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Tattooed Luna

Chapter 0570
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Chapter 0570 Ann was about to say something when | we heard footsteps coming from behind us. There was more than a few people walking towards us. All of us turned and watched as Alec and Jasper walked out with three men being drug by their collars. All of them had blood on this faces but Alec and Jasper didn’t have a single drop.

“I believe these are yours.” Alec said as they tossed them men at Anthony’s feet.

Neither Anthony or Ann spoke for a moment. “We caught them with oil and feathers off the rafters.” Jasper looked deadly.

“If a member of my pack set up a prank, that has nothing to do with

me.” Ann snickered as she kicked their hands away.

“He said you instructed him to do it.” Alec chimed in.

“What are you implying, Alec?” Anthony said Alec’s nin a very condescending tone.

“That you are completely worthless. I suggest you take your pack and leave.

Next tI see you, it won’t be pretty.” “Is that a threat?” Anthony took a step forward.

“It’s a threat, a promise and I'll even give you my word. I won’t be the one on the ground when we are done.” Alec looked absolutely scary but it was so fucking sexy at the stime. His wolf cforward to assert his dominance.

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“Well, isn’t this cozy.” Ann laughed.

I was so fucking done. It might have been the anger I felt from Alec but I was done seeing her. Walking around Anthony, I grabbed a fist full of her hair and literally drug her to the door.

Jasper, having recognized what I was doing, ran to open it before I got there.

There was too much dress forto toss her but since there was stairs, I was able to push her to the edge of them. It was as if all the rage from the last 18 years cto the surface and I blacked out. My wolf cforward as she took her hair and tossed her so she rolled down every stair. Hitting each one on the way down.

“ANN!” Anthony screamed as he ran down to help her.

“You are not welchere. Leave before I do what I really want to do.” My wolf spoke for me.

Ann sat up, her head was bleeding, her arm was at a weird angle and she looked completely out of it. “You could have killed her!” “What a shI didn’t.” Being over this, I turned and walked back inside.

“Kristen!” Colt cup toand grabbedby the shoulders. “You tossed her down the stairs!” His expression was both shocked, concerned and a hint of a smile. “The bitch survived but with all that dress, I’m not surprised. Should have just

ripped her heart out and been done with it.” Colt didn’t say anything but just pulledinto a hug. “Did I go too far?” I asked Alec in the mind-link.

“No because it was Ann but that was quite the emotional response.” My eyes met his even though Colt hadn’t letgo. I wasn’t sorry for tossing her down the stairs but I did regret losing control over my emotions.

“Let’s go back in there and have sfun?” Colt pulled back and looked at me.

Truthfully, I just wanted to go back to the cabin but I didn’t feel like I could leave. “Okay.” I tried to put a smile on as Alec tookfrom Colt and we walked back inside.

“Just a little longer, love, and then we can go to the cabin.” Alec practically could read my mind at this point.

“Okay.” Was all I could saw as we walked up to the table.

Alec took a seat and puton his lap.

Jasper picked Emmy up and tossed her over his arm before he sat down. It was the true definition of man handling.

Colt was much more graceful as Penny got up and let him sit down first before she sat on his lap. “I got everyone drinks...” Jace said and pushed sdrinks towards us.

“Thank you!” Grabbing mine, I shot it down quickly before taking Alec’s and shooting his down too.

“Damn girl, everything okay?” Echo


My mouth was full of whiskey that I hadn’t swallowed yet so Colt answered for me. “She tossed Ann down the front stairs.” Emmy spit out the drink she had in her mouth. “Holy shit!” Her cranberry and vodka was running down her chin as Jasper handed her a napkin.

“You did not!” Echo looked shocked.

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“I don’t know what happened. I just blacked out and my wolf took over.” Alec patted my leg forto stand up.

He walked off and I sat back down to keep talking. Hoping he was going to get more drinks. “I’m assuming she lived?” Penny asked.

“Unfortunatly.” Isighed.

“You wish you killed her?” Emily asked.

“I wish I would have just pulled her heart out and fed it to her.” “Damn. Remindnever to get on your bad side.” Echo laughed.

“Well, I am proud of you for handling her!” Emmy declared.

“Oh, I am too! You are scary when upset!” Echo said as her eyes filled with water.

“They were planning on dropping oil and feathers on the party. Alec caught them before they could do it.” Colt said before he took a sip.

“Seriously?” Jace asked as he leaned forward.

“Yup, the oil and feathers got placed in their car while we were talking before Kris tossed Ann out.” Jasper added.

“you did not!” Emmy looked back at him.

“I didn’t. Our warriors did.” He clarified.

Alec cback with two double whiskeys. Setting both down, I got up so he could sit back down. Wrapping his arm around me, he pulledas tight against him as possible with one arm. The other arm he took his drink and drank half of it.

“How did they get into the car?” Emily asked.

“Broke the windshield.” Jasper shrugged and took a sip.