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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 175 Magic Lesson For Young Mage
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Erwin gazed at Adelaide as she gracefully floated toward the center of the circular stone platform, which had a radius of at least 100 meters. Meanwhile, Erwin had already spent four days settling into his new dorm with Leila and Marees. However, not much had happened during this time, as both of his roommates were preoccupied with their own activities. Their paths rarely crossed, as Erwin was engrossed in his studies at the library. Adelaide had informed him that he lacked fundamental knowledge about magic, so he dedicated his time to learning about it in the library.

During these four days, only two things managed to excite Erwin. The first was that Frejya agreed to play a game, but she wanted to wait until she felt fully prepared. Erwin agreed to her request. The second event that brought him even greater excitement was the arrival of his new neighbors at Rubious Dorms. Not only were they two beautiful girls but also his older sisters.

However, they were unaware that he was their brother, as they had never seen him and believed he had perished in the Meceium City attack. Erwin was thrilled upon receiving this news and eagerly anticipated meeting his sister. Unfortunately, they would only be moving in on the last day, coinciding with the start of the new classes. This was also another reason Frejya postponed their highly anticipated game.

Agda, on the other hand, was preoccupied with the process of obtaining permission from the kingdom to stay at the Academy with her sister. However, she encountered some difficulties in securing it. If she had informed Jiona that Erwin was alive, she would have likely received the permission to stay at the academy, and they would even have been compelled to live together. However, Erwin had asked her to keep his situation hidden from their mother, as he didn't want to reveal his existence until he became stronger.

Erwin still yearned for peaceful nights spent with his mother and grandmother, but he restrained his longing. He understood that he had to survive first in order to fulfill his desires. "Ah, I miss her tight throat," Erwin muttered to himself with a sigh, his gaze shifting towards Adelaide, who now stood at the center of the stone platform.

Adelaide shut her eyes, and within seconds, a translucent barrier materialized around her. It began to expand rapidly, encompassing the entire stone platform where she stood, all in the blink of an eye.

Erwin gazed at the spectacle in awe and exclaimed, "Is this an arcane field?"

Adelaide felt a surge of pride at seeing the wonder on Erwin's face and replied, "No, it's not an arcane field. It's an Arcane haven."

Erwin's face contorted with confusion as he pondered and inquired, "What is an arcane haven?"

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Adelaide waved her hand, causing the barrier to vanish, and she descended slowly from the stone platform. Erwin patiently awaited her response.

As her feet touched the ground, Adelaide posed a question of her own. "First, tell me, what do you understand about an arcane field?"

Erwin contemplated for a moment, collecting his thoughts before responding. "An arcane field can be defined as the space encompassing a mage, where they have the ability to manipulate and harness the mana within their own body."

Adelaide's smile widened as she acknowledged his answer with a nod. "Indeed, an arcane haven can be seen as an evolved form of the arcane field. In the arcane field, mages utilize the mana stored within themselves, whereas in the arcane haven, they have the capability to manipulate the mana present in the surrounding environment within the field."

Erwin's excitement grew as he eagerly asked, "When will I be able to advance my arcane field to an arcane haven?"

"Don't be so eager, my dear," Adelaide remarked with an amused tone, playfully pinching Erwin's adorable cheeks. "You don't even possess a visible arcane field yet."

She continued, her voice filled with encouragement, "To advance your arcane field to an arcane haven, you first need to attain the level of a 6th circle mage. There are also additional requirements to fulfill, but you need not worry about them for now. Today, our focus will be on expanding the size of your arcane field."

Erwin's excitement remained undeterred, and he eagerly awaited Adelaide's guidance, ready to embark on the path of honing his magical abilities.

Observing the excitement in Erwin's eyes, Adelaide proceeded with her lesson. "The arcane field, often referred to as a mage's domain, begins to form when mages embark on their journey into magic, typically when they reach the first circle of magehood. However, these initial formations are quite small, covering only about an inch or a few inches around the mage's body. This limited range is also why lower-level mages struggle to cast spells at a distance from their bodies."

As the lesson began, Adelaide guided Erwin on how to increase the size of his arcane field. She explained that the most straightforward approach was to practice casting magic spells and intentionally pushing them to greater distances away from his body.

Adelaide instructed Erwin to start with simple spells and gradually work his way up, focusing on extending their range with each attempt. By consciously willing the magic to travel far from his body, Erwin would be training his arcane field to expand its boundaries.

