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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 355
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Chapter 355 Utter Despair

All of a sudden, the atmosphere grew tense.

The nagging feeling that Saul and Jessica felt intensified.

“You know who they are now, right?” Caspian barked at them.

“What do you mean by that, Caspian? Why does it matter whether or not we know who

they are?” Saul deflected by pretending to be ignorant.

Too lazy to mince words with Saul, Caspian threw a stack of paper at Saul and growled,

“Take a look at this! It’s an account of everything the Masseys have done!”

Saul picked up a few sheets of paper and glanced through them. The moment he saw

what was written on them, he froze.

It was a detailed account of all the Massey family’s illegal dealings, including a ton of


In an instant, Saul started shaking, and his expression turned ugly.

“This isn’t true! It’s all slander! The Masseys did no such thing!” Saul bellowed as loudly

as possible to hide his fear.

Caspian scoffed in derision.

Saul was still trying to put up a fight. How dared he try to weasel his

evidence was right under his nose?

“Bring him in!” Caspian shouted.

way out when the

Before returning to Riverside Villa, Caspian had instructed Bernard and his people to bring

Diego over.

After hearing the order, they brought Diego into the villa.

The moment Saul spotted Diego, he became even more terrified.

“Don’t tell me you don’t know who this is, Saul,” Caspian said as he pointed at Diego.

“As a matter of fact, I don’t! Don’t try to trick me, Caspian. You’re trying to frame us with

false accusations, aren’t you? If you insist on doing this, I don’t mind getting the

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authorities. involved!” Saul declared with fake confidence.

Caspian guffawed.

Saul was such a brilliant actor! If the Inspector General’s office got involved, the Masseys

were doomed.

“It’s your time to shine, Diego. Tell us everything you know!” Caspian commanded as he


Diego’s lips parted. His sweat had drenched through the back of his shirt.

Although he didn’t know who Caspian was, he saw the amount of respect Bernard and

Lincoln showed Caspian.

Lincoln used to be the wo

wealthiest man in the Two Lakes area, and since he was willingly

serving Caspian, Caspian had to be someone incredibly powerful.

“I did everything under your orders, Mr. Eric! I wouldn’t have dared to otherwise!” Diego

said as he looked at Eric. He dared not lie.

“Don’t fucking try to accuse me! I don’t know who you are! Stop spouting nonsense!” Eric

roared back

He was making one last attempt to absolve himself of all wrongdoing. Perhaps he could

get out of this situation unscathed if he pinned all the blaine on Diego.

Diego was stunned. All along, he had simply carried out the Massey family’s orders. Why

were they refusing to admit their part in the matter now?

What were they trying to do?

“Why aren’t you telling the truth, Mr. Eric? You were the one who told me to do everything!

You asked me to collect payment from Cora. How can you turn around and say otherwise


Diego exclaimed with widened eyes.

“Hey, fucker! How dare you say such bullshit? I’m going to teach you a lesson!” Eric

snarled as he raised his fist and lunged at Diego.

Eric just had a bold idea. As long as he could kill off Diego, there would no longer be any

evidence that led back to him.

Diego was terrified.

He knew full well what Eric was capable of.

Eric used to be a street thug with a criminal record. He had gone to prison for beating up


Diego immediately tried to back away.

Just then, Caspian came forward and blocked Eric’s fist before kicking him in the calf.

A loud crack rang out.

“My leg! My leg!” Eric howled in agony as he stumbled to the floor.

“Trying to attack the witness, huh?” Caspian uttered icily.


Diego finally realized what was happening That bbascard firic wanted to silence him by

killing him! If that happened, he would’ve become the scapegoat for all the crimes!

“Eric, you bastard! You tried to make me the scapegoat didn’t you? Don’t even think about

it! Thank goodness I kept my guard up!” Diego shouted.

Tuming to Caspian, he said, “I kept an important ptam o of midence, Mr. Lynch. I’ll give it


you now.

Diego opened his shirt to reveal the book he was hiding

“This is a record of every single loan I ever gave out, Mr. Lynch It also includes all of my

Ccommunication with Eric. I swear that everything in here is truele Diego declared as he


the book to Caspian.

Hootang at the accounts book, Caspian was taken aback.

Despite the severe beating Diego received earlier, he didn’t reveal his cup card. He was

inciteditoval to a fault.

Unicorumately for him, he was nothing but a pawn to the Masseys They were willing to

cast himasside to save their own skins.

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“Are you still going to try and weasel your way out of this?” Caspian asloed coldly.

Eric fellintoutter despair. It seemed impossible for him to get out of this noww.

After going through the account records, Caspian’s expression turned stonnay.

The menacingentino emanated made everyone realize the severity of the situation.

“Eric, you bastard cant believe you’ve done so many despicable things! The list obditrimes

here is enought togetyou the death penalty ten times over!” Caspian roared as hechterew

the book at Eric. Maar de wrongdoings were recorded there.

“Please spare my life. Mirunch!” Eric begged.

He had no choice but to admit his crimes now.

“Tell me who’s the real masseermind behind all of this! Whose orders have you been


Caspian questioned with frown.

Eric faltered as he glancahal jessica and Saul.

“Why are you looking at ine, Erite Who told you to go behind our backs and commit such

heinous crime

Don’t telline youtedrying to drag me down with you!” Jessica shouted.

She shot a furious look at Eric to senshima message. After all, she couldn’t say it aloud.

Eric paled. He knew he had no choice but bibe the scapegoat.


His family would be in danger if he didnt admit to being the mastermind. All be could do

was take the tall

It was his fault for allowing Saul to hold something against him. Perhaps he could’ve had a

chance to save himself if Saul hadn’t taken his family

He couldn’t disregard his family’s safety just to save himself. He couldn’t allow himself to

be that selfish

After thinking about it, Eric clenched his jaw and said despairingly. “It was all my doing, Mr.

Lynch. It has nothing to do with the Massey family!”

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