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Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 258 More Coins
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While the old man took a look around the inside of the carriage to make sure that they seriously had whatever materials they could get while keeping them sorted in a way that they couldn’t break during the transport, and even making sure that the parts of the Spider’s Carapace that was bound to the roof couldn’t fall off, Eisen opened the notifications that had appeared last time that he didn’t look at then.


[You killed a Boss Monster on your own. Lone Wolf title unlocked]


[Title - Lone Wolf]

[Description] You showed that you have the strength to oppose strong enemies even alone.

[Effect] +5% to all stats when fighting alone


[You are now Level 102]


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[You were able to catch your fall with your wings! You feel more accustomed to them, and they are now able to carry your weight slightly]


[The Souls of Fallen Warriors thank you for avenging them]


"Huh, interesting..." The old man muttered to himself, greatly appreciating the effects of the ’Lone Wolf’ Title that may come in useful at some point. And after Eisen increased each of his five basic stats by two points with the new Stat Points, he got by leveling up, and he took a closer look at the last two notifications.

As he didn’t understand the last notification, he concentrated on the one about his wings. "They are able to carry my weight slightly?" Eisen wondered, before stepping to the side and activating his demonic transformation, in response to which Stahl looked at him confused.

"Grampa, what are you doing? Didn’t you say we should get going?" He asked, and Eisen swiftly nodded. "Yeah, I know, I just want to try something out first. It only takes a few moments, don’t worry." The old man responded, before concentrating on his wings and having them spread out behind him, which covered a quite large area, which is why he had to step back a little bit further.

Then, Eisen swiftly pushed them down and could then, for just a few moments, feel his body become so much lighter. With a grin, the old man once more spread his wings out and lightly kneeled, before stretching his legs out instantly while at the same time pushing his wings down again, allowing him to jump ten meters into the air!

Due to his, at this point, inhuman strength coming from his legs, he was already able to jump much higher than usual. But now, he truly reached an impossible height. But whatever goes up has to come down sooner or later, and for Eisen, it was sooner than later.

The ten meters that he was in the air were quickly crossed again, but just before Eisen hit the ground, he once more pushed his wings down to at least somewhat break his fall. The dust from the ground spread around the area while Eisen deactivated his demonic transformation and stepped back toward the group of players, that was watching the whole scene with a mixture of utter, complete confusion and excitement.

"Holy... I wish my element was transformative like that!" Jyuuk exclaimed excitedly, looking at Eisen with jealousy in his eyes before the old man chuckled. "Don’t worry, if you want wings, I’m sure you can get them somehow. Who knows, maybe you can borrow Aotori or Akatori’s sooner or later?" He laughed, and Jyuuk nodded his head immediately.

"Wait, you’re right! I heard that Beast Connection could do something like that at later ranks... So surely Minion Connection can as well!" Jyuuk yelled out with a bright smile, and Eisen nodded his head before looking at Evalia, who also seemed somewhat interested in it.

"Out of the originals, you’d probably be the only one besides me that can do that directly with her element. Brody doesn’t have an element at all, but maybe he can do it with his Energy sooner or later as well, but that’s uncertain. Xenia might be able to ask spirits to help her with that, and as we just established, Jyuuk might be able to do that with Minion Connection. But you can probably just use your magic paint to form wings, right?" Eisen suggested, and Evalia slowly nodded, thinking about it a little bit.

"I’ll figure that out on the ship later, but for now I think I draw a good amount of attention, at least amongst players, already." She laughed, and Eisen nodded his head with a laugh.

"Good point might be better not to try that out yet. And I’ll make you the mask and ’cloak’ before we get to the next town, don’t worry." Eisen promised before the group was interrupted by Samurai, who just heard something pretty interesting. He was already freaking out over the fact that you could actually fly like this in the game, but there was something else as well.

"Did you just say ship? As in, that giant ship in town with the Dragon Statue being mounted to it at the front?" The streamer asked confused, and Evalia nodded her head. "You got it, that’s our ship. We’ll be on there for a little while soon." She answered with a wink, although that wink wasn’t directed at Samurai, but rather Stahl, who Evalia noticed to be in a pretty rough mood at the moment.

Either way, Samurai didn’t notice, "That huge ship is yours, how much did you pay for something like that?! That’s insane!" He exclaimed, and Eisen looked over toward Komer, who nodded his head and went through the notes he took, flipping through until he found the relevant page in his notebook.

"Ah, we spent about... 50 Gold on that. Well, the ship alone, we then also had to spend another 20 gold so for everything else in regards to supplies, materials, bedding, and so on." Komer answered, and Eisen moved his fingers through his beard.