They began with basic spells, such as conjuring small flames or creating gusts of wind, encouraging Erwin to project them beyond his immediate surroundings. Adelaide emphasized the importance of visualization and intent, as well as the need to remain patient and persistent in his practice.

After depleting his mana and perspiring heavily, Erwin reached his limit, prompting Adelaide to conclude the lesson. Concerned for his well-being, they sought shelter in a secluded area of the garden, settling on a beautifully crafted park bench. Erwin eagerly gulped down a mouthful of water from a glass bottle, while Adelaide appreciated the verdant surroundings.

"Professor, if I may inquire, why did you choose to teach me about the arcane field?" Erwin asked, subtly shifting closer to Adelaide to reduce the distance between them.

·ƈθm Adelaide took a moment to gather her thoughts, appreciating Erwin's curiosity. She turned her gaze towards him, the gentle breeze rustling the nearby foliage.

Erwin's question prompted Adelaide to reveal an unexpected truth. "Do you know that you will be the only 11-year-old in your class?" she asked, shocking Erwin with her statement.

Erwin's expression mirrored his surprise as he responded, "What do you mean? Aren't all the students in the new classes my age?"

"No, Erwin," Adelaide explained, her voice tinged with concern. "Not everyone will be your age. In fact, your classmates will mostly be 17-year-olds, and many of them have already reached the second or even third circle of magehood."

Erwin's gaze dropped to the ground as he contemplated the reality that awaited him. He had assumed that his exceptional magical talent would grant him an advantage over the other 11-year-olds in his class. However, fate had dealt him a different hand. Not only was he the only 11-year-old, but he also discovered that he was among the least advanced, merely a first circle mage.

A mix of disappointment and apprehension washed over Erwin. The realization that he would be entering a class filled with older, more experienced students, many of whom had already progressed further in their magical abilities, weighed heavily on him.

Erwin's mind wandered to the possibility of catching the attention of some larger, more dominant girls who might view him as a toy to play with. Curiously, he didn't find this outcome objectionable; in fact, he found it rather enticing. However, he couldn't help but consider the alternative: What if they didn't desire him in that way? What actions might they take instead?

Adelaide noticed the concern etched on Erwin's face and empathetically responded, "I understand that you may not be ready to begin your academy journey just yet. However, the headmaster insisted on your participation, citing a specific reason. She expressed her desire for you to be prepared for something significant."

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Erwin's curiosity piqued as Adelaide mentioned the enigmatic headmaster, leaving him with unanswered questions regarding his newfound freedom and enrollment in the academy. With a suspicious mindset, he gazed at Adelaide and inquired, "Professor, do you have any idea why she wants me to attend the academy? What could be her underlying motive?"

Adelaide gently shook her head, a tinge of sadness crossing her features. "I'm afraid I don't have all the answers. While I don't know the exact reason, I can tell you that she has a specific destination in mind for you."

Erwin's intrigue deepened as he pressed for more details. "Where is this destination she wants me to go?"

Adelaide sighed, her expression reflecting genuine regret. "Unfortunately, I don't have that information either."

As Erwin listened to Adelaide's words, his mind raced with thoughts and speculations about the headmaster's intentions. Why specifically him? What could be the reason for her choice? He wondered if there was something unique about him that made him suitable for this mysterious destination. Questions flooded his mind, demanding answers.

Lost in his thoughts, Erwin couldn't help but recall the encounter with the woman at the festival, the one who wielded illusion magic. She had referred to him as a key, a significant piece in some unknown puzzle. 'Could the headmaster also be aware of his role as a key? And if so, a key to what?'

Adelaide's eyes unintentionally wandered down and noticed the bulge on Erwin's pants. Her face flushed with embarrassment as she quickly averted her gaze, feeling a mix of confusion and attraction. She cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure.

[Lust +2]

A sudden notification from the system disrupted Erwin's train of thought, bringing his attention back to the present moment. He glanced at Adelaide, noticing her gaze fixated on the his little Erwin.

Erwin surveyed the serene garden, ensuring no one was within earshot. With a playful glint in his eyes, he spoke to Adelaide. "Professor, isn't today just a splendid day? The sun is shining brightly, and the gentle breeze caresses our skin. It feels like a perfect day, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I suppose?" Adelaide responded, taken aback by the sudden shift in conversation. Her tone carried a hint of confusion as she glanced around and found he seem to be right. The weather was quite nice today.

Erwin's grin widened mischievously upon hearing her reply, his confidence radiating. "Well then, would you be willing to make it even better by giving my dick a throat massage?"