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The Billionaire’s Kick Ass Wife

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69 Father And Daughter

Through her binoculars, Betty excitedly looked at the people who had fallen into the sea and laughed

slyly, saying, “Grandma Grey, that’s the Lockwood family’s plane!”

Jocelyn Grey noticed it too. She grinned and asked, “Betty, my sweetie cutie, what’s your plan then?”

Betty put down the binoculars and replied with a huge thrill, “Grandma Grey, I’m not sure if that man is

around, but it doesn’t matter. Anyway, those are the Lockwood family’s people. If we save them, so they

will definitely repay us, right?”

Betty emphasized the word “repay” with a nasty smile.

Betty was like an innocent angle as well as an evil little demon.

Jocelyn said, “Alright, let’s get them out of the sea and see how the Lockwood family repays us!”

When Draxton woke up, he found himself lying on a small bed that was less than a meter wide. The bed

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was so small that Draxton could not even stretch his legs but curl up them.

It was early winter, and the weather was cold. The coldness woke Draxton up since he only had a thin


As soon as he opened his eyes, Draxton noticed that he had throat pain, nasal congestion, and chills.

Then Draxtona sneezed loudly.

Draxton was confused, with his midnight blue eyes widened.

Draxton said to himself, “I… It seems that I might have caught a cold.”

As a member of the Lockwood family, Draxton had been taking care of his health since he was a kid.

Draxton. had severe injuries during his training and was on the verge of death several times. However, it

was rare for Draxton to catch a cold.

Draxton looked around and realized that this was a small house. Except for the tiny bed he slept on,

there was not even a stool.

Draxton thought, “Well, looks like it is a humble cabin.”

The walls were white, and a cage made of barbed wire was facing the door. A few colorful poisonous

snakes were flicking their tongues at Draxton.

If Draxton wanted to open the door and leave, he had to pass by the cage with poisonous snakes.

Draxton looked around with his sharp eyes, thinking, “This cage with snakes is put in an obvious place

as if it’s telling me that it’s for me.”

However, Draxton was confused.

Draxton thought, “If the person who saved me is afraid that I will run away as soon as I wake up, he can

lock the door and window. However, I can see that the door and windows are ajar, allowing cold wind to

blow inside.

“The person does not plan to give me freedom though he put a cage full of poisonous snakes at the door.

Somehow, I feel it is a little childish.”

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Draxton gazed at the window. He had a gut feeling that the window was probably not safe either.

At first glance, Draxton found that the window was clean, and nothing was there. However, after taking a

closer look, Draxton realized that transparent thread-like worms were crawling on the window frame and


Draxton instantly broke out in cold sweat and was very glad for his caution.

At this moment, Draxton felt that something was on his leg. Then he suddenly shook and had

goosebumps. Draxton looked down and saw a snake as thick as an adult’s arm slowly crawling up along

his leg.

The snake had colorful patterns and a flat head, with its pink tongue sticking out. It stared at Draxton with

its cold eyes. Its appearance told Draxton that it was a highly venomous snake.

Draxton’s muscles tensed up, but his mind was extremely calm. Draxton decided to kill this snake but

was not in a hurry. Instead, Draxton was waiting for an excellent opportunity to kill it with one strike.

When the snake finally reached Draxton’s waist, Draxton moved like lightning and caught the snake.