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The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 93 The Prophecied Disaster
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Damien remained standing for a while. The words he told Virgil, was something that was bound to happen when a new Realm was born.

Especially one that's so unique like the world they were in. It'd definitely attract the attention of an organization that has its influence stretching beyond Reality.

Back in his original timeline, it occurred when the world finally became a Stage 3 Realm, decades after The Primordial Source made its descent.

By then, two organizations had a fall out. They had been at war for decades upon decades, and their forces were thined out.

When one side was defeated and chased across the nearby Realities, they came across the evolved world of Gaea, the Earth Realm.

The chased party had entered the Realm with all nine remainders of his followers. All ten of them, descended and chose to challenge the Earth Realm and its races.

But he's the catch, each of them was more powerful than those of the Earth Realm. Even the followers themselves, had far more prowess than those of the Realm combined.

Let alone the leader, who was someone who was transcendent of all his limitations. Including Reality itself, and became something beyond.

Their attack was one ruthless.

Each follower attacked a major race by themselves, and laid waste to their respective Continent. While the remainders stood guard outside, while covering their tracks.

And their conquest was one powerful. To the point where as he said, even the ancestors and founders of the seven major races, descendants of the Seven Supremes, were brutally humbled.

They were all killed, and their races enslaved. Luckily, they had plans for an escape, where all their favored and blessed children were sent towards a far off Reality at the urge.

The situation was that dreadful. Enough that parents sent their children away to fend for themselves, just to create a platform for just a hint of their Bloodline's survival.

Flint, Damien and a few others of his close friends managed somehow, by being sent into the Hell once more. The true Realm of Hell, ruled by a powerful being as well.

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As for the survival of the Earth Realm, it survived. But everyone was enslaved, even when he chose to return to this point in time.

The Earth Realm was renamed, and developed under a new leader. Who was sure to use its great traits for his revenge at some point in time.

And as this Realm was now moving closer to becoming a Stage 3 Realm, it was only a matter of time an organization or a stray outer found them. Yes, only a matter of time.

More like weeks to months.

"So, I technically did not lie to you, old friend. Hopefully, I could do your Supreme ancestor a favor this time around, and give you a hint of life." He said, thinking back to his past.

At the same time, he finally viewed the notifications that determined his Second Wish Trial, and it's rewards.

[ TING!!! ]

[ Congratulations on successfully going through your Wish Trial's second Trial. You have successfully formed a milestone for your path of being Absolute ]

[ 2. Realm King ]

[ Details: The newly born unnamed Realm has appeared, and you are to take charge and own it up. This shall push you closer to making your wish come true, as this Realm alone, shall become a major turning point of humanity once owned by a human ]

[ Defeat the Realm Administrator (greater deity), and take Valhalla under your rulership. This is now Second Stage Realm, and has many wonders that can not be found within any worlds located within Reality. Yet the Realm Administrator is quite ruthless, and greedy. It desires the Realm all for itself. Kill it, and swallow its Realm Core ]

[ Reward: Mythical Epithet(×1), A Thousand Units of Pure Reified Divine Power(Absorbable) ]

[ Congratulations!! You have obtained the Mythical Epithet, King Maker ]

[ You've obtained a Thousand Units of Pure Reified Divine Power ]


Damien was presented with the information, and did well to check the definition of both notifications. First being the strange Pure Reified Divine Power.

[ Pure Reified Divine Power(×1000) :- Pure Divine Power is considered more powerful than ordinary Divine Power. A single unit, can give out a thousand more Mana, than what an ordinary Divine power unit would give. While Reified Divine Power can give out a million times more Mana than average. Combining the two, one obtains the illusory Pure Reified Divine Power, capable of giving one a Trillion times more Mana than ordinary Divine power. A single unit of such resource could feed and nourish a newborn Multiverse to maturity, or create a couple of Multiverses when resources are all met ]


Amazing. Trult heaven defying.

