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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 103
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103-The Monster In The Mountains


I was engrossed in my thoughts when Lazlo entered the room and greeted me, “Maynard left already?”

he asked and I nodded gently

“Have you heard from Thiago?” it was then I raised my face and watched him in bafflement, “Nobody has

heard from him. He missed school today as well.” The worried look on Lazlo’s face increased my worries


“What? he hadn’t returned after last night?” I asked in a whisper. My voice was still raspy from crying so


“It appears so,” Lazlo put his stuff down and changed into a long overcoat instead of the jacket he was

wearing. I was assuming he was getting ready to search for him.

“What happened to you? Have you been crying because he left?” the look on his face was something I

couldn’t read. Either he was too shocked I was crying because Maynard left or too impressed at my love

for Maynard.

“I was getting used to him. Now him being gone will be so difficult for me,” I whispered as I started

tearing up again. How the hell am I going to demand him to reject her or not talk to her when I have been

spending time with my mates?

“Hey, you are not alone. I am here for you. I know I haven’t been a good mate but I can be a good

friend,” he shrugged his shoulders with a cute smile on his lips.

“Lazlo! that means a lot,” I passed him a comforting smile because a friend was what I needed at this


“I am worried for Thiago. He doesn’t have anyone who can look after him. Look how he had been

missing for hours, but nobody is searching for him.” I uttered in guilt, I shouldn’t be betraying myself by

worrying for him but what do I do when my heart can’t stop considering my mate’s worries as my own?

“I going into the woods to search for him,” he told me as he showed me the little bag he was carrying

with him with food and water bottles in it.

“Do you think it will take you some time to find him?” I questioned and he nodded sadly.

“Do you want to come?” he asked in hopes that I will join him. I bet he thought if he left me behind, I will

keep worrying about everything.

“I do,” I said as I took a decision for myself without thinking about anything else at that moment.

We were walking out of the school when I got interrupted by someone I didn’t expect to see so soon. It

was Willow.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Maynard had already left by now so that meant she wanted to speak to me.

“Give me a moment,” I excused Lazlo, who nodded and stepped aside. He was only occupied by the

thought of finding Thiago at any cost. This is what I too wanted to focus on until Willow appeared.

“I know what you want to talk to me about,” I started off before she could even talk to me.

“So, he has made up his mind to reject me. Do you think it is fair with me?” she asked with her eyes filled

with tears, “Just like you, I am also not very strong. I don’t even know if I will ever be granted another

mate. I am not as lucky as you. You left the Alpha King and found another Alpha, I won’t get another

mate for how long I have no idea,” I heard her utter with a lot of emotions. I didn’t get why she was telling

me all this.

Although I didn’t want him to accept her, it was his decision first. I was aware that I too have many mates

but I wasn’t sexually active with anyone else except for Maynard. I wasn’t even romantically involved with


“I hear you. But it is his decision only.” I uttered while not stealing eyes from her. I wasn’t lying and I was

not going to persuade Maynard to accept her. I wasn’t comfortable with it so I won’t do it.

“Listen, I have no bad blood with you but I got to go,” I said while watching Lazlo gesturing for me to

hurry up. We didn’t want the night to come upon us.

“But wait! Before I go, I want to tell you Maynard told me everything about the lunch you had with him,” i

knew I was being sneaky but I had to do it for the sake of my mind’s peace.

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103-The Monster In The Mountains

“Yeah! He was smoking heavily after his parents called him so I suggested we should eat something for

him to gain some energy. Little did I know that same lunch will turn into a conversation where he tells me

he cannot be with me,” the look she gave me confused me. She looked angry and sad, was she angry at

me or at Maynard?

“Yeah! I know all about it. Anyway, got to go. Bye!” I didn’t want to hold up Lazlo. Thiago had been gone

for the whole night and day, we needed to find him.

I briskly approached Lazlo and without stopping, continued walking past him.

“What was that all about?” he asked when matching pace with mine.

“Nothing. Ignore it,” I replied, hitting the road with him, “So, the woods it is?” I questioned since I had no

clue where to begin from.

“Or maybe the mountains,” Lazlo sneakily whispered but was able to get my attention. I stopped

suddenly and swirled over to watch him in the eye.

“How are you bluntly pointing out the Mountains?” I placed my hands on my waist and raised a brow,

waiting for him to answer me. There was something he hadn’t told me still, I guessed.

