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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 322
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Chapter 322

“Honesty, Larissa, you Lana pouted, her eyes showing a hint of reproach as well as esasperation.

Larissa was just wondering how to get out of this “deep sisterly affection” act when her wheelchair

automatically rolled back a loof’s distance–No. it was Molet who pulled back the wheelchair for a loot’s


Having no warning. Lana, who had been leaning against the wheelchait, nearly pliched over sideways.

Thankfully, Lucas quickly caught her before she could hit the floor.

“My apologies, Mr. and Ms. Hermes. Violet smiled with charm. “Lari and I are going to go see the child.

We’ll talk Later

Lucas parents muickly said, “Of course, of course! We’ll talk later Once Wolet had left with Larissa

Xander turned to glare coldly at Lucas.

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Knowing he was in the wrong. Lucas looked down with quit his hand lightly gripping Lana’s. He said in

a low voice. “Let’s go Nana.”

Lana glared at Larissa’s silhouette with resentment, nearly crushing her own teeth from all the

gnashing that she was doing. pulled to a comer of the private room by Lucas. The others were either

gathered around the main star today or gathered around Viole who had the highest social status in the

room. No one noticed them.

‘Mara, let’s leave early.” Lucas said to lana in a lowİCE.

“Net Lana rejected his suggestion with agitation, Trefuse to leave?”

“Nana” Lucas raised his voice, but when he locked eyes with Lana’s beary ones, he softened up

instantly. “Listen to me, okay? There’s nothing to do here anyway. We don’t know anyone here. Didn’t

you say that you wanted to by the newly opened Egronian restaurant at Estonian Street essay? take

you there now, okay?”

“No! Lana’s wars were like broken parts trickling down her cheeks, causing Lucas to feel so sorry for


He used his finger to wide away her tears belos cupping her face to kiss her.

“Don’t crybaby,” he soothed her say, “I know you want to be more in touch with my family, but we don’t

have to make it right here, right now, night? it’s not a big deal for us to move back to Bartham for work,

you know. You’d have a lot of time to meet up with Rebocca then”

Lana sniffled. “But my career just took off Herpes showed some unwillingness. Besides, Terry told me a

few days ago that he might promote me to manager a while.”

Lucas was silent for a moment before he thought of a perfect idea. “How about convince me dad to

acquire a livestreaming website in

I Bartham? Then have them per you over to be the manager immediately. How about that? That way,

you can continue your career and neet my family and hiends bequemly at the same time. You won’t

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have to fly back and forth between Barham and Covenford anymore.”

“But— Lana bit her lip, looking very put on the spot. “Mr. Xander won’t agree, would he? Acquiring a

company won’t happen overnight —

“You don’t have to worry about any of these things. “Lucas pulleder into his arms, stroking her soft long

hair gently. “Leave it to me. 111

Lana burled her face into his arms and a smile appeared on her face. “Thank you for all your hard

work, Lucas.” She hugged him back and

said sweetly, “I love you.”

Lucas started, his eyes gleaming with delight as he smiled brightly, “I love you too, Nana.”

The main star today–Christopher Gardner, nicknamed Chris, was currently lying in his mother’s arms.

His large, dark eyes were watching the adults around him with curiosity.

Violet pushed Larissa in the middle of the crowd

“Hebecca” Violet called