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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 70 Job
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Erwin sat down at the table with Duke Richard, feeling trapped and helpless. He had no idea what the Duke wanted from him, but he had a bad feeling about it. The Duke, on the other hand, seemed pleased with himself and the situation.

As the dinner progressed, Duke Richard made small talk, asking Erwin about his interests, hobbies, and future plans. Erwin answered politely, trying his best to be cordial despite the discomfort he felt being in the presence of the Duke.

Eventually, the topic turned to Erwin's grandfather, the Queen, and her decision to renounce his title as Prince.

"What do you think about your grandfather's decision, Prince Erwin?" Duke Richard asked, his tone somewhat patronizing.

Erwin hesitated for a moment before responding carefully. "It was his decision to make, and I respect him for it. I am still a member of the Nightrage family, even if I am no longer the crown Prince."

Duke Richard chuckled. "Yes, of course. But you must admit, it's quite a fall from grace, going from a Prince to a commoner. Your future prospects must look quite bleak."

'This middle age shit I have to fuck his daughter and wife.'

Erwin bristled at the Duke's words, feeling insulted by his condescending tone. "I may be a commoner now, but I still have a future ahead of me. I will find my own path, one that doesn't rely on my title or my family's wealth."

Duke Richard raised an eyebrow. "And how do you plan to do that, exactly? You have no skills, no experience, and no connections outside of your family."

Erwin felt a pang of anger and frustration at the Duke's words. He knew they were true, but he didn't want to admit it. He refused to be a victim of his circumstances, to let his past define his future. As he pondered, a realization dawned upon him. 'Wait a minute, I possess modern knowledge! I could utilize it to create something extraordinary.'

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"I'll figure it out," he said firmly, his voice tinged with determination. "I'll work hard, learn new skills, and make my own way in the world. I won't be held back by my family's name or my past."

Duke Richard leaned back in his chair, looking amused. "Well, I admire your spirit, Prince Erwin. But the reality is that you're facing an uphill battle. The world can be a harsh and unforgiving place, especially for someone like you."

Erwin felt a surge of anger at the Duke's words, but he kept his composure. He knew the Duke was trying to provoke him, to get a rise out of him. He refused to give him the satisfaction.

"Perhaps," Erwin said evenly, "but I won't let that stop me from trying. I'll make my own way, on my own terms."

Duke Richard smiled smugly. "We shall see, Prince Erwin. We shall see."

The rest of the dinner passed in tense silence, with Duke Richard occasionally making small talk, but Erwin feeling too on edge to relax. He couldn't wait to leave and put the whole uncomfortable encounter behind him.

Duke Richard's hand shot out, grabbing his arm firmly. "Prince. I have one more thing to discuss with you."

Erwin felt a jolt of fear and uncertainty as he looked at the Duke's hand on his arm. He didn't like where this was going.

"What is it that you want to discuss, Duke Richard?" Erwin asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Duke Richard's grip on his arm tightened slightly, and he leaned in close, his breath hot on Erwin's face. "I have a proposition for you, Prince Erwin. One that could change your future, if you're willing to listen."

Erwin's heart raced as he listened to the Duke's words. He didn't know what kind of proposition the Duke could possibly have for him, but he didn't trust him.

"What kind of proposition?" Erwin asked warily.

Duke Richard smiled, his eyes gleaming with an intensity that made Erwin shiver. "I'll make it simple, Prince. I have a job for you. But you have to go with that beautiful lady to join that job."

This preoccupied Erwin's interest. Following Duke's gaze, he spotted an enchanting woman sitting beside a handsome man, both adorned in noble garments, exuding an air of sophistication and beauty.

As Erwin's gaze followed Duke Richard's pointed finger, he saw her. She was sitting beside a handsome man wearing noble robes, and her beauty immediately caught his attention.

Erwin couldn't help but notice the woman's striking features, and he took a moment to study her face. Her skin had a golden glow to it, as if kissed by the sun, and her hair was a natural dark blonde, cascading down her back in loose waves.

The woman had a slender yet curvy body that hinted at both grace and strength. Erwin estimated her age to be in her mid-twenties, and he couldn't help but wonder who she was and what she wanted to do with him.

As Erwin gazed upon the young woman, he noticed the striking color of her eyes. They were a bright, piercing blue that seemed to sparkle in the dimly lit room. The shape of her eyes was slightly almond, giving them a unique and captivating appearance. They were framed by long lashes that fluttered as she looked at him with a smile.

Erwin felt his heart skip a beat as the woman smiled at him, and he realized he was staring. He quickly averted his gaze and turned his attention back to Duke Richard, trying to focus on what he was saying.

"I have a job offer for you, Prince Erwin," Duke Richard repeated, his grip on Erwin's arm still firm. "But it comes with a condition."

Erwin raised an eyebrow. "What condition?"

Duke Richard leaned in closer, his voice low and secretive. "You have to accompany this lady," he nodded towards the woman, "to a certain location and perform a certain task for me. If you succeed, the job is yours, and your future is secured."

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Erwin felt a knot form in his stomach as he listened to Duke Richard's words. He didn't like the sound of this "task," and he didn't trust the Duke. But he needed a job, and he couldn't deny the allure of the woman sitting beside him.

"What kind of task?" Erwin asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Duke Richard leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Erwin's. "That's for you to find out. All I can tell you is that it's a matter of great importance to me, and I need someone I can trust to handle it. Someone like you, Prince Erwin."

Erwin felt a surge of anger and frustration at the Duke's words. He didn't like being manipulated, and he didn't like the way the Duke was talking down to him. But he needed a job, and he needed to take care of himself. Maybe this was his chance.

"What's in it for me?" Erwin asked, his voice firm.

Duke Richard smiled, his grip on Erwin's arm loosening slightly. "Your future, Prince Erwin. A chance to prove yourself and make a name for yourself in the world. And, of course, a handsome sum of money as compensation for your services."

Erwin weighed his options for a moment, considering the Duke's proposal. He didn't like the idea of being indebted to the Duke, but he couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards the woman sitting beside him.

"I'll do it," Erwin said, his voice firm. "What do I have to do?"

Duke Richard's smile widened, and he released Erwin's arm. "Excellent. The details will be discussed later, but for now, enjoy your meal, Prince Erwin. You have made a wise decision."

"Your grace, Chef Biagio has personally prepared this new dish for you," the waiter said as he presented the delicious plate to the Duke.

"Waiter, please bring another serving of this dish for Lady Aheena," Duke requested with a smile.

The waiter nodded and quickly went to bring another serving for Lady Aheena.

As soon as the dish was served, Duke turned to Lady Aheena and asked, "How does it taste, my lady? Chef Biagio truly outdid himself with this creation."

Lady Aheena took a small bite and closed her eyes in delight. "It's absolutely divine, Your Grace. I've never tasted anything quite like it before," she said, savoring the flavors.

"Really? Let me have a taste..." Duke was interrupted by a sudden sound before he could take a bite of the dish. "Ughhh..."