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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 146: Attack on Albert
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Ever since Albert entered the Forbidden Forest, Yaya has been running back and forth around him, sniffing the roots and leaves all the way, searching for Fred's smell.

At least, Albert thought so.

The quiet forbidden forest rustled with leaves from time to time, making Albert's nerves tense, always guarding against possible dangers.

Sure enough, entering the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night is definitely the most reckless thing Albert has done so far.

He stopped in a clearing, looked up at the sky, trying to find the red sparks fired by the twins.

"Perhaps, I should bring a flying broomstick. If I drive from the sky, the speed will be much faster." Albert looked around with the light of the wand, listening carefully, besides the sound of breaking branches and the rustling of leaves, Is there any other voice.

To be honest, walking alone on the trail in the Forbidden Forest, Albert felt that he was particularly insecure. When the wind blew at night, goose bumps almost came out.

There is no sense of security at all, this feeling is really too bad.

"Ya Ya, ignore me too far."

Albert stopped, called Yaya back, and then opened the task panel to upgrade his "All Protect" skill to level 2.

Sure enough, you should first improve your self-protection ability.

At least, when you suddenly encounter danger, you won't lose your life in the first place.

As Ollivander said, the use of wands made of red cedar will not bring luck to the user, but the wizard who uses them already has the ability to turn dangers into danger when they encounter danger.

This wand is really suitable for Albert to use.

Yaya's tracking speed was not fast, and Albert followed it continuously on the path for about half an hour.

The spirit has continued to be in a state of high tension, making Albert feel very tired. He took out a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing slowly to reduce the fatigue caused by nervous tension.

When thinking, Albert likes to eat some sweets, which can relieve fatigue and effectively improve thinking activity.

Yaya seems to want it too, but dogs can't eat chocolate. Albert can only touch his head and promise to buy delicious food for him when he returns.

"Let's go!" Albert regained his spirit and continued to walk deep into the Forbidden Forest.

The deeper the forbidden forest, the denser the trees, and now you can hardly see the night sky above your head. Albert's wand is the only shimmer in the dark forest.

Beyond the range illuminated by that little light, there was darkness and fear that couldn't see the fingers.

In fact, Albert has realized that he may be lost and has deviated from the forest path!

It should be said that it was not that he was lost, but that Fred and George were lost. Albert, who followed them, was naturally lost.

If this is the case, the situation is a bit bad, and Albert estimates that he will not be able to find two people in a short time.

Now, Albert's only hope is to see the red sparks rising in the Forbidden Forest.

Plans will never keep up with changes!

Albert sighed slightly. He knew this well, so he didn't feel annoyed.

In fact, long before he entered the forest, he pinned most of his expectations on the professors, otherwise he would not let Lee Jordan go back to Professor McGonagall.

At Hogwarts now, maybe the chickens are messed up.

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However, before the professors arrived, he had to find the Weasley brothers, otherwise the mission might fail.

As for regret?

Albert never regrets. If he stays, he will definitely not be allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest by Professor McGonagall. 2000 experience and 2 skill points are worth his risk, even if he consumes a large amount of accumulated experience in the experience pool.

2 skill points are really precious.

After level 3, you can upgrade your skills. The experience gained from the task can no longer keep up. Using skill points to upgrade is the best way.

"Where will you be?" Albert murmured. He walked through the low jungle, over the fallen trees, and over a stream. His robe was also torn by branches and thorns on the road.

Albert felt that he had walked for a long time, the dense canopy completely obscured the moonlight in the sky.

Yaya stopped and barked in a certain direction.

Not good!

Albert felt that he was being stared at by the eyes hidden in the dark, and that feeling made him feel creepy.

He immediately ran to Yaya, wielding his wand and using all of them for protection, building a foam-shaped transparent defensive enchantment around him.

Suddenly, there was the sound of horseshoes around, and Albert could even feel the ground of the Forbidden Forest trembling slightly.

It was a horseman, and Albert could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. He knew that these creatures would usually not harm Hogwarts students.

