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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 129: Mowen origin
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There was a brief silence in the room, and Albert had never thought that Professor Browder would talk about it so bluntly, but he still nodded, indicating that he could understand.

Indeed, the ancient magic text is no longer available today, unless it is necessary to interpret those ancient books.

As for using it to cast spells?

In Albert's perception, Dumbledore may have this ability. Whether other people can use them skillfully is a question.

This is like when you first learned English in your last life, you need to look up the dictionary word by word for the sentences in English books, so that you can barely connect them together and guess the original meaning of the sentence.

"Can I look at the runes on the parchment?" Albert pointed to the parchment on the table and asked Professor Broad.

"Of course there is no problem." Professor Broad seemed to be curious about the level of Albert Rune's writing.

He didn't expect the other party to be able to read it, so he didn't stop Albert from reading it, because the runic text on the parchment was very broken.

With the consent of Professor Browd, Albert picked up the parchment and read it carefully. He found that the runes on it were very strange. Albert immediately recognized what these were. They resembled Albert not long after. Rune rune used before.

Unlike the runes in the Muggle world, these runes are connected together. If you want to interpret them, you may need to study them one by one.

Albert noticed that there are notes beside these runes, which should have been left by Professor Bathsida or Professor Brod.

It means... eyes, trees, spring water...

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A few short words, but it made Albert frown slightly. He felt as if he had touched something, but he couldn't remember it for the time being.

"These runes... are disrupted?" Albert asked uncertainly.

"Yes, it was disrupted." Professor Brod nodded and said: "You have also seen that these runes are difficult to translate by themselves."

"Well, you need to disassemble and research to understand." Albert said seriously.

Is it true that ancient magic texts are like this?

No, Albert has read the books of ancient magic text weaving. The one before him is obviously rune.

However, I really don't know who is so idle to get such a bunch of runes.

Albert did not say this sentence, but he did think so. Not many people can understand the use of Rune texts. He also compiled them into runes, and then put the runes into a paragraph, and how many people Can you really understand it?

Or is it that these runes were actually made by Professor Bathsida for Professor Brod to practice ancient spells?

Just as Albert was thinking about it, someone knocked on the door of the office.

Katrina McDouger appeared outside the Office of Defense Against the Dark Arts and looked at Albert who was standing in front of the office desk reading the parchment in amazement. She couldn't help blinking her eyes and seemed curious about this guy. How could it be here.

Albert raised his head when the door was knocked, and he happened to meet Katrina's eyes when he opened the door to enter. He just nodded slightly at the other person and continued to focus on the parchment.

The more he reads the runes on the parchment, Albert feels that something in his memory is starting to loosen, but he doesn't seem to have guessed what happened.

"I just played two games of wizard chess with Mr. Anderson, and his chess skills are pretty good." Professor Brod noticed Katrina's suspicious look and said casually. "However, Mr. Anderson seems to be interested in ancient magic texts. Katrina, just sit down and accompany me in a game of chess."

Professor Browd is optimistic about Albert.

Katrina had already guessed this. After all, Albert is a genius, and geniuses are always treated specially.

"Focus." Professor Browd noticed that Katrina was distracted, and he reminded him aloud: "Don't worry too much about other people, just concentrate on doing your own thing."

"Hmm!" Katrina refocused on the chess game on the table. However, she still lost the chess game after all. When she looked up in a daze, she found that Albert was sitting on Professor Broad's desk and didn't know what she was writing.

"How dare he..."

"Professor, the runes on the parchment are incomplete, right?" Albert, relying on his mastery of runes, took nearly half an hour to translate most of the runes.

"Oh, why do you say that?" Professor Broad asked curiously. Albert is right, the rune here is only part of it.

"Well, I can't even make a sentence after translation." Albert took the parchment full of letters and walked over.

I think these should be two very famous poems in "Words of God".

"The Word of God, what is that?" Katrina asked suspiciously, placing her gaze on the parchment in Albert's hand.

"Talk about the origin of runes." Albert said simply, "Odin exchanged an eye for the fountain of intelligence... In order to seek the mystery of higher wisdom, he hung himself on a tree for nine days and nine nights, and used The spear stabbed himself, and the blood fell on the ground and gathered into runes

Albert dubiously translated the rune into text, and then connected it with the things he had seen before, and guessed the general content.

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When he first translated, he really didn't react for a while.

Later, as more runes were interpreted, Albert was able to piece together most of the content.

Katrina looked confused, but she still knew what the runes were.

Compared to Katrina, Professor Brod next to him was shocked and incredible.

Professor Browder hadn't thought about it at all, but Albert actually interpreted it.


No, this is unlikely.

"By the way, are you sure you just learned Rune by yourself?" Professor Broad's face twitched continuously, and his heart roared loudly: "You are ashamed to claim that you can barely understand it?"

If this is really hard to understand~www.mtl.com~ what other guys who are good at runes are considered?

"Professor Browd?" Albert raised his head and cried out in confusion. The other party suddenly recovered and explained with a smile: "I don't know too much, because I'm also trying, but I think it should That's right."

"Professor Bathsida will be very happy that you chose the ancient magic text. If you are interested, please write to her, or go to the side..." Professor Brod thought for a while, and felt that this was inappropriate. Because he thinks Albert may not need to attend class anymore.

To be honest, he still had a lot of runes left on the table. Albert did not use the magic dictionary, so he disassembled, translated and put together the runes.

Whether Professor Bathsida has this ability, Professor Brod is not sure, but he knows that he definitely does not.

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