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Stealing Spree

Chapter 306: Creating a Situation
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Leaving us alone in this wide Student Council Room, it's only natural for me to take this time to get even closer to Shizu.

After comforting and praising her, I went back to my role as her secretary. Brewing a tea for her and carefully attending to her needs.

In time, she went back to her table and started working on some papers. Since we finished a big stack last Friday, Shizu's paperwork for today is just a few centimeters thick. With my help, she finished in less than fifteen minutes.

"Ruki…" Sensing that I'm not trying to take advantage of this situation to stick closer to her, Shizu called out to me. Lifting her chin for a bit, her chair turned and stopped, facing me.

"Is there a problem, Shizu?"

"You're behaving yourself."

"Well, I already hugged you earlier. If I do more, you'll call me out for taking advantage of you again."

"Or you're intentionally doing this to let me take the initiative. You're this easy to read, Ruki. Unfortunately, that won't work."

"I won't be able to stop myself if I got a hold of you again, you know? I'm quite excited when I was going up here to see you again."

"Then don't… You said you can be mine alone whenever you're here. Why don't you prove that?"

"Then excuse me for what I'm about to do."

She has given her permission, there's no way I will pass up on that.

I stepped forward and took her hand, pulling her out of her chair.

As I circled my arm on her waist, I could see Shizu biting her lips. That little action of hers, despite being that simple, looked so seductive that I ended up tightening my arm. And that led to her body being pressed closely on me.

With her soft body this close to me, Shizu naturally put her hands on my shoulder, using it to support herself.

Afterward, I asked her if we could sit on her chair together.

Sadly, there's no sofa in here and the softest seat was her reclining chair.

It has armrests making sure that she could rest her tired arms on it and the backrest was tall enough for her head to lean on. Whenever she will feel tired from working for an extended time, resting in this comfortable chair of hers is one of her favorite pastimes.

Shizu deliberated for a few minutes before agreeing. She really waited for her legs to feel numb from our current position before she agreed.

As I sat on the chair, I immediately felt the residual warmth and the smell of her lingering scent stuck on this.

I could honestly picture her image in this chair.

As soon as I settled myself on it, I reached out for her hand, pulling her down, sitting her on my lap.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

With that soft feeling of her behind pressing on my legs, I made sure not to make some weird movements to make her comfortable.

From any angle, we're already a couple through and through.

And even without me doing anything, Shizu herself leaned her back on me which put us in a position where her weight completely rests on me.

With her body this close to me now, no one will think that just 2 weeks ago, she's the only one who voiced her objection about my relationship with Nami.

"I feel like we can sleep like this here. Let's hope no one came in to disturb us."

"The day will soon come when Club Presidents will visit me in droves. There will be less time where we can be alone by then."

Ah. Right. It's just the beginning of the 2nd month. Soon enough, Club Presidents who will ask for a higher budget or any type of permission will make her workload heavier. By then, her rest will be the interval time before a new Club President will visit this room.

"Who do you think I am? I will make sure that even five minutes will be meaningful for us. Look forward to it."

Upon hearing that, Shizu was about to giggle but she changed it into a sneer in the last second. "Look at this guy. Acting as if I'm already his."

"Is that not the case?"

"Not yet. This is me letting my secretary take advantage of me."

I see. So she wanted to play like this. Let's entertain her then.

"Take advantage, huh? Then don't blame me if I do this." I rest my hand on her face, caressing it lightly before gently pushing it to have her turn my way.

Despite her act, there's not much resistance from her.

When our eyes locked onto each other's heated gaze, Shizu partly dried lips came into my view.

"What are you going to do?" Shizu softly asked, her eyelashes fluttering.

Of course, she knew what I intended to do. However, she wanted to continue this kind of oblivious act on her part.

This girl… She hated those who kept on going in circles but here she was, doing that herself.

Now I wonder whether I should play along or not.

Well, there's no point wasting my time overthinking things. For now, this was what she wanted. I just needed to play along with her and that would lead to a meaningful time for the both of us.

"Your lips look dry. Can I help you nourish it back to how it originally is?

"Shameless guy. That won't work… when your lips are as dry as mine."

If she hadn't added that last phrase, I would honestly be stumped.

"Why don't we try and see if it will work or not?"

"Looking at you, you won't take no for an answer…"

Getting her permission like this, although the act sounded cringe if heard by others, it was at least meaningful for this girl who couldn't be honest at this moment.

