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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 686
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Chapter 33 : I’ve Been Waiting for Ten Years


As much as I wanted to see what was in the box, I had a feeling Mila would prefer to look it over on her own.

Besides, I caught a familiar scent and I had something important to check up on.

The door to my room clicked shut and I saw Thomas lounging casually, leaning against the wall outside my room.

“Thomas, it is good to see you." I grinned and helped my hand out.

Thomas smirked and ignored my hand. He pulled me in for a quick hug.

“Don't be so formal, Soren, we've known each other too long for that," Thomas teased.

I rolled my eyes and gave him a one-armed hug.

“It is rare that you reach out to me these days," Thomas said. “Regarding that thing you asked me to look–"

I held up a hand and shook my head, silencing him.

“Did you book a room?"

“Of course."

“We'll talk there," I said.

“What's wrong with your room?" Thomas asked, nodding to the door behind me.

I thought of Mila in my room, eagerly reading through the journal and looking over the items in the box.

“It is occupied," I grumbled.

Thomas grinned and nodded. “Ahh, I see." He chuckled and clapped a hand on my shoulder.

“Let's just go to your room," I insisted.

Thomas nodded and led the way. He switched to the mindlink as we walked. Since he was the only person here

from my old pack, we could still use the mindlink.

'I looked into that woman, Helen, like you asked. She's a witch, did you know?" Thomas asked.

'I just found out but I did suspect,' I admitted through the mindlink.

We got to Thomas's room and he shut and locked the door. In the corner, there was an old stereo and he put on

some music. Soft enough so we could talk freely but loud enough to keep anyone else from listening in.

“Well, she disappeared many years ago and people of Miltern were forbidden from mentioning her," Thomas

informed me.

I stroked my chin and nodded. “Perhaps that's why April couldn't bring her up until Mila did."

“What was that?" Thomas asked.

I shook my head. “Just thinking aloud. Tell me what you know."

“There is a lot of secrecy around Helen and Miltern. I couldn't find out the details but this fog that hangs around, it

has something to do with Helen," he reported. “People don't seem to think she caused the fog but they do think it is

related to her."

“Related to something she did or someone she crossed…" I muttered.

“Perhaps. There are rumors that she pissed off Norwind pack. They might have retaliated. I can dig deeper into it if

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you'd like," Thomas offered.

Absently, I nodded.

We needed to know more about Helen. She was the key to all of this. Somehow, she was related to Mila. Whether

that was a blood relation or just because they were witches… I didn't know. Given Helen's age, and Payne's report

of her being wanted when he was a child, it was possible that Helen had a daughter.

Could Mila be that daughter?

It would explain why Mila dreamt about her and why Mila could do magic. She could be a lot more closely related to

a witch than I initially guessed. She wouldn't just be a descendant of powerful witches from hundreds of years ago.

She'd have a strong, active witch bloodline.

I glanced at Thomas. “Does Helen have a daughter?

Thomas creased his brow. Slowly, he shook his head.


“You're sure?" I pressed.

“I'm more than sure. She was always alone, living in hidden and dark places. There's no record or rumor of her

having a mate or a family. No one knows who her relatives are or were. It's like she's a ghost."

“That's… unfortunate."

“I will continue to look into Helen and investigate her family ties. But Soren, there is something more pressing we

need to discuss," Thomas told me.

I arched an eyebrow at him, pushing thoughts of Mila and Helen away. Thomas sounded serious, almost a little

nervous, and that was never good.

“What is it?" I asked urgently.

Thomas licked his lips. “I've heard that there are several packs gearing up to search for something. A lost artifact

that has been missing for more than a decade," he said.

I narrowed my eyes and stroked my chin.

Lost artifacts were usually lost for a reason. Usually, when a pack 'got wind' of one and went after it, it was a wild

goose chase. But if multiple packs were getting ready to search, someone had a solid lead.

“Good. They can kill each other off fighting over it," I scoffed.

“Soren, be serious! You know that lost artifacts are lost because someone hid them, and usually for a good reason.

I've heard about the rumored power of this artifact and it…" Thomas sighed, his shoulders sagging.

“What about it?" I demanded, beckoning him with my hand.

“Some say that it can raise the dead. Others say it can kill without a trace. And others say that it can do both."

I chuckled and shook my head.

“That's just embellishment," I insisted.

“Maybe, maybe not. We don't know the full powers of any pack artifact, least of all one that has been missing for

over a decade," Thomas pointed out. “Now, like all artifacts, it can only be used by the alpha blood of the pack it

belongs to."

“Then there is hardly a rush on finding it. If it has been lost so long, I doubt any of the packs searching for it have

the bloodline to use it," I said, waving dismissively.

“Do you want to take that risk?" Thomas asked.

