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The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 617 - Daosword Emperor
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Millions of miles away from where the major event was happening, overlord eyes could be seen watching from a distance. The six overlords were speculating the current happenings in Wind Gate's vicinity.

"This is interesting. Visva has actually appeared." Secretzone was privy of the matters regarding the other side, "The Great Master is truly betting all his chips in this game."

"That's understandable. After all, he has wanted to take over Immortal for a long time now. Not only did the world have the resources he needed, it is also perfect to breed dark existences." Dynasty said. There was a perfect place for breeding ground of darkness, and only in Immortal could be found it.

"That man is preparing for a greater calamity." A cold and deep voice echoed their ears.. This being rarely speak yet when he did, it was overwhelming.

Timedeath Overlord. Anyone who recognized this name would tremble in fear. However, his appearance was contrasting. He looked like a mortal human with brown skin. His eyes were eluded with laziness, that you couldn't see any terrifying capabilities in him unless you pry more.

This overlord killed over hundreds of millions of innocent people without batting an eye. For him, killing was just a minor hobby not worthy to mention.

"Greater calamity?" Blackdemon was confused. He didn't particularly know this calamity even though he read so many ancient records already.

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Timedeath didn't answer this and instead stared at a distant horizon with soft words, "Nevertheless, it will be useless because that person is currently in this world. That man in the dark realm will only seek early death."

The other overlords were stumped to hear this. Who would be that person to earn such words? Remember, it was the master of the dark realm they were talking about. Just how many masters were capable of contending against him? Perhaps only Timedeath himself.

But now, Timedeath was talking that the master would only seek death since that 'person' was here? Didn't it mean that the person was more than capable than everyone else?


"Since this is your wish, we will take this world by force then." Visva wasn't angered since he already expected this. The master told him that the heroes of this world wouldn't give up easily. They have to taste a little to a lot of despair first before resigning to their fates.

He stepped backward and said, "You can come out now."

Everyone was confused. Who might be the one Visva was talking about? But their question was immediately answered when a figure appeared out of a spatial space.

A middle-aged man was wearing a black robe with a heavy sword on his back. The world would be destroyed by his mere eyes as the laws and fates would be on his hands. He carried a sword that could annihilate the heavens, tearing the sky asunder.

Daoempress and Swordknight were stupefied to see this person as they recognized him very well!

"It's been a while, Empress. You are still beautiful as ever." The middle-aged man spoke with a calm tone, "Always has the capability to shame all pretty beings of this world."

"I didn't expect you will show yourself immediately, Daosword." Contrast to how the middle-aged man greeted her, Daoempress had a cold and harsh tone, "And to think you still have the guts to show yourself here. I very well admire your guts."

Everyone in the crowd gasped. So it turned out that this was the renowned Daosword Emperor who swept through the ages of Immortal! His grand dao was admired by many, creatine different variations of it. As a matter of fact, his grand dao was also being used a reference material during martial lessons in academies.

Disappointment flashed in those top masters' eyes. This powerful being ultimately fell to the darkness. No matter how great he was in the past, it couldn't change anything now.

"Empress, the Master greatly favors your talents and potential. If you come with me right now, you will be as powerful as the current me or perhaps, surpass me even." Daosword Emperor tried to convince the empress once again, "This world is so small to contain you."

"Daosword, save your breath. It's useless trying to convince me." Daoempress harshly turned him down, "Draw your sword. We will see how much you have learned."

"Your Highness, that man is very dangerous. Even with your power, he might still subdue you. Why don't we work together and take him down?" Swordknight could feel an intense pressure coming from Daosword. The group couldn't let the empress take the risk alone. After all, the empress was the backbone.

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"No, you four will do set a formation for me. That is the assistance you can give me." Daoempress whispered what they had to do and immediately flew over where Daosword was. Right now, she was already holding her prized dual immortal swords.

"Duality Dragon Ancient Blades." Daosword was very familiar with the weapon Daoempress was using, "Congratulations, you have actually managed to get it from that ominous abyss."

The blades were only ordinary, that's why everyone was confused why the empress used this. However, upon knowing the name of it, everyone was horrified.

Duality Dragon Ancients Blades were the immortal weapon of Abyss Darkland. No one knew who was the creator of this weapon. But everyone knew it was very powerful. After all, many top existences tried to get this item only to lose their life in the process. The weapon was already comparable to a highdao weapon.

"Draw your weapon." Daoempress coldly said once again, not minding the compliment the other party gave.

"Alright, here it is." Daosword Emperor draw his heavy sword from his back. It was wrapped in bandages a while ago, but now the clear transcendence of the sword could be seen.

"Heavenfire." Daoempress revealed a serious expression in her face. As a peak existence, she knew the meaning behind Heavenfire.

"That's right. This is Heavenfire." Daosword smiled and said, "For sure, you know what this sword means. So I can skip the introductions for it."

Daoempress didn't bother to answer and just swung her blades, creating myriad dao of the world.