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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 69: Lucky Luke
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"Nia's age is not enough." Herb softly comforted, "Before your twelfth birthday, Hogwarts School will ask Owl to send Nia a letter of enrollment, and you can go to the magic school. ."

   "Do you think I am a fool?" Niya pouted dissatisfiedly, "I know I don't have a gift for magic, Albert has already known it."

   "Why?" Herb whispered.

   "Why not?" Niya talked about what happened during the summer vacation.

   The Ministry of Magic wrote the reason for the expulsion in Truman's letter: In the Muggle community, use the Levitation Charm in front of a Muggle.

   "At that time, there were only three of us in the park. Truman was a wizard, and Albert was also a wizard. The Muggle in the letter naturally refers to me." As soon as the voice fell, Niya began to cry sadly.

   Daisy sighed slightly. She actually knew about it. Before going to Hogwarts, Albert told her about this possibility.

   Just, I didn't expect Niya to find out by herself.

   Daisy held her daughter in her arms, stroked her back lightly, and softly comforted, "Okay, Niya, cry if you want!"

"Niya, you have to know that wizards have the fun of wizards, but Muggles also have the fun of Muggles. Like the magic world, there is no TV, no animations and movies you like, and there are no friends before going to school." Luke said calmly, "It's good not to stay in the magic world, at least Grandpa thinks so."

   "But..." Niya was choked up when she spoke, "But I want to go to Hogwarts."

   Tom also seemed to feel that Niya was in a bad mood, jumped into Niya's arms and rubbed her head against her clothes.

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"Although it's a shame not to be able to go to Hogwarts, I don't regret being a Muggle, and the world of Muggles is just as wonderful." Luke touched Nia's hair and said, "Okay, don't cry. Eat a piece of chocolate and you are almost crying into a tabby cat."

   "Niya, don't you want to see what gift Albert bought you?" Herb took the animal voice changer and shook it in his ear.

   "Can't Nya also experience the fun of the magic world now?" Daisy comforted, "Should you give it a try? Albert mentioned in the letter that eating this candy can make other animal sounds."

   "If Niya doesn't eat, then I will eat it." Herb opened the box, threw the candy into his mouth, chewed and opened his mouth with a roar.


   Tom was frightened, jumped off Niya, got under the sofa, and stopped coming out.

   After a moment of dead silence, everyone in the living room looked at Herb who gave another roar.

   Herb quickly reached out his hand to cover his mouth, and awkwardly raised his finger to the box of animal voice change candy.

   "I want to eat too." The girl was immediately distracted by the animal voice change candy, and reached out to Herb.

   "Niya, Albert said, these things can't be taken out to let others know." Daisy did not forget to warn, "The magical world seems to need to keep secrets strictly and prevent ordinary people from knowing the existence of the magical world."

   "Got it!" Niya took out a handkerchief and wiped the tears from her cheeks. She ate an animal voice changer, her face flushed suddenly, and her ears were hot.

   "Don't we know?" Herb asked suspiciously.

   Daisy said, “Muggle families who were born into Muggle wizards are allowed to know the magic world, but they need to keep the secret strictly.

   "How did you know that it was written in Albert's letter?"

   "It's not that letter, it's this one." Daisy handed another folded letter to her husband, which was addressed to them and Niya.

   Herb raised his head and said to Luke, "Dad, look for it too, Albert should have written to you too."

   "Here is the letter." Sansa took out a piece of parchment from the bottom of the box, opened it and looked at it before handing it to Luke.

   "What does Albert's letter write?" Niya asked.

"He asked you to take good care of Tom, and you should have moderate food every day, and don't let the cat eat too fat. Also, make more friends when you go to school, and don't let people bully." Herb and the letter paper, looked up and saw Luke was strange, and asked quietly: "Dad, what's the matter with you?"

   "Nothing!" Luke sighed softly.

   Sansa had read the contents of the letter. At the end of the letter, she mentioned a man named Filch, who was a dumb gunner as an administrator at Hogwarts.

   Luke can easily tell from the letter that Mr. Filch’s life at Hogwarts is not happy.

   How could a person who likes to fight against students all day long, who likes to find students’ troubles, and who gets mischievous and gets angry often, can be happy?

   Since Filch can only be with the cat he owns, he can only use a mop to clean up the stains. He lives in a group of naughty little wizards all day, watching others use magic, but he can't use it.

   Luke can't think of a reason Filch can be happy.

   For a school of magic like Hogwarts, Filch is a dispensable person, and any wizard who understands magic can definitely do better than him.

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Luke did not sympathize with Filch, because it was the other party’s choice~www.mtl.com~ and Filch was undoubtedly lucky, because the headmaster of Hogwarts took him in, otherwise he would be ignored by the magical world. Can hardly find any work.

   No wizard will hire a useless person.

  To this day, Luke still thinks that since he is a dumb gun, he should live in the Muggle world obediently, learn some Muggle skills, and be a qualified Muggle.

  Why stay in the magical world and be a dumb gun?

   Although Luke knew that those people might be doing the right thing, he never forgave them and was completely separated from them.

   Compared with Filch, Luke feels that he is more fortunate. He has his own family, his own daughter-in-law, and two lovely grandchildren.

  Life is happy and fulfilling.

   Looking at the six people and a cat in the photo, Luke has a faint smile on his face.

   "Grandpa Luke, what are you laughing at?" Niya asked curiously.

   "Does Grandpa feel lucky?" Luke folded the letter and said with a smile, "Come on, I'll blow bubbles for you."

  In the box, Albert also put a box of Chubao Super Bubble Gum for the old man.

   "Albert didn't prepare for me."

   "This is actually for Nia." Luke smiled, in fact, he understood why Albert sent himself Chubao Super Bubble Gum.

   Luke handed Niya the Chubao Super Bubble Gum, and he unpacked one for himself, put it in his mouth and chewed slowly, and then blew out a bunch of bluebell-colored bubbles from his mouth like blowing bubbles. The bubble floats in the hall, even if it touches an object, it won't break.

   Niya also learned to blow bubbles, her face was full of smiles, she seemed to have forgotten, she had just been sad not to go to Hogwarts.