loose grip on his emotions , hence he forgot to switch with Deckard before the fight as promised and charged in to attack Ronan alone.

” IDIOT SWITCH ” Screamed Deckard , however Nitin was too blinded by anger to pay him any heed .

Nitin leapt into the air as he wanted to punch Ronan’s face with power , however when he came close to landing his attack , Ronan simply sidestepped it without any problems , throwing Nitin off-balance.

” Arghhhh coward , fight me “. screamed Nitin like a little girl as he turned to punch Ronan again , however to his shock Ronan was right beside him as he turned planting a strong right arm into his gut!

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Nitin coughed blood , as he buckled to his knees , he was nearly knocked out cold .

Had this been a real fight , Ronan would have used a round house kick at this moment to knock the kid unconscious . However since he did not need to be soo vicious to beat this kid in this competition , Ronan only pulled him over his shoulder as a potato bag and walked towards the edge of the arena as he dumped Nitin over.

The spectating crowd who were hoping for a thrilling encounter were all stumped , although they expected the fight to be won by Ronan , they did not think it would be this easy.

‘ HAHAHA , This is a real talent , a real prodigy , the yellow house kid was just plain trash ! ‘

‘ So this is the strength of Ronan Draco ? , the number two could not even take one punch? ‘

‘ I’m level 4 and a girl , yet i think i can do better than nitin. What a disgraceful way to punch and fight ‘

‘ Taking on Ronan , what did that commoner think his fate would be ‘

The crowd dissed Nitin , as the yellow house students could only hang their heads down in shame . They knew that fighting Ronan would be hard , however this was just plain disgraceful.

However at this moment a miracle happened , as Nitin who was thought to be eliminated was actually struggling just above the elimination line , as he used his variant bloodline to produce sonic booms that propelled him towards the martial arena once more , and with a particularly strong one he was able to make it back to the arena Stage.

The moment Nitin landed , he took a proper battle stance , as his emotional state seemed to have calmed down , as he looked coldly towards Ronan.

The yellow house students burst up into cheers when they saw this , as Ronan raised an eyebrow in surprise.

” The real fight starts now …. “. Nitin declared , as the teachers found his change to be impressive.

A proper battle stance , cold calculating eyes and calm temperament . It was almost like he was a changed man .

However only Nitin knew , that he indeed was , as the one facing Ronan now , was none other than Deckard Shaw , a previously level 140 , expert level martial artist !

/// A bonus chapter coming right after this one , thankyou for all the powerstones this last week. I hope the support continues this week too ????///