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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 194: Wizard Card Club
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While several roommates are trying to eliminate their lunches, Albert is writing to Sierra Harris. The content of the letter is to greet and express the desire to communicate with each other. At the end of the letter, Albert briefly introduced his vision on the magic lamp to Harrisis.

In fact, Albert has tried to store the ball of light in the box more than once, but the result of this is: the ball of light that loses its magical power will automatically dissipate if it cannot last for too long.

The idea of ​​the magic lamp was originally built on the light extinguisher. If you have the technology to store the light source, you can naturally make the magic lamp.

Of course, if you want to make a magic lamp, there are naturally more simple and rude ways.

For example, the eternal fire: Gublai fairy fire.

Use the Gubra fire as the light source, and put a special glass cover on it, so that the Gubra fire provides a stable, continuous and bright white light.

As for the switch problem, just get something like a cover and isolate the light directly when you don't need it.

Albert happened to know a way to completely cut off light.

As in the movie, the Weasley brothers once created a smoke bomb that does not transmit light. Using its opaque properties, you can create an opaque lampshade.

However, most of the assumptions are still on notes. It is really not easy to turn assumptions into reality.

After Sheila took the letter and flew away, Albert returned to the auditorium.

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan have finished their lunch and are getting together to study Albert's wizard card notes, and to help copy the name and effect of the card from it.

Opposite the three, Angelina and Alia were looking at the new card, discussing whether to ask Albert to help them make the original card.

After all, the original cards of the Albert Four look really good, and are more than one grade better than the cards currently used.

"However, using photos directly on the wizard card is not so good." Angelina also found many problems.

Although the wizard card is similar to the chocolate frog picture, it still feels a bit strange.

"We don't have the money to find a brilliant painter." Albert sat down next to Alia and shook his head. "If you really want to replace photos with pictures, it will be a long time later."

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Of course, Albert had already thought of a backup plan. If photos were not used later, portraits would be used instead of photos.

"You can paint portraits?" George couldn't help asking. He knows that Albert knows many things, and it doesn't seem strange that he can paint portraits.

"No." Albert denied categorically. "If there is such a need, you can spend money to let the Muggle painter help you finish it, and then use magic to reprocess the portrait."

Albert's words surprised several people. They never thought of using Muggle's power to accomplish something.

"I'll talk about these things later." Albert raised his hand to stop the few people who hesitated to speak, and signaled that they don't need to care, after all, it was a long time later.

However, the thinking patterns of wizards living in the magical world still made him speechless.

Several people took turns to help fill in the cards, the efficiency was faster, and a lot of new cards were added soon. Albert clearly divided the camps. Currently, only the Big Four of Hogwarts have their own different effects. The HP of all players is fixed at 20.

Perhaps, subconsciously, everyone currently only uses the Gryffindor camp.

"You said, if the mysterious person appears on the wizard card in the future, will it shock everyone?" Albert said this in a joking tone. However, he soon noticed that the atmosphere around him suddenly froze.

"What's the matter?" Albert looked around the people suspiciously.

"Wizard card will appear the card of the mysterious person?" Angelina's tone was slightly disturbed, obviously she didn't think this was a good idea.

"Of course it will appear, and there will be a camp of dark wizards in the future. I think the mysterious person is quite suitable." Albert's voice faded, and he finally realized what was going on.

Wizards who were born in the magical world have an instinctive awe and fear of mysterious people. They don’t feel like they have plug-ins, they don’t come from the Muggle world, and they don’t seem to know the weaknesses of mysterious people and the rebirth of mysterious people. No nose behind.

Other people living in the magical world are different from themselves. They grew up listening to the horror stories of mysterious people, and they still fear the mysterious people, even if they have not personally experienced that period.

"Wow." Fred suddenly said: "Aren't you scared at all?"

"I'm from the Muggle world." Albert explained with a shrug. "This name is no different from an ordinary name to me."

"You really intend to get the mysterious person into the card, so what do you plan to do without a photo?" Li Qiaodan asked curiously.

"This is very simple. Just make a cloud of darkness in the photo, and then leave a pair of red eyes." Albert blinked and said with a smile, "Mysterious man, the famous black demon, you just have to take him Just make it mysterious and terrifying. Few people have actually seen a mysterious person anyway."