“Because I am an Alpha of a pack and I have some responsibilities,” he almost came off as defensive, “I

watch the news,” he added once again when his answer couldn’t satisfy me.

“Lazlo! please be upfront,” I sighed when hearing him doing all sorts of mental gymnastics with me.

“Enya! You might feel like I am exaggerating but—” he pulled his phone out and that’s when I knew shit

was about to hit the fan.

Whenever Lazlo pulls his phone out, he is coming with some receipts.

“See this?” he turned the screen to me.

“A vicious monster spotted in the mountains. Rogues and surroundings packs are terrified. Eyes on their

alphas to slay the beast,” I read the heading and almost stayed silent for a moment before I gathered

myself together, “Lazlo! what is this? This can’t be about Thiago. He is no monster; he is just – we saw

his wolf. It was indeed a bit bigger one but — * I was struggling to fool myself when the timing was too


“That was just the beginning of his transition. We are headed to the mountains,” he once again said to

make me hear him clearly.

“What? don’t tell me the alpha wants to slay the beast?” it was then my mind picked up the unnoticed

pieces from the headline.

164-The Cursed One Among Us!

“Lazlo! tell me that’s not what you are planning for. Because if that’s the case, I am not going with you. I

will go alone and I make sure I save him from whatever you save planned for him,” I squared up pretty

confidently. He first shoved his phone in his pocket and then scoffed at me.

“Are you kidding me? Do you really think I will sacrifice a friend to come off as a hero? He already made

me a hero twice, I don’t want to gain any more medals from his name,” he reminded me of the academy

and the wood’s incident. Where basically everybody thought Maynard and Lazlo saved the day

“He is not a monster,” I added once we calmed down a bit.

“I know he is not. But we know him, others don’t.” Lazlo looked comfortable enough to have that

conversation with me now

“But why is his wolf being called a monster? Have you seen him in that form the others are talking

about?” I wasn’t sure what others saw. But it couldn’t be a powerful wolf only. Or else they would have

never made such a huge deal out of it.

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen that form of his but I guess he had been worse from the last time. It is just

that we all had been so occupied by the nonsense in our lives that we forgot about him,” I noticed Lazlo

was the one too worried for Thiago. I remember when I told Maynard about Thiago last night, he almost

didn’t even care.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

That change occurred after I accepted him.

“Then we are going to save him?” | inquired and gestured for him to keep walking.

“Yeah! If we can. I am not sure how long he plans to stay in his beastly self but if he hadn’t returned, it

means-,” he didn’t finish talking because I did it for him.

“Then it means he is still transitioned in that form,” I said, walking ahead of him. I am sure he didn’t know

what I was capable of, but I believe it was time I practice my magic after a little break.

We reached the mountains in an hour. I noticed Lazlo offering me rest and food every few minutes,

thinking an Omega like me would be tired.

So! Where do we begin from?” he took a deep breath and passed a detailed glance around, can you sniff

him out?” the way he said it, I was almost offended, “Come on, he is your mate. Even though you forgot

you have two other mates, but that still gives you an upper hand on finding him,” he didn’t have to add

that little sarcasm but since he did, I rolled my eyes and faced him.

“Yeah! The one who used me and the other who is dating the bitch who hates me,” I smiled, giving him

enough reason to turn his face to the side awkwardly. He better be kidding when thinking he deserves a


“Let me try.” I closed my eyes, recalling his scent.

“I will look around till then,” Lazlo’s fainted words fell upon my ears but I was too focused on

remembering his scent that I didn’t respond to him.

I only meant to recall his scent but then I lost the track of time. I had my eyes close and my mind

repeated the entire wood’s memories.

It was Thiago and I talking.

We kissed,

And then,

‘Wait! What is going on?’ I called for Nia when I couldn’t open my eyes, ‘Nia! What is happening? Do you

feel anything?’ I asked her again but she was silent.

Finally, I opened my eyes but everything was dark this time. Did I spent hours standing here with my

eyes closed?

Has the night arrived early or did I waste too much time? Nothing made sense. The entire world was

dark with red clouds and thunderbolts lightening the sky.

“Lazlo?” I called for him but got no answer in return, “Thiago?” I was confused and lost. I was still in the

same spot but the weather and time had changed. The cold wind was blowing my hair and shirt.

Through the whooshing of the wind, I heard some whispers. On the dark mountains, I saw a light coming

from the deep. There was something shining afar, just behind the trees.

Gathering courage, I began to walk in the direction of the light. It was barely visible at this time of night

but I was certain there