Damien marveled at the reward. But it was to be expected from a Stage 2 Realm. After all, even a Stage 1 Realm was beyond Reality, which was above a Multiverse and a Haven through hierarchy.

But what marveled him more, was the fact that, with this treasure, he could have Pure Infinite Mana. Infinite Mana, superior over Infinite Mana.

After all, that was a trillion by a trillion, by his own tens of trillions of Mana. For a mortal, that was well above having Infinite Mana to the highest degree.

"Hm?" But suddenly, just as he was marveling, something more strange occurred. Something within his inventory shook in great intensity, as if trying to obtain his attention.

And it did indeed, do so.

Damien took it out, and it was the Seed of Yggdrasil, a Realistic grade treasure. It had long devoured enough Mana to sprout, and all that was left was to plant it.

But now, it was shaking so intensely, that Damien thought that it was about to self destruct. Yet it was not that, but obsessive desire to the Pure Reified Divine Power.

"You want this?" He asked, and the multicolored light that represented the Seed of Yggdrasil glowed brightly in response.

Damien seemed intrigued, and further checked out the treasure. Realistic grade treasures had wills of their own, each developed and intelligent.

Thus it could control what it desired other people to view about itself to a cedtain extent. Just like this one. It's information had even changed greatly.

[ Sprout of Yggdrasil (Realistic) :- The Seed of Yggdrasil given enough nourishment to sprout. As a young saplin, the Sprout of Yggdrasil can connect a single Domain to itself, nourishing the domain to grow along with itself. Each domain can be nourished till the heights of become Pseudo-Realms, and if possible, even Realms all the way to Stage 3... But that all matters not. The Sprout of Yggdrasil yeans for the Pure Reified Divine Power, and seeks permission from you to devour it. Sensing the Mana Heart within you, it has given you enough respect as the Mana Heart, and to seek your permission first. Once it devours the Pure Reified Divine Power, the Sprout of Yggdrasil will grow to premature maturity, and promises you under the Infinite True Laws of Existence that, it shall forever serve by your side, along with the Mana Heart till the end of your eternity ]

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"...This is new." Damien thought aloud, in stupor. The fact that the Sprout of Yggdrasil went so far as to beg a mortal, showed to what extent its desperation spread.

And Damien himself was also curious what would happen afterwards. Hence he agreed for the process of devouration to take place. "Go ahead. Take a bite."

He said, unleashing the Puee Reified Divine Power throughout the air. And it manifested as droplets of pure silver and sapphire combination, that illuminated the whole Realm.

Even the brilliance of the myriad of treasures paled in comparison. One unit/droplet, being even denser than a star/solar system.

Yet there were already thousands of them floating above him.

[ ... ]

The Sprout of Yggdrasil immediately flew out of his hand, and into the sea of silver and sapphire. It hooked itself in between them, and began devouring without hesitation.

The process began quite fast, as tens of units were absorbed in an instant. Everything was absorb into the Sprout of Yggdrasil like stars being swallowed by a blackwhole.

But after a quarter of the droplets were gone, it decreased to only one droplet per second. Relaxing its pace of devouration.

'At least it won't devour them all. At most by two hundred? It should be satisfied.' He thought, looking up sternly.

But two hundred was surpassed and the process continued with the same pace. 'Okay. Maybe I was wrong. Three hundred? Four hundred?' He changed his thoughts.

Yet three hundred, four hundred, they were both surpassed quickly. And not even a minute had gone by. 'This makes no sense... hm? Why is it increasing speed?'

The Sprout of Yggdrasil ignored Damien's thoughts, and like a vacuum cleaner, it immediately swallowed everything at sight in just an instant.

But as Damien had realized a bit earlier, he managed to snatch twelve units and save them within his Void Keeper storage by luck.


[ ... ]

They then exchanged glances, an artifact and a mortal. None saying anything to the other. Just silent, but extremely judgemental gazes.