"It seems to make sense." George nodded.

"I said, can you guys not discuss this matter?" Alia couldn't help but complain. For most wizards in the magic world, mysterious people are a taboo, and these **** take this matter. Come out as a joke.

"Well, it's going to be a long time later anyway." Albert reorganized his cards and added the original number of cards. The card types are over 100.

Shanna walked over here and looked at the people who were playing with the cards on the table. She was puzzled: "Is this game really fun?"

"Well, it's more fun for a lot of people to play together." Albert replied: "It tests your understanding, matching and use of cards. You need to consider how to use strategy to defeat the enemy, instead of just stacking up like George did. Star card."

"Hey, don't use me as a counterexample." George protested dissatisfiedly.

"I think you are the best counterexample." Lee Jordan nodded in agreement.

George is now ready to go all the way to the dark, he is trying to match his own tactics, especially after the cards are further improved, this idea is really possible.

Hearing what Lee Jordan said, all of them couldn't help laughing.

"Why does your card look like this, other cards still look rough?" Shanna pointed to Fred's card and asked puzzledly.

"Well, this card was specially made by Albert a while ago. Am I cool on it?" Fred was able to say: "In the future, other cards will gradually become like this. However, It will be slower for Albert to make cards by himself, and when we have his level, we will help make the original cards together."

"It feels a bit like a drawing of a chocolate frog." Shanna took out a drawing of Dumbledore's chocolate frog and compared it with the card.

"Indeed, we got the inspiration from the chocolate frog picture at first." Albert admitted, "At that time, we will also make all the chocolate frog pictures into cards. However, it is not possible for the time being. ."

Shanna sat next to him and watched Fred play cards with Alia. Fred was better and won the victory.

"Just lost?"

"Well, everyone has twenty points of blood." Albert explained, "Under normal circumstances, which side of the blood volume is zero first, even if you lose. The usual tactic is to exchange each other to cause as much damage as possible. Of course, there are many ways to play the wizard card, and it mainly depends on how the individual plays."

"Why are they all Gryffindor cards?" Davis couldn't help asking, who had been watching for a while.

"Um, because this card game has just been invented, I only made Gryffindor cards for the time being." Albert explained.

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Katrina picked up a card, scanned the contents of her eyes, raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "You mean, this is a game you invented?"

"Um, the game I invented." Albert explained, "If you are interested, you can let other people teach you how to play."

"This is the wizard card you mentioned in the last letter?" Truman asked curiously. He remembered that Albert had also given him a card of his own. The effect was to attack: he could attack immediately after he came on the field.

"Yes, if you are interested, you can try a game with them." Albert pointed to Fred a few people.

"What if I want a card from my own academy?" Truman continued to ask, not a student of Gryffindor, so naturally I want to use the card from my academy.

"Well, other cards take time to design." Albert explained, "Of course, you don't need to worry about my favoritism. For the fairness and justice of the card game, I will not favor one side when making cards. Otherwise it will lose its meaning."

"I'm coming, who will play a game with me?" Katrina reached out to Albert, "Lend me your deck."

"I'm playing with you." Shanna raised her eyebrows. "Fred, lend me your deck."

The two novices started pecking at each other.

Although it was the first time to touch the wizard card, after listening to the brief explanation, the two probably also knew how to play.

A few minutes later, Katrina lost because she misused the spell cards in the Albert deck and lost a bit miserably.

"Is there something wrong with your deck~www.mtl.com~ Katrina stared at Albert dissatisfiedly.

"It's that you don't know how to use my deck." Albert shrugged, "Wizard cards have many ways to play, and my deck is a bit difficult for you."

Katrina curled her lips, she actually knew what was going on. Fred's deck is all related to Quidditch, and Albert's deck has many spell cards.

"It feels like the deck is very flexible." Truman also saw the style of both decks.

"Of course." Albert said, "Everyone can play their own style."

"If you are interested in the wizard card, I also welcome you to work with me to improve this game." Albert said to the onlookers.

Of course, not many people are really interested.

After all, the appearance of the Witcher card is really not very good, and it looks far less interesting than other games. However, some people will be interested in this game.