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The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet (Thalassa and Elowen)

Chapter 258
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Chapter 258

hers smoke oplel arundade onde face as thes in stand 200.

didn’t dare to breathe too loudly

ere staring at Lysande a increasingly captivating face he was strong send tall with a pendantity notte


He exuted making chams from Tead to toe

Sue. There were plants of ach guest them buty and was the only me and handsome duele with Slyke

an armational pennor & T

ling at the top of the pyramid

Countiesy worner Med to cady up to um become his gat, but none of them got the chance

And here Lysander was, offering Thalassa this opportunity asking her to be his woman and she was

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taking these sime comentang No ano pobuld behave it.

Got Thalassa was my scared Bong Lysander’s woman would definitely not be a walk in the park

Moreover, this would excrease the chances of heading out about the kuf

Thalassa really didat want to agree

But if she didnt he would make her life a living het.

She was in a real pickie

When she said she needed to think about she was actually post stating

Does down, she didn’t want to say yes

She thought that if she asked for time to think, Lysander would let het Ba

But she didn’t expect that he would resort to such a method making her balance tailglass on her head,

and he could only remove twen n she made in her mind, What if she never made her mind up? Or what

if the glass fat and broke?

What the

Thatens don’t to ask, now did the dare to find out the cons of a broken glass

She had no hace but to suck it up and stand there

Because of the constant swaying of the glass, the hard to keep her body straight, leaning slightly to

maintain the balance of the grass

For a short while was a piece of cake, but as te went on, became a torture

Titre hours passed

Thalassa’s legs were acting from standing and her neck was soft and mobile

She pushed herself to stay upright but her tumbling ings gave out, and the tail glass slipped off. As she

reached to catch the bucks and to ended up keling before Lysander

He was sting and she was king in front of him it was an awkward and enrassing bosition,

Subbing her sone cheeks Thalassa was about to speak

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To use begging Lysander’s inmidating we cut he off

Thalasses psiched

e hapot even started taking and he already stopped har

die matted to get up but her legs were pulty, devoid of strengin.

el codes stay whaling hands messaging the aching muscles in her tights, her eyes wou filed with

frustration as she asked helplessly, So, will you

vas, sap for rejesting me Lysander stuffed out his cigarette in the ashtray. Leaning back on the souch,

the looked at her with his deep set ayes

1964 was els upset the synty

about la fali hem, that she would give her anything she wanded She wanted to avoid beteg his reman

Ho seal her off its prepiched her fabitudin

Ehk pat sutpy that fra Lyber

This furatoto agros tergilarity and wait for the night mend to