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The Beginning Of All Sins

Chapter 150
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Chapter 150

Olivia stopped in her tracks and turned around.

Tyler looked at her for a long tbefore continuing, “I mean, get srest.”

He walked past her and disappeared into his room, leaving Olivia puzzled.

The next day, class proceeded as usual. Unlike before, Olivia didn’t seek out updates about Naomi

after class.

Noticing Olivia alone in the corridor, Sophie rushed over and grabbed her shoulders from behind. She hadn't

seen her friend for a long time.

Olivia was startled. “S-Sophie?!”

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“Where have you been these past few days? | couldn’t find you anywhere!” Sophie exclaimed.

“Something... happened at home.”

“Hey,” Sophie began, studying Olivia's face, “You don’t look too good. Are you okay?”

Olivia checked her appearance on her phone's screen. “Um, I've been having trouble sleeping.”

“What happened, girl? Mr. Tyler calleda few days ago in the middle of the night!” Sophie pressed, sensing

something was off about her friend-she was too quiet and acting too strangely.

“I... I just went home,” Olivia answered anxiously, not eager to divulge more details.

But Sophie’s curiosity, wasn't easily crushed. “You didn’t happen to hang out with Claude, did you? Because he

was also missing that day!” she questioned.

Olivia looked even more panicked. “N-No way!“”

Luckily, their clubmates had arrived, diverting Sophie's attention. “Hey, you two! Con, let's have lunch


“Okay!” Sophie gently pulled Olivia along, and they headed to the cafeteria, grabbing their food and finding a


Sophie spotted a newspaper and picked it up excitedly. “Guys, have you seen this?”

Olivia looked at the paper. It was an advertisement for a pair of rings. She didn’t understand why Sophie was so


“These wedding rings are amazing! | want to get a pair like this when | get married!” Sophie exclaimed.

The others joined in, expressing their excitement. “Yeah, these are really popular right now. Many

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celebrities have them!”


Chapter 150

Olivia stared at the rings. They were unique, able to be worn separately or clicked together. She studied her

hand quietly, deciding she would never get something like that.

While Sophie was chatting with their friends, her phone rang suddenly. She answered it and then glanced at

Olivia with a curious expression.

“She’s with us, Claude. At school. Yeah, she’s here,” Sophie confirmed. “That's great. Cover here!

She ended the call and turned to Olivia with interest. “Claude is on his way to see us. He's already on campus.”

Olivia hadn't responded to any of Claude’s messages, so she was surprised he called his sister. Her palms grew

sweaty with anxiety.

“Olivia, be honest. What's going on between you and my brother?” Sophie asked.