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The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter 137 The Letter
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Chapter 137 The Letter

"We have to go back, love," Eltanin said in a soft voice. She moved her face to bury in his chest and purred a protest.

He chuckled, removing her hair from her shoulder to see his mark. The two angry red marks were lying in between her neck and shoulders. He wanted to howl with pride that he had not only found his mate, but had claimed and marked her. How could a little thing like Tania wrap him around her little finger? He sighed at the thought. His wolf was content now that he had mated with Tania. But there was always a small threat. She was so beautiful that it was impossible not to note her presence. Her presence sucked the air out, and it meant that many wolves would vie for her attention, if he didn't make the announcement soon that she was his mate.

After what Sirrah did with her, Eltanin had become all the more paranoid about her safety. He didn't want her to go back to Pegasii because he didn't want her to be alone with Biham and Sirrah and their vile daughter Morava. He was unable to make up his mind whether he should let everyone know about her being his mate or not. If he did that, there would be potential risks to leaving her alone. She was his weak point and his enemies would know that if they harmed her, they would be harming him indirectly. At the same time, Biham would raise a huge fuss and cry, insisting that Lusitania be returned to Pegasii. In his dilemma, he let out a rough exhale.

Tania looked at him with her droopy eyes. "What is it that bothers you?"

"Nothing," he replied as he drowned in the ocean of her eyes.

She opened her mouth to ask a question, but she stopped and then rolled from his body. She quickly grabbed a fur that was  tossed aside and slid it over her breasts, knowing full well how he was raking his gaze over her.

"I want to announce you to my people, Tania," he said, answering her question. Surprise flickered in her eyes and before she could say a word, he added, "And I want to take you to meet my mother."

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Her eyes shone at the mention of that. "You mean in the Jade Sea?"

He flipped to his belly and got up on his knees. "Yes. She will be very eager to meet you."

"H— how are we going to enter the sea?" she asked curiously.

He knelt behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I won't tell you that."

"Why?" she asked, pouting her lips.

"Because it will be a beautiful experience that I want you to feel."

She grinned. "Then I look forward to it! When do we leave?"

He let out that rough exhale again. "I think we have to deal with a problem called the royals of Pegasii!"

She giggled and elbowed him. "I am from Pegasii!"

"Ah, that is one problem I will deal with in my life forever."

She elbowed him again and he fell on his back.

"You just wounded my heart," he said, pressing his palm against his ribcage and scrunching his face.

"Eltanin!" she spun and was on top of him the next moment. Placing her hand over his cheek, she shook him. "Elty, are you okay? I am sorry!" She started rubbing his chest vigorously. With that motion, her plump breasts started jiggling.

Eltanin opened his eyes and his gaze landed on her breasts. He grabbed her roughly and before she knew it, her breasts were on his face, and her nipple in his mouth. "Elty, you pervert!" she smacked his shoulder, but he was growling and sucking it hard. His erection shot up painfully. Without removing his mouth from her nipples, he picked her up by her hips and impaled her on his cock. "Ah!" she gasped. He left her nipple and made her ride him. He pressed his palm at the small of her back keeping her low, so that every time she rode him up, her nipple would go to his mouth.

"Come for me, Tania," he rasped. "I need you to come for me!"

As if his words were her cue, an orgasm rippled through her and her sheath clenched around his cock. A roar ripped through him as he came inside her and filled her with his hot seed.

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Tania slumped over him, totally exhausted. He stroked her back tenderly and soft white light traveled along her back in the line of his trail. This had been happening the entire night and pretty frequently. He didn't tell her, lest she would get worried.

Rigel had placed a set of clothes for the both of them aside, thankfully. Eltanin and Tania came out of the cave, both dressed in his tunics and breeches, which appeared to swallow Tania completely. The fire of the pyres had ebbed and only embers glowed. Tendrils of smoke rose up in the sky. They saw men and women sleeping or still laughing over whatever conversation they held. As soon as they came out, the guards surrounded them.

Tania's heart beat fast out of fear of meeting Sirrah and Morava. Sensing her fear, Eltanin grabbed her hand and squeezed it. He led her to the carriage that was waiting for them. If the guards were surprised at seeing the woman the king had come out from the cave with for the first time, they appeared to have kept their emotions checked out of fear that he would practically kill all of them in one go if anything went wrong. Their king had never held anyone so fiercely.

They reached the palace and Eltanin took her to his room through the secret passage. When they were inside, he yanked her to him and his lips crashed onto hers. He kissed her passionately. When he removed himself, Tania let out a whimper. "I want you to stay here. Take a bath. We will meet my father in an hour."

"What about you? And what about Luna Sirrah?"

"I am going out to check the situation. Do not leave this place until I come back. Okay?"

She chuckled seeing his furrowed brows. "I won't."

He breathed a sigh of relief, kissed her again and then left.


"This is not the best thing to do, Alpha Alrakis," Sirrah retorted. "It's a very small matter and it will be easily sorted. You don't have to call Biham. I believe Tania must be having fun around the fire festival. I will return to Pegasii. My daughters can come later."

"This might be a very small matter to you, Sirrah," Alrakis growled. "But this is very serious to us. Lusitania is the heir of Pegasii. We have to find her and also find the person who killed the servant girl." He sealed the letter and then gave it to Fafnir. "Send two units of soldiers with the messenger," he said to Fafnir. "If anyone attacks you, open your mind link to reach us. I will make sure that they are killed." He glanced at Sirrah who had paled. Fafnir bowed to him and strode out of the main hall. Sirrah watched him with dread rising in her chest. She couldn't even send anyone after the messenger to kill him because then Alrakis would learn  who the person was that plotted it all.

From the corner of her eyes—