"How did we actually get that much money?" Eisen asked with a bit of surprise, and Komer just shrugged. "I told you how I made a few deals here and there outside of selling what you made, right? We got about 10 Gold coins in profits from that so far. I set up an account at the Merchant’s Guild, and I get money transfers into it. On our way back, I’ll check-in and grab any money we might need at the Guild in town, just in case. Then, your items always ended up being sold in the upper silver range, especially on busy days when people were trying to ’compete’ for an item that they especially wanted or needed. That alone would have already been enough for the materials, but the others donated some funds as well." Komer explained as he pointed to the others, who were all smirking a little bit, and Eisen began to laugh.

"Well, I didn’t know about that. Thanks for the help, you four. And good job on keeping up with everything, Komer." He said, but once more, Samurai interrupted them.

"Wait, we’re talking about Gold coins, right? The thing that I’ve ’literally’ never even seen before? Those gold coins?" Samurai asked, confused, and Komer nodded his head.

"Yup, Gold Coins. If we should compare it to real-world money, coppers are in the cent range, silvers in the dollar range, and gold in the hundred-dollar range. Of course, that’s not directly accurate, because you can get a lot of stuff for a silver coin, but for the gold coins, it should be somewhat accurate? Oh, and so that you know, we didn’t buy the ship, Eisen made it. Otherwise, we maybe would have been cutting it close with a Crystal Coin." Komer said with a wry smile, and immediately, Samurai’s jaw dropped.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"I wasn’t aware you could make ships like that here... But seriously, a Crystal Coin? Isn’t that like the highest currency there is?"

"Actually, it’s not," Komer said as he scratched his cheek, and now everyone, and not only Samurai, was confused and looking at the Merchant, who swiftly chose to explain. "There’s another stage to it... The upper stage is usually only used in country-to-country deals, so most common people don’t know about it. The currency advancements go: Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Crystal, Black-Copper, Mythril, White-Gold, Matikum, and then at last Mana. The worth isn’t the most important thing with coins, but the worth that the games give them. Like, you can buy a ton of Black Copper with a single gold coin, but a Black Copper coin is worth much, much more than a Gold coin. It’s a system implemented by the God of Trade." Komer explained, and then scratched his cheek as he was feeling awkward because everyone was looking at him.

"Huh... Is that so?" Eisen muttered to himself and crossed his arms. "Anyway, Samurai, Komer was talking about the price of the wood that we got at a heavily reduced price. We then turned that wood into the ship. Anyway, now, we have to get going, we should set off before night." Eisen suggested, and the others nodded their heads before the old man jumped on the front bench of the carriage to drive it to town, while everyone else got ready and somewhat split off into a few groups or pairs, with Brody, Xenia, and Jyuuk acting as the defensive unit against any monsters that may think to attack them, while Komer joined Eisen on the bench.

"So? Want to tell me something?" Eisen asked after a little while, noticing that the merchant was a bit fidgety before Komer nodded his head slowly.

"I’m done with the quest." He said with a wry smile, and Eisen looked at him in surprise. "And what’s bad about that? I thought you were excited to finish it." Eisen pointed out, and Komer nodded his head.

"I mean, I kinda am, but I’m just not satisfied with what I made in the end. Just a few super boring effects, really." He sighed loudly, before taking the ten packs of each ten ’Coins of Fate’ out of his backpack and held them in front of Eisen, who swiftly took a look at them to confirm they were all unique to each other.

Slowly, he then nodded his head. "Don’t worry, Komer. Do you think I was able to make things like this carriage or the ship from day one? I spent a few years just making tables and chairs, or even simple baseball bats. It all starts boring, but sooner or later, you can use your imagination to make cool things. Now, you’ve done well. You finished the quest with flying colors." He said with a grin, before some notifications appeared in front of both Komer and Eisen, although Eisen received on that was not just a notification telling him about the completed quest.


[Komer is on his path to acquiring a Unique Occupation subordinate to the Merchant Occupation. To get there, he now just has to make himself comfortable with the ’Coins of Fate’ that he had created]


Surprised, Eisen looked at the notification and then to the young merchant. ’This is probably something I can see because I started guiding him, right? Is that it?’ He thought to himself before Komer smiled at him. "Nice, thanks! But... what do I do with all of these now?" The young merchant asked with a wry smile, before Eisen chuckled at him, already having an idea what the notification might mean. And as he figured out how to create hidden rewards when creating quests, as Eisen did during the little mock-quest he gave to Samurai, he chose to provide Komer with a small surprise.

"That’s quite simple, isn’t it? Use all of those coins, one after another. Concentrate on the actual enchantments and the actual movement of the coin as well. When you’re done with that, tell me." He said, and soon, Komer’s eyes concentrated on something else, the second quest that he just received from Eisen.


[Quest given to Komer]