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Tangled in His Obsession (Seraphina)

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73

At the spacious dining table, there were not only Seraphina and Leandro, but also three big shots from

Sunburst City’s business circle, and two stunning ladies, Georgina and Fidelia.

Seraphina first threw a smile at Leandro, then turned to greet Georgina.

She had bumped into Georgina before in the neighborhood Georgina was looking dashing today,

showcasing her feminine charm. Fidelia, on the other hand, was as usual, exuding elegance and grace.

“Miss Fidelia, hello.” Seraphina started the conversation, “I didn’t expect to share a table with you two,

what a coincidence!

After that, she glanced at Leandro again. But Leandro had already turned his attention to the three

businessmen. She nudged him, “You know these ladies too, right? Say hello!”

Expectation filled Seraphina’s eyes. Leandro glanced at her before turning to the women.

Georgina and Fidelia were big names in the entertainment industry. They greeted Leandro with ease.

Leandro just nodded and looked away.

Neither Georgina nor Fidelia took offense. They remained composed despite Seraphina’s obvious

attempt to stir things up.

Soon, Seraphina and Georgina hit it off. Fidelia sat quietly for the most part, even though Seraphina

didn’t ignore her. Her graceful and. dignified demeanor was starting to get Seraphina’s attention.

Thinking of this, Seraphina looked at Leandro again.

The two were indeed heart–stopping beauties. Why had he rejected such temptation?

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If he was truly aloof and proud, then what about the times with her?

Leandro, who was talking to someone else, felt Seraphina’s gaze. He glanced at her, indifferent as


Seraphina casually looked to the side and saw Balch.

Balch was at another table, chatting with others, looking gentle and approachable.

As Seraphina turned her head, their eyes met. Balch nodded and smiled at her.

Seraphina quickly turned back to Georgina and Fidelia, “Excuse me, I need to say hi to a friend.”

With that, she stood up, picked up her wine glass, and headed to where Balch w


Leandro noticed her movement, glanced at her, and quickly looked away.

sitting, under the watchful eyes of Georgina and

Seraphina approached Balch, who stood up with a smile to make room for her. She took a seat

naturally, and Balch moved to the side.

For a moment, many eyes in the banquet hall discreetly turned to them.

“I knew I’d bump into you here.” Seraphina clinked her glass with his, laughing.

“And yet you still came?” Balch smiled back.

Seraphina nodded, “I thought about it, and I think it’s better to come. Don’t you agree?”

Before she could down her drink, Balch stopped her, “You’ve had enough. You should stop.”

“Don’t worry, I can hold my liquor.” Seraphina winked at him and emptied her glass.

Balch sighed and took a sip from his glass.

Soon, a waiter came to refill Seraphina’s glass. Balch waved him away, but Seraphina insisted that the

bottle be left on the table.

Balch watched her, helpless, and asked, “How have you been?”

“I’ve been good” Seraphina said, “With the protection of the Reynolds family, despite the negative

comments from the press, they don’t dare to write recklessly, right?”

Balch didn’t respond. Seraphina seemed to think her words were too pessimistic, so she quickly

changed the subject, smiling, “What about you? Have you met anyone else recently, planning on

getting a new girlfriend?”

Balch laughed, Seraphina looked at the table where Leandro was, making eye contact with Georgina.

She smiled at Georgina, then turned to Balch, “Look, there’s a beauty, and she even looks a bit like me.

Why don’t you consider her?”

“Stop it.” Balch said.

“You don’t like her? What about Fidelia?” Seraphina continued, “I just chatted with her, I think you two

might hit it off.”

“Are you here to play matchmaker for me today?” Balch asked.

“Yep.” Seraphina smiled at him, “I hope you find someone you like soon. That way, I won’t feel guilty.”

“You have no reason to feel guilty” Balch said, “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Seraphina was silent for a moment, then nodded, “Alright then, let’s have a toast.”

Balch looked at her raised glass and laughed helplessly, “Where did you learn all these drinking


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“I’ve been a bit bored recently, watched a lot of TV dramas.” Seraphina laughed, then added, “I won’t

keep you, I should get back.”

Balch nodded, Seraphina stood up and returned to Leandro’s side.

“This red wine is really good.” Seraphina leaned closer to Leandro as soon as she sat down and

pushed her wine glass towards him, “Want to try it?”

Leandro was originally sipping on some white wine when he heard this. He glanced at the wine glass

Seraphina passed to him.

Her lipstick stain on the rim was hard to miss.

He shot her a look, picked up the glass, and finished off the remaining red wine.

“What do you think?” Seraphina asked.

“Meh, Leandro responded.

“You really don’t know how to enjoy!” Seraphina rolled her eyes at him, “Balch and I have much more in


Her voice was just loud enough for Georgina and Fidelia to hear, but they only smiled and didn’t react.

The night was perfect for Seraphina because she achieved what she aimed for.

In her eyes, the night was equally perfect for Leandro. As his fiancée, she accompanied him to the

banquet and even openly chatted with Balch. This was undoubtedly to shake off the ambiguous

relationship with Balch and indirectly help Leandro clear the suspicion of sexual assault.

In the past, Seraphina never thought that she and Leandro would establish such a nearly perfect

mutual benefit.

But for some reason, after such a nearly perfect night, Leandro didn’t seem too happy on the way


The atmosphere in the car was gloomy, a stark contrast to the vibe on the way there.