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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 297
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“But—” Lisanne fell into an abrupt silence mid-sentence.

Winnie, without any hesitation, inquired further, “But what? Just spit it out.”

Lisanne’s brows creased. “After giving it some thought, I realize I might need Prince Andrew’s help to

resolve this matter. Given that I need someone to shield me from the pressure, Prince Andrew—a

member of the royal family—is undoubtedly the best candidate.

“As for the person who’s dying to see me leave, he’s actually a rival of mine in the research center and

also a fellow mentee. Ever since we worked together under the same boss, he began to covet my

research topics and results.

“Back then, he kept hinting to me to include his name on my thesis even though he made zero

contributions. Obviously, I rejected him as there was no way I was going to reward him for doing

nothing, but that was the genesis of his grudge toward me.

“Now that I have tendered my resignation, it’s natural that I want to take my research papers and

results with me. However, he protested against it by claiming that he had completed the research

together with me. He told me that I was free to leave but had to leave the research data to him, either

that or add his name to my thesis.

“Considering how despicable he is, I would rather destroy my research data than leave it to him. But

now, I’ve changed my mind. I have instead decided to share two of my theses with Prince Andrew’s

girlfriend. Doing so would help her put her foot in the door of the research center.

“Now that I’m looking to quit and Professor Houlter has passed away abruptly, the research center is

suddenly short-handed. Also, Prince Andrew’s presence will help facilitate my resignation too. In the

event my rival gives me any trouble, the prince would naturally have my back. After all, his girlfriend is

the one taking over my role, and it makes no sense for him to sit idly by when she’s being attacked by

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someone else. Anyway, this is what I have in mind, and it feels like a win-win scenario. So, what do you


Winnie gave the matter deep thought. “I think it’s feasible, but have you thought it through? Do you

really want to share your theses with someone else? Those are, after all, the fruits of your research!”

“Yes, I’ve made up my mind.” Lisanne’s tone was firm. “For the sake of returning to Chanaea, this is

certainly worth it.”

“Fine. I’ll find a way to talk to Prince Andrew about this. Just wait for my update.”

“Great!” After breathing a sigh of relief, Lisanne opened the menu and prepared to order a slice of


“I finally have some appetite,” she remarked before asking Winnie. “I’ll order one for you too, Winnie.

How about a mousse cake?”

“I’ll pass.” Winnie took a sip of coffee. “The earlier I get this done, the better. After finishing this cup of

coffee, I’m going straight to see Wilhelm.”

“All right then. I hope you’ll bring good news.”

The fact that Lisanne was willing to share the credit for her theses would definitely be welcomed by

Andrew’s girlfriend.

As a result, the matter was quickly resolved.

Although Wilhelm knew that Winnie had contributed significant effort to the matter, she was still

someone within Xavier’s network. Hence, he stopped making things difficult for the latter.

As for Lisanne, she quickly made preparations to return to her country.

Due to her experience at the research center, her impression of Yartran was utterly ruined. Therefore,

she didn’t even want to keep her house there and instructed Winnie to sell it on her behalf.

Although Winnie agreed to it, she figured that Lisanne might still return to Yartran one day. Thus, she

bought the house out of her own pocket and planned to return it to Lisanne as a gift one day.

Now that Lisanne was all packed, she decided to leave all her furniture behind. All that was left was to

receive a confirmation of her resignation from the research center.

It was during this lull in Lisanne’s schedule that Winnie brought Xavier over to see the former.

Firstly, they wanted to thank her. Secondly, Winnie wanted to introduce Xavier to Lisanne, who was,

after all, a close friend of hers.

With all her concerns resolved, Lisanne—feeling much at ease—broke into a vibrant smile at the sight

of Winnie and Xavier before going on to entertain them warmly.

After lunch, she invited both of them to play some board games.

As for Xavier, he received a call a few minutes into the game and had to leave early, leaving Winnie

and Lisanne behind.

Lisanne then threw a glance at Xavier’s back before commenting, “He looks better in person than in the

pictures. From what you’ve told me before, he does feel like someone you can spend the rest of your

life with. Well done, Winnie! So when are you planning to have children?”

“We’ll have them when we have them,” Winnie replied after pondering briefly. “To be honest, we’re not

currently planning for it due to the residual poison in his body. Therefore, now probably isn’t the best

time yet.”

Lisanne nodded. “That’s true. Besides, both of you are still young, so there’s no hurry at all. Having

said that, what about the physical evaluation your brother is supposed to give him? Is he in the right

condition to do it?”

“No, he isn’t. That’s why I spoke to Wilhelm again about it. Luckily, being the reasonable person he is,

he has postponed it indefinitely and will probably forget about it with time. Anyway, enough about me.

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What about you? Do you have anyone you fancy?”

“Me?” Lisanne shook her head right away. “I’m sure you’re well aware that I’ve been so engrossed in

my research over the past few years that I just have no time for a relationship.”

“Really?” Winnie was skeptical. “In that case, why are your cheeks red? You’re blushing, aren’t you?

That’s why you’re averting your gaze while speaking.”

“I’m not!” Lisanne insisted stubbornly. “I just feel hot from playing the game.”

“Really?” Winnie exposed her friend’s bluff right away. “Why don’t I feel hot at all?”

“That’s because you’re not afraid of the heat, but I am!” Avoiding the topic, Lisanne stopped playing

and walked aside to pick up her phone instead.

Sensing her friend’s reluctance to talk about her love life, Winnie didn’t inquire further.

Nonetheless, she noticed the drooping of Lisanne’s smile the moment the latter looked at her phone.

Worried that something untoward had happened, Winnie hurried to her side.

However, Lisanne—who was just staring at her screen—quickly put her phone away when she noticed

Winnie’s approach.

Unfortunately, she was too late, for Winnie had managed to catch a glimpse.

Lisanne had a chat window opened.

In it, she had sent the recipient many messages, including her daily thoughts and her concern for the

latter. Unfortunately, she never received a single reply.

Evidently, she liked that person a lot, but the feeling wasn’t mutual.

As for the person’s profile picture…

Winnie found it extremely familiar as it was none other than Christopher Bennett!

Stunned by the realization, Winnie took a few seconds to regain her senses.

“Lisanne,” Winnie asked, “do you know Christopher?”

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