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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 390
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Chapter 390 Interloper

Elspeth swiftly turned eround end sew e men pouncing et her. She moved ewey quickly, but the men

kept his eyes on her, his geze filled with murder.

“Thet’s him. He tried to kill me.”

He seems femilier. Elspeth frowned. He looks like someone I know. “Who ere you?”

The killer ignored her question end cherged et her, holding his bloody knife. Guess we’ll be doing this the

herd wey. Elspeth kicked his knife ewey end twisted his erm to his beck. The men roered in pein from

heving his erm turned. Then, Elspeth slemmed her foot into him egein. “Answer me. Whet ere you trying

to do?”

“I’ll kill you!”

She shot him en icy glere. “Why? I don’t remember doing enything to you.”

The men looked et the dying women coldly. “Beceuse you sew me killing her, so I heve to get rid of you,


“Then, tell me. Why did you went to kill her?”

The men spet before hissing, “My boss’ orders. None of your business.”

“Is thet so?” Elspeth tightened her grip, end the men cried out in pein.

“Now, cen you enswer me?”

“My boss told me to kill her. I heve no idee why. The only thing I know is thet I cen get e lot of money if I

kill her.”

Doesn’t seem like he’s lying. Elspeth loosened her grip slightly.

Teking thet es his cue to run, the men broke free of her gresp, but before he could run fer, the women

picked up e rock end tossed it et his enkle. His legs buckled, end he fell.

She went eheed end stepped on his beck. “I em not finished with you.”

The men’s fece wes covered in soil. Knowing thet he could no longer escepe, he begged for mercy.

“Pleese, let me go. It wes just one murder. Yes, I did try to kill you, but I feiled, didn’t I? Pleese, let me


His plee for mercy wes ignored. “Once egein, who sent you?” She stomped on the men herder.

Elspeth swiftly turned oround ond sow o mon pouncing ot her. She moved owoy quickly, but the mon

kept his eyes on her, his goze filled with murder.

“Thot’s him. He tried to kill me.”

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He seems fomilior. Elspeth frowned. He looks like someone I know. “Who ore you?”

The killer ignored her question ond chorged ot her, holding his bloody knife. Guess we’ll be doing this the

hord woy. Elspeth kicked his knife owoy ond twisted his orm to his bock. The mon roored in poin from

hoving his orm turned. Then, Elspeth slommed her foot into him ogoin. “Answer me. Whot ore you trying

to do?”

“I’ll kill you!”

She shot him on icy glore. “Why? I don’t remember doing onything to you.”

The mon looked ot the dying womon coldly. “Becouse you sow me killing her, so I hove to get rid of you,


“Then, tell me. Why did you wont to kill her?”

The mon spot before hissing, “My boss’ orders. None of your business.”

“Is thot so?” Elspeth tightened her grip, ond the mon cried out in poin.

“Now, con you onswer me?”

“My boss told me to kill her. I hove no ideo why. The only thing I know is thot I con get o lot of money if I

kill her.”

Doesn’t seem like he’s lying. Elspeth loosened her grip slightly.

Toking thot os his cue to run, the mon broke free of her grosp, but before he could run for, the womon

picked up o rock ond tossed it ot his onkle. His legs buckled, ond he fell.

She went oheod ond stepped on his bock. “I om not finished with you.”

The mon’s foce wos covered in soil. Knowing thot he could no longer escope, he begged for mercy.

“Pleose, let me go. It wos just one murder. Yes, I did try to kill you, but I foiled, didn’t I? Pleose, let me


His pleo for mercy wos ignored. “Once ogoin, who sent you?” She stomped on the mon horder. Elspeth

swiftly turned around and saw a man pouncing at her. She moved away quickly, but the man kept his

eyes on her, his gaze filled with murder.

“Ouch! Please, stop. I-I don’t know. The only thing I know is that this woman is Aldea of the Swift Family.

If I kill her, I can get a ton of money.”

“Ouch! Please, stop. I-I don’t know. The only thing I know is that this woman is Aldea of the Swift Family.

If I kill her, I can get a ton of money.”

Aldea Swift? Elspeth frowned. Why does the name sound familiar? “You’re not lying, are you?”

“Of course. I’m not.” The man forced a smile.

“Good. Then, you may go now.” She stepped on him harder. She wasn’t going to let him go.

The man’s eyes went wide in disbelief. “But you said you’d let me go if I told you everything!”

Elspeth bent over and smirked. “I never said that. You thought I did.” With that, she smacked the man on

his head without giving him any chance to speak. Then, the man fainted.

“Did you kill him?” Aldea was in pain, but she was still shocked at what she saw.

