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Substitute Bride's Husband Is An Invisible Rich Man

Chapter 232 - Did Not Want to See Her
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In the next few days, Mo Yan found that she was much more relaxed. It was not because her workload had

decreased, but because she did not have Mo Lian around to torment her or call for meetings daily.

Mo Dong had sent other people to discuss the Mo Real Estate project, and finally decided to let Team D take over.

Just as Mo Yan had gotten up and gone to search by the bookcase for information, a knock suddenly came on the

glass door.

“Come in.”

Mo Yan turned and saw Li Guoguo holding the door and sticking her head in.

“Sister Mo Yan, are you busy?”

Seeing that it was Li Guoguo, Mo Yan couldn’t help but frown slightly.

“What’s the matter? Come in and tell me.”

Li Guoguo chuckled. Without waiting for Mo Yan to speak, she ran to the sofa and sat down. She unceremoniously

picked up a tangerine from the plate of fruits and started peeling it.

“Sister Mo Yan, it’s almost noon. Do you want to go to the cafeteria or eat outside?”

Mo Yan glanced at her and said, “The cafeteria. I have an appointment with sister Xu.”

“Oh, oh! Then I’ll go with you.”

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Seeing that she didn’t make any move to leave, Mo Yan asked, “Is there anything else?”

Li Guoguo stuffed the remaining two pieces of tangerines into her mouth. She jogged to the chair opposite Mo Yan

and sat down. “Sister Mo Yan, have you asked brother-in-law about what I told you before?”

“He’s been busy recently and doesn’t have the time.”

Mo Yan said as she marked out the information she needed.

“Even if he’s busy, it’s not like he doesn’t have time for a meal! Sister Mo Yan, help me ask brother-in-law out! I

really want to ask him about the stocks.”

“Investing in stocks is risky. If you don’t have any savings, I don’t recommend touching that.”

“Sigh! Brother-in-law is the god of stocks! Let him help me take a look before I make a purchase. Then I won’t make

a loss.”

“It was coincidental that he hit the nail on the head. Don’t throw the words “god of stocks” around carelessly.”

“Sister Mo Yan, I’m begging you!”

Li Guoguo saw that Mo Yan was still unmoved. She couldn’t help but get up and run to Mo Yan’s side, acting


Mo Yan sighed. “Guoguo, you don’t know anything about it and only know how to rely on others. In the end, it won’t

work. Let’s not talk look too far back into the past. Just looking at what happened these few days. Do you know how

many investors lost their hard-earned money in Soaring’s bankruptcy? Do you also want to become like them?”

“That’s why I asked brother-in-law to have a look at it for me! Sister Mo Yan, I’m begging you. I’m really not greedy.

I just want to earn some pocket money by myself. You know that my performance in the company has always been

bad. I just want to earn more so that I don’t have to ask for money from my parents anymore.”

Mo Yan had always yielded more easily to the soft approach. With Li Guoguo begging her like this, she really

couldn’t refuse. She could only say that she would go back and ask Luo Tao.

After Li Guoguo had left, Mo Yan didn’t even want to eat anymore. She didn’t know when it started, but she didn’t

really want to see Li Guoguo. She had an inexplicable feeling.

Mo Yan sent a message to Xu Tian that she wouldn’t go to eat, so she stayed in the office for some time.

After a while, there was another knock on the door. Mo Yan thought it was Li Guoguo again, so she covered her ears

and pretended not to hear it.

“Mo Yan, open the door. It’s Xu Tian.”

“Sister Xu?”

Mo Yan ran over and unlocked the door.

Xu Tian brought the packed food to Mo Yan. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you eating?”

Mo Yan sighed listlessly.

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“Sister Xu, why didn’t you go to the cafeteria? Didn’t Li Guoguo want to eat together?”

Xu Tian chuckled. “It’s fine even if I don’t go. There are plenty of people who want to eat with her now.”

“Oh? Is that so?”

“You’ve never been close to others and are considered close to Li Guoguo. With your promotion, if they can’t get

close to you, they’ll look for Li Guoguo.”

Xu Tian pushed the lunchbox in front of Mo Yan, but Mo Yan didn’t pick it up. She rested her face against the table.

“Sister Xu, I realized that I really don’t want to see Li Guoguo now. Why do you think that is?”

“What happened recently?”

Mo Yan thought for a moment and told her about Li Guoguo wanting Luo Tao to help her look at stocks.

“What did you say?”

“I said that Luo Tao is busy and I will ask him when he is free.”

Mo Yan was not deceiving Li Guoguo. She did ask, but once she got home, she saw Luo Tao typing in front of the

computer. Occasionally, she saw him on the computer either translating books or reading financial news, or

chatting with others.

The tacit understanding between her and Luo Tao was that they would not invade each other’s privacy. It was

probably formed when they first got married.