Not wasting any more time to reply to her, my answer came in the form of my lips gradually moving, traversing the few centimeters of distance between hers.

Understanding my intention, Shizu pursed her lips and her dreamy golden eyes slowly closed.

A split second later, my lips naturally covered hers. Feeling that moment, Shizu's hands grabbed onto my arm that was on her face. Her body also faintly trembled as her breathing quickened. Due to that, my free arm moved and held her shoulder steady, letting her feel that I'm firmly holding onto her. Even if she lost herself to this moment, I will not let her go.

Compared to that first kiss we shared, I intended for this to be not as quick as before. I will let her savor this moment between us, casting off the last of doubts inside her.

When I saw her eyes opened once again, I paused for a moment to smile and at her, wordlessly conveying my feelings for her.

Naturally, Shizu understood it. With her unmasked enchanting smile followed by a whisper, she returned an answer.

"You're mine."

Right now, she's holding onto those two words from me. At this moment, I'm only hers and hers alone. And at this moment, I understood Shizu's possessiveness. This is why she couldn't adjust herself to the idea of sharing me with the other girls. She wanted the man she loves to be hers alone.

Well, each of us has our own possessiveness even the other girls but apart from me, everyone was curbing theirs.

As an answer, I nodded and once more dropped my lips on hers.

From a simple pecking at her lips, my lips clasped it between them before sucking it inside my mouth.

At first, Shizu's lips were stationary, letting me do what I wanted to. However, as our kiss deepened, they started to move, returning what I'm doing to her and learning from me.

At one point, I stopped my lips from moving and unaware of that, Shizu continued sucking on mine.

It took a minute for her to notice it and when she did, she immediately pulled back, covering her flushed face and glossy red lips.

Of course, I chased after her and this time, my tongue joined in the fray. Surprised, Shizu tightly pursed her lips at first but as time passed, she slowly opened it, allowing my tongue to invade.

Tasting each other's taste, Shizu's small resistance gradually went away as her arms slowly enclosed to the back of my neck.

With this deep of a kiss, we're now unaware of the time that has continued to pass.

When our tongues met, Shizu tried mimicking what I'm doing. However, because of her inexperience, not just once but twice, Shizu ended up biting my tongue.

It's a bit painful but I stopped myself from grimacing lest she worries. Instead, I stopped invading hers and let her tongue invade the inside of my mouth.

Minutes continued to pass and our lips finally separated, leaving a golden string between our mouths.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After realizing what just happened, Shizu buried her face with her hands before hiding it further by burying her face in my chest.

She's now far from the scary Shizu-senpai that's terrorizing even her friends. She's my Shizu.

Letting her calm down like that, I didn't say anything and just started gently patting her head and brushing her hair. In time, I also started rubbing her back.

It's only 10 minutes later before Shizu lifted her face again and slowly muttered her first words after that passionate kiss of ours. "Ruki… You're the first man to ever become this close to me."

"Un. And I'm glad to be the first... But you know? I will be overjoyed if I can be the only one."

Saying first, there's a possibility for there to be second, third and more other places. That's why I kind of hated that word now that I'm finally in love with all of them.

"You keep thinking about the future. Can I ask you that when you're with me, think only about our present?"

I see. She's now trying to reach a compromise. For her, she didn't want to think about the future or the past. We're only living in this present, so thinking about the past and the future was irrelevant for her.

"Alright. I understand. Whenever we're together, we'll only look towards our present situation."

"Un. Thank you, Ruki. You made me fall in love with you. How will you take responsibility for this?"

"By marrying you?"

Although she giggled at my answer, Shizu shook her head right after.

"There you go thinking about the future again… Focus, Ruki."

"What kind of responsibility should I make in this present?"

"You know what kind."

"But you're against it, Shizu."

"… Yes and I still am. But in this present, in this room… we can."

I see. She's really trying to reach a compromise. To realize her wish of me being hers alone, she wanted to lock our relationship in this room and this present.

That's too restricting… And I don't think… it will end well.



"Before I answer, can you tell me what you think about what I'm doing? Loving all of you... I want to hear what you honestly think about our relationship. You already talked to them, right?"

Right. I asked some of my girls to talk to her, especially those who can honestly describe to her how I was from the past based on their experience from me, namely, Yae, Miyako, Miho, Mizuki and Yukari.

And this situation she's trying to create was possibly her answer after hearing about my past from them.