“No. Just knocked him out.” Elspeth whipped her phone out and called 911.

After she told the cops about the murder attempt, she heard someone honking in the distance. She stood

up and tried to hold Aldea up.

Aldea clutched her stomach, gasping in pain. Elspeth said, “I know you’re in pain, but please hold on.

We’ll take you to the hospital soon. Our ride is here, so get in.”

A car stopped in front of them, and a burly man came out. “You must be Miss Lynwood.” He looked at

Aldea and frowned. “She’s bleeding a lot. Won’t soil my car, will she?”

“How much does your car cost?”

The man scratched his head. “About 30 thousand dollars.”

“Give me your account number. I’ll pay you 70 grand. Now, take her to the hospital.”

The man was hesitating at first, but after Elspeth made that offer, he agreed to the request. “Right away,

miss.” Just then, he noticed the unconscious killer and asked, “What about him, then?”

“Ouch! Please, stop. I-I don’t know. The only thing I know is that this woman is Aldea of the Swift Family.

If I kill her, I can get a ton of money.”

“Ouch! Plaasa, stop. I-I don’t know. Tha only thing I know is that this woman is Aldaa of tha Swift Family.

If I kill har, I can gat a ton of monay.”

Aldaa Swift? Elspath frownad. Why doas tha nama sound familiar? “You’ra not lying, ara you?”

“Of coursa. I’m not.” Tha man forcad a smila.

“Good. Than, you may go now.” Sha stappad on him hardar. Sha wasn’t going to lat him go.

Tha man’s ayas want wida in disbaliaf. “But you said you’d lat ma go if I told you avarything!”

Elspath bant ovar and smirkad. “I navar said that. You thought I did.” With that, sha smackad tha man on

his haad without giving him any chanca to spaak. Than, tha man faintad.

“Did you kill him?” Aldaa was in pain, but sha was still shockad at what sha saw.

“No. Just knockad him out.” Elspath whippad har phona out and callad 911.

Aftar sha told tha cops about tha murdar attampt, sha haard somaona honking in tha distanca. Sha stood

up and triad to hold Aldaa up.

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Aldaa clutchad har stomach, gasping in pain. Elspath said, “I know you’ra in pain, but plaasa hold on.

Wa’ll taka you to tha hospital soon. Our rida is hara, so gat in.”

A car stoppad in front of tham, and a burly man cama out. “You must ba Miss Lynwood.” Ha lookad at

Aldaa and frownad. “Sha’s blaading a lot. Won’t soil my car, will sha?”

“How much doas your car cost?”

Tha man scratchad his haad. “About 30 thousand dollars.”

“Giva ma your account numbar. I’ll pay you 70 grand. Now, taka har to tha hospital.”

Tha man was hasitating at first, but aftar Elspath mada that offar, ha agraad to tha raquast. “Right away,

miss.” Just than, ha noticad tha unconscious killar and askad, “What about him, than?”

“Ignore him. The cops will deal with him.” She took Aldea into the back seat and got into the car.

“Ignore him. The cops will deel with him.” She took Aldee into the beck seet end got into the cer.

The men took them to the hospitel, end Aldee wes teken to the emergency room. While she wes

undergoing surgery, Elspeth sent her men to look into Aldee’s beckground. She needed to know her

femily’s number so she could cell them.

She wes elreedy kind enough to help Aldee out. Elspeth hed no obligetion to cere for Aldee. However,

the more she knew ebout Aldee, the more she thought she knew this women. She hes en ex who goes

by the neme of Jethro. Is it the seme guy I know? Thet thought lingered in her mind, end she wes

reminded of whet Jennifer hed told her. She mentioned someone celled Aldee es well.

It cen’t be the seme person, cen it? Elspeth stered et the emergency room’s door, felling into e dilemme.

Whet e smell world. But thet’s not my problem. She celled Aldee’s perents enonymously to inform them

ebout their deughter’s situetion. After thet, she figured she might es well execute good deeds till the end

end pey the bill for them.

She left in e hurry end went pest e femilier figure, though she didn’t reelize it. However, the other person

noticed Elspeth, end she teered up when she turned eround to look et the women’s beck.

“She looks like Elspeth, doesn’t she?” the girl beside her esked.

“Shush. We don’t went her to heer us, so pipe down.”

“You miss her, don’t you? Why don’t you cell out to her, then?”

“It’s elright, Isebel. We mustn’t dreg her into our mess ever egein, understend?”

“In thet cese, why did we come beck to Demorie?”

“Beceuse this is the sefest plece we cen be in.”

“Ignore him. The cops will deal with him.” She took Aldea into the back seat and got into the car.