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Soul of Negary

Chapter 134: Vol2 Ch32: [Order Collapse]
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Chapter 134: Vol2 Ch32: [Order Collapse]

“It’s just about enough” Ye Kong sat on top of a large building and spoke to his collaborator through an earpiece.

[It should’ve already been enough yesterday, but it was forcefully pushed down by that Wang Yuan] an exhausted voice came from the other side of the earpiece: [Through our guidance, everything should already be in place, the only thing left is for you to show your worth]

“The sensation of everything collapsing is truly a wonderful one” Ye Kong revealed a morbid smile.

The building behind him started to crack and crumble, a large amount of Disasforce surged forward from his body and drew the attention of every Authority Holder in the 6th domain. This was pure and open provocation.

“Come to me, fight me, cause even more chaos, cause even more collapse!” Ye Kong leapt out from the building and nimbly landed on the ground, under the protection of Disasforce, he wasn’t hurt at all. Instead, the road was broken to pieces.

The peaceful protestors in the venue suddenly broke out in a frenzy and created a terrifyingly tense atmosphere. As Ye Kong landed, his Disasforce swept through some protestors and caused their bodies to literally shatter and collapse as broken body parts.

Once again showing his broken morbid smile, Ye Kong unleashed his Disasforce without reserve. Anyone who got close to him, regardless if they were ugly or beautiful, male or female, old or young, all of them shattered into broken body parts.

Ye Kong had gone thoroughly insane, during his massacre, his face was flushed unnaturally red, as if seeing the suffering and cries of panic were some sort of extreme joy for him.

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“Do you understand?” Ye Kong randomly grabbed a beautiful lady by her neck and shouted in excitement: “When my fiancée, the love of my life, lost her life right in front of me, I became broken, but that moment also gave me an unprecedented sense of joy”

“It was at that moment that I understood: collapse, that is my essence!” Disasforce surged forward from Ye Kong’s hands and caused the woman’s body from her neck down to explode into pieces. Her flesh and blood splattered towards Ye Kong, but was swept away by his Disasforce.

“Just look at how beautiful you are when broken” holding the head with a fearful expression, Ye Kong kissed it on the lip, then threw it away.

“Weren’t you all excited before?” Ye Kong turned towards the fleeing masses: “Because you had an excuse, you ignored the established rules, glossed over the existing order and did whatever you liked, doesn’t that excite you?”

“Then continue your excitement, let order itself break and collapse, there’s no need to adhere to any rules and regulations, do whatever it is that you wish to do!” Ye Kong’s Disasforce surged forward and split the air in front of him apart in a sonic boom. His figure turned into a blurry image in a split second and caught a young man.

“Because the other party was an Authority Holder, you gave yourselves a reason to do what you wanted without reserve. Now I’ve given you another reason to do as you please, go ahead and rampage to your heart’s content, do not care about morals, ignore the laws, and forget about any rules”

“Otherwise, I’m going to kill you with my own hands” Ye Kong threw the young man to one side and pressed his hand against a building next to him. Countless cracks immediately manifested on the building and swiftly turned it to rubble.

The young man looked at the insane expression on Ye Kong’s face, the morbid and twisted smile staring at him told him that if he didn’t do as the man demanded, he would be killed right away.

His intense survival instincts caused the young man to immediately pick up a fallen brick and smash it onto the head of a person who was buried under the newly collapsed building, causing his blood to splatter and dye the young man red.

“Well done, now continue. You already have no way to turn back, look forward to an even more broken world” Ye Kong stroked the young man’s head and praised him.

Ye Kong’s figure vanished and appeared right in front of a person who was trying to call the police for help. He grabbed and lifted the man up with one hand, then loudly declared: “Do whatever you wish to do, destroy, plunder, anything. But if you dare to call upon the power of order for help, I will kill you without hesitation”

“Just like this” Ye Kong’s Disasforce surged forward from his hand and shattered the man into pieces. Soaked in his blood, Ye Kong now seemed like a demon that came from hell to spread chaos.

There was a video camera right next to him, originally here to broadcast the protestors to the public, but now they instead recorded and broadcasted Ye Kong’s actions to the entire country.

“Buildings and structures are the representation of a civilization; the collapse of structures also represent the collapse of civilization and order. He’s trying to promote [Building Collapse] into the Grade F disaster – [Order Collapse]” the D.E.R division’s scholar watched Ye Kong’s actions and finally understood his goal.

“Before this, he guided the media to cause a rift between normal people and Authority Holders in order to cause chaos while also drawing out the wild nature of people. At the same time, his actions caused the people’s trust in D.E.R division and the government as a whole to plummet, thus unable to maintain the appearance of order as they usually were able to”

“If he’s allowed to continue this, his [Building Collapse] Authority might truly be able to become promoted into [Order Collapse] and become a new Disaster King”

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“Contact all personnel. Stop him, we can’t let the events of the Yue Bu earthquake repeat itself” Chang Xia ordered in a low, stern voice.

The area around Ye Kong officially became hell on earth, for their lives, everyone had thoroughly unleashed their inner beasts. Homicide, stealing, violence, daylight rape, etc. all sorts of acts that went against law and order were being openly committed.

Ye Kong’s morbid smile resurfaced on his expression. He was already able to feel this Authority changing, as if absorbing something from this calamity, he wholeheartedly believed that if he continued, his Authority would surely be promoted and evolve.

“Not enough, there’s still not enough chaos!” as Ye Kong continued through the streets and spread his chaos, the person on the other side of his earpiece spoke.

[Something seemed to have happened to Disaster King Fang Ze’s woman. He’s currently on his way to Negary Inc., as far as I can tell, he’s showing an extremely urgent expression. What do you think about stopping him?]

“I think that’s going to be very interesting” Ye Kong laughed maniacally: “Tell me where he is”

“When every Authority Holder joins into this battle, the 6th domain would surely be plunged into utter chaos” Ye Kong continued to exercise his Authority nonstop, wherever he walked, the buildings and structures around would crumble and collapse, further spreading panic and chaos.

Because he was originally a D.E.R division combatant, he knew all of the D.E.R division’s tricks. For example, one common trick that was used against Authority Holders was sniping them with bullets made from Disasforce material, rendering their defences completely useless.

But Ye Kong understood this too well, he seemed to easily be able to discover where the snipers were hiding and constantly remained in motion by using Disasforce to split the air apart. His constitution seemed to have been mysteriously improved as he didn’t show any signs of being tired despite moving around so much.

With a perversely twisted smile on his face, Ye Kong was quickly moving towards Fang Ze.

He couldn’t wait any longer.