I sighed and shook my head. As unlikely as it was that a powerful and dangerous artifact would be located a decade

after someone carefully hid it and would just happen to fall into the hands of the alpha bloodline that could use it, I

couldn't take that chance.

“No. There's something else I'm going to need you to do," I said, meeting Thomas's eyes.

“Name it," Thomas agreed with a nod.

“Start a rumor about a rare, powerful artifact being found here in Miltern. Don't describe it in detail but use small

visual clues to make it sound more mysterious. I don't care how you spread the rumor, but make sure people

believe it and believe that the artifact is powerful," I instructed.

Thomas raised an eyebrow and gazed curiously at me.

“There's more going on here, isn't there?" he asked. “What is it?"

“Nothing. I'm just dealing with this artifact dilemma before it gets out of hand."

“You expect me to believe that?" Thomas asked, crossing his arms. “This is personal for you. Asking me to

investigate this Helen woman, spreading rumors about an artifact to draw trouble to yourself. What have you

gotten into? There's something more at stake in this for you."

I snarled and shook my head. Thomas knew me too well and at times like this, it was annoying.

“Don't tell me that the leaf in the wind Soren has finally decided to settle down and create his own pack. Perhaps

even settle down in other ways, too," Thomas said, chuckling.

“No," I said vehemently.

“Then this is about someone else…"

Shrugging, I waved off his concerns. “Living as I do, sometimes I get dragged into unwanted trouble. Unfortunately,

this is one of those times. Everything I'm doing is for self-preservation. That's what I'm best at."

“Well, I won't argue with that," Thomas muttered

It wasn't the packs and the artifact I cared about. In this case, self-preservation would be turning tail and minding

my own business. The less I was involved, the better.

I knew I could handle the other packs. They didn't scare me and this artifact they were after didn't scare me. I'd

already faced and handled far worse.

But there was Mila… she'd dragged me into this trouble and because of our arrangement, I now had the

responsibility to help her, which is what I was doing by having Thomas spread rumors and investigate Helen.

Was it just our deal, though? Or was I using that as an excuse to learn more about her? From the moment she

turned up in my bed, I couldn't deny that I had been curious about the young woman that walked through a

sandstorm, poisoned, and not only survived but had the capacity to seduce me.

There was still more to learn about her. But would I go to such lengths just out of curiosity or for our deal?

“I'm sorry, Soren, I didn't mean to pry," Thomas said, eyes studying my face. I'd actually be happy for you if you

decided to settle down and look for your mate… whether it is fated or chosen…"

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At the word 'mate,' Rosalie flashed in my mind. I tried to blink her away, but she transformed into Mila.

Mila's face swam in my mind, smiling and biting her lower lip. She still looked so young and innocent, even though I

knew she wasn't.

Groaning, I shook my head at myself. It was bad enough that I still thought of Rosalie when the word 'mate' came

up. I had tried for a long time to let her go.

What was worse was that now that I felt like I was letting her go, someone else had taken her place. Someone that

got under my skin in all kinds of obnoxious ways.

I scoffed and shook my head.

Mila and I were involved simply due to our business arrangement. We could benefit mutually, and take what we

wanted from one another, but it had absolutely nothing to do with mates!

A shudder ran through me just thinking about that word.

Smirking, I shook my head and chuckled lightly. “I doubt I have a mate."

“Don't joke about that," Thomas chastised.

“I'm serious. I think the Moon Goddess forgot about me," I said. I grinned so Thomas wouldn't think I was actually

being serious. “I don't see it as a bad thing. This way, I will always be free."

Thomas grunted and shook his head. “Right. Are you still hung up on Ro-"

“No! Thomas, no," I insisted.

Thomas clamped his mouth shut. He sighed heavily and nodded. Thomas was the only person in the world, this

world anyway, that knew about Rosalie and my past with her. We had a silent agreement not to talk about it.

“I'm sorry, Alpha, I-"

“Don't call me that," I growled.

Thomas nodded again and held his hands up in surrender.

Sighing, I smiled lightly. “There's no need to apologize. The past is the past. I should have moved on years ago.

You're the only one that has been with me through all this shit."

Thomas grinned. “Well, I won't deny that I've been waiting to hear that from you for over ten years."

We chuckled together.

Knock. Knock.

“That's probably for you. No one knows I'm here," Thomas said, nodding to the door.

I opened the door and saw Payne and Mila standing there together. Payne was the only other one that would know

where to find me.

Mila looked at me and then at Thomas. She hardly spared him a glance before looking back at me.

Thomas got closer and peered over my shoulder.

“Oh, who's this?" he asked.

I shook my head. “What do you need?"

“Is this who was 'occupying' your room," Thomas teased.

Growling, I shot him a warning glance and he backed off.

Mila scowled at me when I looked at her again.

“Just ignore him," I muttered. “What is it?"

“I need to see April again," she stated.