For a moment, two horsemen appeared on both sides of Albert. Albert was still a little nervous when the horseman drew a bow and arrow to aim at him, whether it was in his previous life or in this life, this was the first experience.

That feeling was very uncomfortable, and Albert couldn't help but squeeze his wand tightly to make sure that his defense barrier would not be shot through by the horseman's arrow.

"Who are you?" a rough voice demanded.

"Albert Anderson, a student at Hogwarts." Albert tried his best to keep his voice friendly.

"Maju, this is not where you should come." The horseman reminded roughly.

"I have two friends, they are lost in the forbidden forest, I need to find them as soon as possible." Albert said his purpose of entering the forbidden forest.

"There are two more horses entering the woods, I remember..." The horses put their bows and arrows away and walked towards Albert, and they walked into the bright area of ​​the wand.

The first time Albert saw a horseman, it felt weird. It was a man above the waist, with red hair and a beard, but below the waist was a brown-red horse with a long red trail behind it. tail.

"I know I can't enter the woods." Albert whispered: "But I need to find them... If you can provide us with a little help..."

"We will not help humans!" the brown-black horseman roared at Albert.

"Oh, that's really sorry, if I just offended, I apologize to you." Albert has calmed down and said softly: "I don't know you, and I don't want to have any unpleasant conflicts with you. I just came to find my friends, and when I find them, I will leave here immediately."

"Okay Bain." The brown-red horseman pacified his compatriots, "He has no malice."

"He came uninvited..."

"I hope we don't have any conflicts." Albert interrupted the horseman, his voice sounding a little cold.

At this moment, Albert is considering whether to bring down the two horsemen, but if he does, his search for the Weasley brothers may be over.

He is not Hagrid, and the horseman is not as friendly as the legend.

But it is not difficult to speculate, Fred and George did not meet the horseman, otherwise Albert would have learned from the horseman.

"It shouldn't be difficult for you to see that I am not as weak as you think." Albert stared at the horseman and said: "We don't have to conflict. I just want to find my friends and take them away. Here."

"Of course, I leave the decision to you."

"Do you know Hagrid?" The brown-red horseman suddenly changed the subject. It knew Hagrid's hounds from the beginning.

"Yes, I am a friend of Hagrid. I originally planned to ask him for help, but Hagrid is not in his cabin tonight, so I can only bring Hagrid's hound to find someone in the forbidden forest." Albert Squinting his eyes to look at the red-brown horseman, he continued: "Hagrid once said that as long as he is with Yaya, no creature in the Forbidden Forest will hurt me."

"Come with me, friend of Hagrid, I probably know where your friend is." The brown-red horseman turned and walked towards the forest.

"Ronan!" Bain was dissatisfied with his compatriot's behavior.

"We never attack the foal." Ronan stopped and turned around and said, "I saw a red spark on the other side of the forest."

"Yes, that's right, they may be in some trouble!" Albert couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The red sparks meant that Fred and George were still alive.

"Ya, keep up!" Albert lifted the surrounding protective barriers and quickly followed the horseman's footsteps.

"However, I need to remind you that the forest over there is very dangerous." Ronan said to Albert. "Those big spiders will eat the animals that enter that forest. I don't recommend that you take a risk."

"Thank you, but I won't give up my friend." Albert shook his head and rejected the other's kindness. "I will be responsible for my own recklessness. If I am eaten by a spider, it will be my own death. It has nothing to do with you."

"Okay!" Ronan gave Albert a deep look, nodded and said, "Come with me, there is still some distance from here."

About twenty minutes later, Albert stood tiredly under a tree to rest. Even if Ronan slowed down, he still struggled to keep up with the horseman.

"From here, it is the hunting range of those big spiders, but I still don't recommend you to take risks."

"Thank you, Ronan, I will remember you, and the help you gave me." Albert leaned slightly to express his gratitude to the horseman beside him.

"If you can bring your friends back, I will guide you to leave this forest." Ronan said and turned and left.

Albert looked at Ronan's disappearing back, turned and walked towards the forest ahead. He knew that he had to be more vigilant, because this place was more dangerous than other places.

