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The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet (Thalassa and Elowen)

Chapter 2082
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That bittersweet, burning sensation spread from Thalassa's heart to the tip of her nose and the corners of her eyes, threatening to break her composure. Fearing she might burst into audible tears, she hastily covered her mouth with her hands, but the tears streaming down her face refused to be contained.

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Lysander, dropping to one knee before Harper's gravestone to propose to Thalassa, was a gesture of utter devotion! How deeply must he love Thalassa to defy convention and propose at Harper's grave? Georgia and Rosalind were stunned and green with envy, exchanging looks that clearly communicated their indignation and jealousy. What made Thalassa so special that a man of Lysander's stature would kneel before her, explaining away rumors of a past lover with such earnestness? It seemed as if Thalassa had captured all the world's wonders, relegating them to mere spectators. Thus, Georgia and Rosalind were a mix of envy, jealousy, and resentment.

Joshua was astounded by the level of Lysander's honesty, sharing every detail of his past life with Thalassa. His love for her was indeed profound.

Seeing Thalassa cover her mouth, crying without responding, Lysander showed a rare glimpse of nervousness, "Thalassa, do you not want to-" Before he could finish, Thalassa quickly removed her hand from her mouth, slipping her ring finger through the diamond ring Lysander held. She didn't mind the tears on her fingers as she choked out, do, I will marry you, be your wife for life." Her voice was trembling, barely able to string a coherent sentence together.

Excited and nervous, she put on the ring, and the anxiety in Lysander's eyes vanished. He stood up, pulling Thalassa into a tight embrace. He held her as if she was the world's most precious treasure. For the first time, he smiled freely, a childlike grin without any burden.

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Rosalind was taken aback to see Lysander's toothy smile, rubbing her eyes in disbelief. Lysander, who had always been so reserved and cold since she knew him, was now beaming in Thalassa's presence! It turned out he could smile; he just chose not to do so around others, at least not around her. At that moment, seeing the relaxed, joyous smile on Lysander's face, Rosalind felt utterly defeated. She had lost, and it wasn't even close.

Wrapped in Lysander's arms, Thalassa breathed in his familiar scent, the subtle hint of sandalwood enveloping her, warming her soul. Nothing could make her feel more blissful and warm than being in Lysander's embrace. She hugged him back, tears of joy streaming down her face.

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In the otherwise somber cemetery, Thalassa and Lysander's embrace filled the space with with warmth. Then onlookers, initially shocked, gradually accepted the reality. Joshua even felt reassured. Knowing Lysander's deep love for Thalassa, he was comforted that she would never be wronged. X