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Serve No One This Life

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45 School Clash

415 Free Coins

Caught off guard, Angela’s wrist was grabbed and she instinctively pushed back with force, causing Stella to

stumble and nearly fall over.

Their actions immediately caught the attention of many bystanders.

“What's going on?”

Jessica, observing Stella's reaction, was also puzzled. “Stella, Fanny, did you two tamper with my water?”

Before the competition, she had only argued with these two.

Fanny widened her eyes and shook her head. “Jessica, what are you talking about?”

A hint of guilt flashed in Stella’s eyes, but she shouted loudly, “Jessica, you're talking nonsense. You've finished

your speech, and now you're deliberately disturbing Fanny to ruin her mindset for the competition, aren't you?”

She intentionally raised her voice, causing many students around to start whispering. Even steachers

looked over. Jessica was so angry she wanted to hit her, but Angela held her back.

“Jess, don’t let her get to you. Let's go to the teacher and ask for the surveillance footage. Everything will be

clear then.

Without substantial evidence, they couldn't simply accuse Stella.

Checking the surveillance was the best solution.

While Stella was distracted, Angela pulled Jessica towards the surveillance room.

“Stop right there!” Stella paid no attention to anything else and chased after them.

Fanny also wanted to chase after them but was suddenly held back by someone.

“Samuel?” She turned around and was surprised to see him.

Samuel looked furious. “Fanny, focus on the competition. I'll teach Angela a lesson!”

Angela was truly heartless and unscrupulous, consumed by jealousy, and prone to causing harm.

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Not only had she caused trouble for him before, but now she was deliberately spreading vicious rumors to affect

Fanny's mindset about the competition.

He had been blind before, thinking Angela was a quiet and honest person.

After coaxing Fanny onto the stage, Samuel chased after Angela with a gloomy expression.

Today, he would settle all the old and new scores!

When Samuel reached the small open space behind the playground stairs, he saw that Stella had already caught

up with the two..

Chapter 15 School Clash

“Angela, why aren’t you running now? Stella was panting, cornering the two in a dead end.

Just as Samuel was about to step forward, he was stunned to see Angela step forward and slap Stella hard across

the face.

The slap was crisp and loud, leaving everyone stunned.

After a good five seconds, Stella, clutching her burning cheek, finally reacted. “Angela, how dare you hit me?”

“You dare to drug others. What makes you think | wouldn't dare to hit you?”

Angela’s voice was icy cold, chilling to the bone. Her expression was even colder.

She had already noticed traces of senna leaf powder around Stella’s fingernails. Now, she was almost certain

that it was Stella who had done the deed.

“Don’t accusefalsely. How dare you hit me? That's assault, and I'm going to call the police! Stella shricked.

“Go ahead. | can’t wait.” Angela sneered. “I was worried you wouldn't.”

Stella looked even more guilty. Drugging someone was a serious matter. If it was discovered, she would definitely

be expelled. D*mn it, how did they find out? No one saw it.

As the standoff continued, Samuel could no longer hold back. He rushed forward and grabbed Angela by the

collar. “Angela, you wicked woman. Cwithto see the teacher!”

Angela’s collar was yanked up by him. She immediately struggled, but the difference in strength between men

and women made it impossible for her to resist Samuel. So, she scratched his face, leaving several bloody

marks. Jessica rushed over to help.

Samuel, have you gone mad? Angela is your sister!”

If he continued to pull like this, Angela’s chest would be exposed.

“I don’t have such a wicked sister!” Samuel, his face hurting from the scratches, cursed loudly.

Stella's eyes lit up. She also rushed over to help, aiming at Angela's pulled collar and adding more force. But the

collar only loosened slightly, not tearing. This only fueled Angela's anger, and she slapped Stella

twice more.

The four of them were engaged in a heated fight, with none of them gaining the upper hand. Suddenly, a loud

roar erupted.

“What are you students doing?”

They all turned to see several school administrators glaring at them, their hands frozen in mid-action.

“Cwithto my office!” Thomas Crane, the vice principal, couldn't scold them publicly due to the presence

of potential investors, so he decided to take them to his office first.

However, at that moment, Stella's eyes lit up, and she excitedly ran towards the man beside him. “Dad!”

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Chapter 45 School Clash

15 Free Coins

Only then did David realize that one of the students involved in the fight was his daughter. As Stella approached,

he was shocked to see her swollen face.

“Stella, lettake a look.”

“Dad, you have to stand up for me!”

Upon seeing Stella's severely beaten face, the expressions on the faces of several school administrators

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instantly turned grim.

This was a disaster. The investors were considering donating a building to the school and had cto visit under

the pretext of the Brundelian speech competition. They didn’t expect their daughter to be assaulted like this at

their school.

Thomas made a quick decision, pointing at the other three. “You three, call your parents right now! They must

cand apologize with you.”

Stella looked triumphantly at Angela.

Call their parents? Could they even do that? When her parents arrived, they would surely take her side and


Angela, without any support, had the audacity to hit her. How dare she?

“Mr. Crane, this is not our fault... Jessica tried to explain, but Thomas didn’t listen at all and immediately turned

to apologize to David.

“Mr. Johnston, I'm truly sorry about this. | will definitely provide you and your beloved daughter with a

satisfactory explanation today.”

They were all taken to Thomas’ office. Stella and David sat on the couch while the other three stood and

received a scolding from Thomas.

“Look at yourselves. Do you behave like students? Bullying your classmates at school! Now, you must call your

parents and have them cto apologize together.”

Jessica shook her head, saying. “Mr. Crane, it's not like that at all. Stella put laxatives in the water she gave me

to drink before the competition. We were trying to review the surveillance footage, but she refused to allow us.

That's when the argument started. Moreover, she was also involved in the altercation.”

Thomas was surprised and furrowed his brow

Angela added, “Mr. Crane, let's examine the surveillance footage. This involves drugging, which changes the

nature of the incident.

Stella abruptly stood up and exclaimed, “I didn’t do that! You're just trying to frme because you wanted to

sabotage Fanny's competition, and | saw through it! Angela, you dared to slapthree times. My dad won't let

you get away with it!”

Angela sneered, about to retort, when David, who had been sitting on the couch listening, suddenly stood up in

anger, rushed forward, and slapped her across the face.