"You shouldn't help him." Bain looked at Ronan angrily.

"He is a friend of Hagrid." Ronan looked at Albert's departure direction and said softly: "Even if we help him, he will do the same."

"They are not welcome here."

"We never attack the foal." Ronan repeated

This is an ancient agreement between the horse tribe in the Forbidden Forest and Hogwarts.

"That pony is not as weak as you think, and you should be able to see it." Ronan stood on the clearing, looking up at the starry sky, muttering to himself: "He is special, yes, special. ."

Both Ronan and Bain could see that if they were going to do something to Albert, the other party would fight back brazenly.

As Albert said, he had no malice and gave the decision to the horseman.

The latter chose to live in peace.

As Ronan said, the Horsemen never attacked Hogwarts students.


On the other side, entering the range of movement of the eight-eyed giant spider, Albert had to tighten his nerves and watch his surroundings.

Since the horseman came here, Yaya could no longer track Fred's location through the smell.

Albert was hesitating whether to shoot green sparks into the sky, but he was also worried that doing so would attract the eight-eyed giant spider.

Suddenly, Ya Ya barked at Albert's back.

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"All protection!" Albert immediately used a spell to protect him and Yaya from the defense barrier. A big spider appeared behind Albert without warning, slammed into the protective barrier with its teeth and claws, and was unable to make any further progress.

Yaya was still barking, Albert turned his head stiffly, staring dumbfounded at the monster that appeared in front of him, his heartbeat could not stop beating for a few times.

Unlike the little spiders I've seen before, this one is only as big as a horse, with eight legs, a black and hairy giant spider. Its big pincers are moving, making a creepy click.

"I hate spiders." Albert couldn't help muttering against the eight eyes. Soon, he found that a new task appeared on his panel.

Angry counterattack

You seem to have encountered an attack. It is time to give the attacker some color, defeat the eight-eyed giant spider, and let the fluffy big guys know that you are not easy to mess with.

Reward: 1500 experience, skill acquired: Spider Retreat Curse.

"This skill came very timely," Albert murmured. He immediately opened the skill panel and increased the Apparition Mantra to level 2, then reached out his hand to pick up the whimpering tooth, and used Apparition to disappear in place.

The eight-eyed giant spider couldn't understand why the prey in front of him suddenly disappeared.

In the next moment, Albert appeared 50 feet away. He suppressed the discomfort caused by the Apparition, brandishing his wand and shouting loudly, "Faint!"

The red flame hit the big spider.

The coma spell didn't have much effect on it, but it angered the Eight-eyed Giant Spider even more.

"Fainted! Obstacles! Fainted!"

The eight-eyed giant spider had already leaped toward this side, and the Stunning Curse and Obstacle Curse had some effect, slowing down its movement speed.

"All are protected." Albert used the protective barrier again to wrap himself in.

The eight-eyed spider bumped its head on the protective barrier, causing it to squash again.

Albert can feel the anger of the eight-eyed giant spider from the eight black eyes, and the sharp pliers click and click, as if to say to him that I am going to eat you.

The spell actually doesn't have much effect on it. My magic power is too weak, or the spider is too big, or its magic power is too strong?

If you raise the spell to level 2, the effect may be better, but... Albert glanced at the experience pool, and he will definitely learn the spider retreat spell later.

It is best to solve it without upgrading.

What are the weaknesses of spiders?


and also……


After all ~www.mtl.com~ it has eight legs.

Tripping curse...leg-locking curse...soft leg curse...and dancing curse...

Hope these spells work.

Albert once again appeared with the Apparition. He admitted that the magic is extremely useful, but the discomfort caused by the Apparition was too bad.

The eight-eyed giant spider looked around immediately after finding that the prey had disappeared again, but Albert's voice had already sounded.

Tarantella dance!

The dancing spell hit the eight-eyed giant spider's foot, causing it to tap dance involuntarily.

This spell undoubtedly produced a great effect.

The spider obviously doesn't know how to tap dance, so it now looks like it has cramps in its two legs and is shaking uncontrollably.