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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 299: Illegal assembly?
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After the first Wizarding Card Game began, Albert dutifully performed his duties as a referee.

No way, if no one is watching, the wizard card game is probably going to be a mess.

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were all pulled to do coolies, and it seemed a bit unreasonable not to be a referee.

The level of the first knockout match was so low that it was a bit spicy.

The contestants are from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Both are not very familiar with the rules of the Wizard card. Because I am not familiar with the wizard card rules, some low-level mistakes often occur.

Albert was always embarrassed and had the urge to cover his face.

The crowd onlookers watched with gusto, whispering about who was wrong. If the contestants were of this level, I might be able to win a championship or something.

Some onlookers who talkatively pointed out the mistakes made by the players and ridiculed them in a low voice that they didn't even understand the rules of the game, why they came to sign up for the wizard card game.

The Hufflepuff boy who made frequent mistakes was flushed. Amidst everyone's whispers, he finally gave up on the game and quickly got into the crowd and disappeared.

"What are these things."

Albert looked at the voice of the other person leaving and couldn't help shaking his head. The Hufflepuff student probably came to try his luck. Usually, I have never played the wizard card with other people a few times, not to mention the poor skills, and didn't understand the rules of the wizard card. I really don't know what kind of mood he has to participate in this wizard card game.

Another Gryffindor student also looked at the back of his opponent, turned his head to look at Albert and asked, "I won?"

"Yes, your opponent abstained, you won."

Albert ticked the parchment, then called the next pair of players and changed the cards in the deck again.

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The knockout was much faster than Albert expected, and the Hufflepuff boy was definitely not the only participant who did not understand the rules of the wizard card.

Sometimes, even something dumbfounding will happen.

"You should use another spell card, then he will lose."

It's not just that who couldn't help but interjected, which resulted in one side losing the game.

Most of the audience in the audience looked towards the owner of the voice.

"Please keep quiet and don't interfere with other people's games. This is the most basic courtesy of the audience." Albert looked badly at the senior student who spoke.

The man was stunned for an instant, his face flushed, and he didn't refute, otherwise it would not be the same as telling everyone that he was a rude person.

"Please don't interfere with the game." Albert said to the surrounding audience, "Also, the game just retreated three rounds and restarted."

In the middle of the knockout round, Albert also found that most students don't know how to play the wizard card. One round is only a few minutes at most. The more powerful players can always win two consecutive rounds and defeat their opponents.

In the end, most of the players who stood out were acquaintances Albert knew, and only those who often smoke and play cards together can have an advantage in the game.

If the most exciting wizard card game is the duel between Shanna and Katrina, many people have watched this close duel.

Albert simply dropped the referee's job and ran over to watch the game.

In the end, Katrina lost.

"Excellent game." Albert began to applaud, and the others were stunned and began to applaud.

Katrina was very depressed. She thought it would be easy to win the championship, but she lost the game because the deck was drawn first.

As long as one more round, she can definitely defeat Shanna.

Unfortunately, she had already lost and was eliminated in the first round.

"Albert has an opponent, and I look forward to you defeating him." George said to Shanna with a smile, "Currently, you are the most likely seeded player to win the championship."

Albert suddenly became speechless. The game has just begun. Are you really afraid of accidents like this?

"What are you doing here? It's all scattered, don't all squeeze here."

An untimely voice sounded from outside the crowd of onlookers, and Filch pushed aside the crowd and walked towards this side, trying to see what the **** the crowd was doing.

"Sir, what's the matter?" Albert asked with a frown.

"I got an information that someone is holding an illegal assembly here."

Filch squeezed the crowd of onlookers towards this side, staring at Fred and George at once, and his loose cheeks trembled with excitement.

"And you guys, all go away, don't squeeze here." He said to the crowd around.

"what happened?"

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan all approached, and when they saw Filch, they all frowned. This guy appeared here, obviously uneasy.

Moreover, if Filch insists on saying that they are gathering illegally, they really have no good way, and this game will become a joke because of this, which is definitely not the ending that the three want to see.

"It's okay."

Albert comforted the three, turned his head to look at Filch, and said calmly: "Illegal assembly? Are you sure your information is correct and you haven't been fooled?"

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"What do you mean by this?" Filch's tone was bad, his eyes fixed on Albert.

"The gathering of the Witcher Card Club was approved and approved by Principal Dumbledore from the beginning." Albert explained with a smile: "Our gathering is legal. From the beginning, if you don’t believe me, I have The principal’s signature."

Albert reached into his pocket and took out a roll of parchment and handed it to him.

Filch took the parchment ~www.mtl.com~ and scanned the contents, his face suddenly became gloomy, like a child who heard that Halloween was cancelled.

"The Witcher Card Club was established after the principal's approval. The guy who I want to provide you with information must be deliberately looking for fault."

Albert stared straight into Filch's eyes, trying to find the person's name from the opponent.

Filch walked away angrily.

This dramatic scene made everyone talk about it. They hadn't seen Filch languish for a long time.

"When did you prepare the parchment?" Fred asked in a low voice.

"Of course this thing is true, and my words are naturally true." Albert glanced at Fred and said lightly: "The Witcher Card Club has been approved by the principal, and the signature on the parchment is also true. This The activity is conducive to the unity and friendship of the students. How could the principal not approve it?"

In fact, the parchment was prepared to prevent a certain professor from coming to make trouble for them. Although the chance is not great, Albert still defended it.

After all, some people's morals are indeed a bit low.

"Who provided information to Filch." Li Qiaodan was calm, ready to find the person to settle accounts.

The first Wizarding Card Game is of great significance to the four. They will never tolerate sabotage, let alone turn it into a joke.

"I don't know, just ignore this." Albert stretched out his hand and patted Lee Jordan on the shoulder, "Go back and do your refereeing work. The first round of the elimination round is not over yet."

"If you let me know who did a good job, I will definitely teach him an impressive lesson." Fred gritted his teeth.

Had Albert not been prepared, it would have been disgusting.


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