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Tattooed Luna

Chapter 485
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Chapter 0485 Penny POV — Waking up the next morning was difficult. After the display on the T.V. I had to unplug it and crawled into bed.

Crying myself to sleep was all I could do. Now, a massive headache pounded every inch of my head. My eyes felt like they were going to pop out at any moment. That sandpaper feeling you get when you cry your eyes dry was the only feeling I could find. Even my babies were quiet this morning.

Usually, they were fighting but today, they were quiet. Part ofwas worried there was something wrong but the other part felt like maybe they knew I was emotionally exhausted and they were giving me a break.

Sudden, sharp pains tightened at the base of my stomach. They were so sudden that my breath got caught in my throat. Lasting only a moment, it slowly faded away.

“Penny? Good morning!” The nurse called out as the door opened.

I couldn’t answer as another pain shot throughbut this time, it didn’t go away. Fear peggedas her footsteps got closer but I was almost paralyzed in pain.

“Penny? Are you awake?” Her voice was so calm and sweet sounding.

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Thankfully, the blanket was pulled up to my face still. “Yeah.” I choked out.

“Givea second and I'll be out.” I wasn’t sure she boughttelling her I was awake and okay but she didn’t

question me. Instead, I heard her footsteps leave before pots and pans clinked in the kitchenette. - How tears cto my eyes, I wasn’t sure but as I tried to move, it got worse.

Something toldnot to tell her.

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, Thad to inch my way off the bed and to the bathroom.

The door was still open. Giving her a small smile and a wave, I tried to hide the pain. One...two...three steps I took before I was out of eye sight and doubled over. It was like a tightening and then it felt like all my insides were going to fall out. If I did a squat, the babies would just slide right now this very moment, Making it slowly to the bathroom, the toilet was my first objective. Not

wanting to move my legs very far apart, I had to slide over, However, after sitting down and relieving myself, no babies slid out so I felt better about that. It didn’t change the sensation I got but at least I didn’t have to pee.

Using toilet paper and wiping, there was something greenish-yellow on the paper. It almost had a pinkish tent to it and looked like snot. My body froze as I looked down and realized it was my mucus plug.

These were either Braxton Hicks or I was in labor. All my reading flashed in my head. The pressure meant the babies had dropped. Losing my mucus plug meant my cervix was opening for the babies. Finally, the tightening was either early labor or Braxton Hicks.

What scaredthe most was the thought of being so close to finally having these babies was that I had no idea where Colt was. Did he find out where I was yet? Or was I going to have to deliver by myself and pray that they didn’t take my babies? That is assuming they don’t need medical attention. Triplets are usually in the PICU for stdue to being delivered early but that was human babies. No one knew what my babies would be like.

“Penny? Is everything okay?” The nurse called out, closer than I expected.

“YEAH!” I called back instantly. “I’m just moving slow this morning.” It was the truth. Dropping the toilet paper, I flushed the evidence away and got up.

There was a closet full of clothes and | wanted out of this costume, A single dress caught my attention, tellingto slip it on. The smell of bacon and eggs filled my nose as I tied my hair up, out of my face.

“That smells good.” I tried to smile though the pain that reared it’s ugly head when I walked out. Defiantly irregular pain. @ “You need your strength today. The doctor is coming today. He wants to take sblood and do an ultrasound to see how close you are to delivering.” My heart skipped a few beats. It wasn’t like I had a choice. If I didn’t go along with it, I would lose my babies. They could even cut them out oftoday.

The only peace of mind I had was

knowing they would still be alive.

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“Okay.” It was all I could say in response.

“T’know it’s hard but just let him do what he needs to. Don’t push any more pain on your than you already have.

It’s bad enough your stress level is so high.” She looked atlike she actually cared about me.

I didn’t buy it. I knew she wanted out of there, or at least she toldso.

However, as she put eggs on my plate with a real smile on her face, I couldn’t help but wonder if she only faked asking that to keep up on what my plans were for escaping.

“Here you go!” The plate was filled high.

“Thank you.” I muttered as I picked up

my fork. Not wanting to meet her eyes.

[kept my busy with memor izing everything in the kitchen. Why they needed to butcher blocks was beyond me.

“After he is done, we can play

a gor put a puzzle together?” The nurse offered. She looked almost hopeful.

“Maybe. I might need to lay down and rest after he takes my blood.” “That is true, you might be tired from the blood loss. OH!” It was like a light blub went off and she remembered something. Pulling out a bottle of orange juice from the fridge, she poureda glass. “Drink up!” As soon as my hands wrapped around the glass, the bedroom door opened.