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Secretary’s Secret Lover by Zayla Quinn

Chapter 309
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Chapter 309 The Widow

Pearce took off his glasses that symbolized elegance, revealing a pair of slender and wretched eyes as

he slowly squatted down. “Slut, you are really beautiful. Your face is so exquisite. You are even more

beautiful than those female stars.”

He forcefully patted Yvette’s shoulder, his saliva almost dripping down. He couldn’t wait to say, “Let’s

not waste time.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his arm and dragged her onto the sofa in the lounge.

“Help! Help!”

Yvette desperately cried out, her fingers tightly grabbing onto the carpet. Her nails began to bleed

because of her actions.


Pearce gave her a vicious kick

“If you keep screaming, I will kick you to death, you bitch!”

Yvette felt a sharp pain coming from her waist. She held her waist and did not give up shouting.

Pearce grabbed her hair in a hurry and wanted to press her face into the sofa cushion.

Yvette felt that her scalp was about to be torn apart. Her hair was torn out. She was in so much pain

that she shed tears.

But the pain made her dizzy mind become clearer.

As she cried, she pleaded softly, “Mr. Horton, Mr. Horton, I’m begging you. Don’t hit me. I am afraid of

pain. I will be obedient and listen to you.”

At this moment, Yvette’s face was flushed, and her eyelashes were wet. She looked lovable and


Pearce felt aroused. He took off his pants and was about to do something to Yvette. At the same time,

he was saying dirty words.

“Beautiful, cutie. You should be obedient earlier. I will make you happy later.”

Pearce bent down and licked his two thick lips. His eyes were full of evilness. He looked disgusting.

Yvette knew that she only had one chance, and her physical strength could only support her to try one


She suddenly took something from her clothes.


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She took out a small bottle and sprayed fog into Pearce’s eyes.


Pearce swung his fist randomly, screaming and crying.

“Bitch! What did you spray into my eyes?”

Fortunately, Yvette usually put pepper spray in her bag, and also hung one on her neck, just in case.

This time, it helped her.

She shrank her head and dodged Pearce’s fist. Then, she kicked Pearce off the bed with her knee.

Pearce was rolling on the ground with his hand on his abdomen. Also, he was constantly groaning and


“Ah. Fuck. I’m going to kill you.”

Yvette rolled and crawled to the door, using all her strength to pick up a chair and throw it at the door



She didn’t smash it open for the first time.

Behind her, Pearce seemed to have come to his senses and kept scolding, “1, I will kill you.”

It was extremely urgent!


Yvette slapped herself hard to wake herself up. She picked up a chair and continued to smash the door



Finally, after she smashed the door twice, the door opened.

And Pearce had already come behind Yvette, clutching his lower abdomen.

He bared his teeth and held Yvette’s shoulder with his hand.


Yvette screamed and turned to kick Pearce again.

Pearce was kicked to the ground.

Fortunately, Pearce wasn’t that strong, so Yvette could kick him down easily.

She ran out desperately.

Fortunately, they were in a hotel. To avoid suspicion, Pearce didn’t let anyone guard the door.

However, there was no one in the hotel at this time, especially on the floor of the lounge. Because it

was a temporary lounge, not a place to stay, there was not even a waiter.

Yvette recalled where the elevator was. At this time, she went dizzy again. She stared at the elevator

as it went upward.


The creepy scream made Yvette’s hair stand on end.

Pearce came! He was so bold.

Logically speaking, since she had already run out of the lounge, he shouldn’t chase her out. There

were surveillance cameras everywhere.

But Pearce still came. His clothes were in a mess. His chest was exposed. And his pants were gone.

He looked very strange.

Yvette felt that something was wrong, but she could no longer think more. She leaned against the wall

and kept pressing the button of the elevator. She prayed that the elevator would open and that

someone could save her inside.

Pearce walked over while swaying. He drooled and said unclearly, “Slut, how dare you run away after

drugging me?”

After saying that, he grabbed Yvette’s hair and dragged her back!

“Ah! Let go of me!”

Yvette grabbed her own hair and shouted, “Help!”

At this time.


The elevator doors opened.

Yvette saw a pair of grayish–blue eyes with some hatred toward the world. She suddenly shouted.

“Save me! Save me!”


A loud slap came.

Pearce scolded, “Scream again. I’ll kill you!”

In the elevator.

Caiden had his back against the elevator wall, and his hand was in his pocket. He looked indifferent..

He had no interest in meddling in such matters.

He had meddled in once before, but that woman thought it was between her and her boyfriend. He beat

that man badly, and

the woman chose to sue him.

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He was laughed at by a group of friends for a whole year.

He swore he would never meddle in with such things again.

Yvette was dragged away by Pearce and disappeared around the corner, her voice getting weaker and


Something flashed through her mind.

Then, her sharp nails dug into Pearce’s wrist. At this time, Pearce almost went crazy. And he was


Pearce let go of his hand in pain and swung his arm to slap her.

“Bit… Ahhh!”

When people were forced to a dead end, their potential was endless.

Yvette grabbed the arm that was reaching over and bit it hard. She bit Pearce so hard that he

screamed miserably.

Then, she ran to the elevator crazily.

The elevator doors were about to close.

Yvette used the last of her strength to shout, “Caiden!”

Inside the elevator doors that were about to close, a slender hand suddenly stretched out and kept the

doors open.

Caiden stuck out a foot and lazily said, “Who called me?”


A soft body fell into his arms.

He was knocked back two steps.


Caiden frowned and cursed in a low voice.

Then he tried hard to push her away. He didn’t want to have anything to do with this.

“I’m always cold. Don’t try to get close to me. That’s a warning.”

But even so, Yvette’s slender and soft arms still wrapped around him. She was soft and nimble like a

snake as she leaned closer to Caiden.

“Shit, shit, shit!”

Caiden cursed a few times.

He could only blame this woman for being too fragrant.

He actually didn’t have the heart to push her away for a moment!

However, this fragrance seemed to be a little familiar.

He turned the woman’s face over. Then he saw a beautiful face under the messy hair.


Caiden’s eyes widened as he shouted, “It’s you? The widow?”