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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 133
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Chapter 133: Is His Nose Still There?

“Get lost!”

Kira’s face went livid with anger and she fumbled for her cell phone to make a call, then after being

scolded on the phone, she hung up in grievance.

“Tell me your credit card numbers and I’ll transfer the money to you.”

“Thank you!”

Jason and Gerald gave Kira their credit card and Kira took a picture of it and sent it out, soon, Jason

and Gerald received a text message from the bank.

“The money is here!”

“Miss Summers, thank you! You are generous!”

Kira didn’t bother with them, turned around and walked away.

Derek knew he’d made a mistake and didn’t dare argue with Kira, so he could only hang his head low

and follow her.

They were only a few steps away when Claire’s voice suddenly came, “Wait.”

Kira turned around in exasperation, “Claire, what more do you want?”

Claire didn’t even look at her, her eyes fell on Derek’s face, “There’s

another bet, I remember. I won, and you owe me a punch in the face, the best speed racer in Ascalon.”

Derek was speechless.

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Chapter 135 ts His Nose Still There?


He felt ashamed to hear the title now.

But since he had lost, he would take the punishment.

He turned back and walked to Claire, standing straight up with a disdainful

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look on his face, “It’s just a punch, right? I can take it, hurry up, I’m


Claire smiled, and without saying a word, her hands clenched into fists, and before everyone even

realized it, she decisively threw a punch at Derek.

Her fist headed straight for Derek’s nose.

“Bang!” Derek’s body flew back.

Kira was dumbfounded, Derek was clearly five meters away from her just a few moments ago, and now

he had fallen at her feet.

She lowered her head and looked at Derek in dismay, and before she could see

his face, Derek let out a cry.

“F**k! It f**king hurts. F**k!!!”

Kira blinked in bewilderment and lifted her foot to kick him, “Derek, does it really hurt that much?”

Derek looked up in trepidation, pointing to his nose and crying, “Kira, check me… Is my nose still on my


Kira was speechless.

and Gerald couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

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“His nose… Jeez, I’m laughing my ass off…”

Jason was laughing so hard he leaned his head against Gerald’s shoulder. laughing wildly while

looking at Derek, “This guy is hilarious…”

Kira raised her hands to cover her face, today she had been embarrassed enough, and now Derek was

even more humiliating.

He was not good–looking in the first place and now his whole nose sank after the punch, he looked


Indescribably ugly!

“Kira, tell me that my nose is still there!”

Kira shook her shoulders in composure, waved at her men and ignored Derek,

getting into the car.

Derek was held up by two men, wailing and crying while asking the two men

next to him if he still had his nose.

The two men had been holding back their laughter and now, as Derek turned

his face to one of the men, the latter had a burst of laughter.

As soon as Derek pushed him away, he raised his foot and kicked it at the man’s ass, “How dare you

laugh at me! I will kick the shit out of you

After kicking the man he rushed into the car and was just about to ask

if he still had his nose when he saw Kira sitting in the backseat covering

her mouth and laughing so hard that tears fell frous her eyes.

Derek was speechles

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Chapter 10 to His Nose Still There?

quit being a painter one day.”


Frederick was wearing a black shirt, looking elegant, displaying his disposition as a painter, “It’s just a

hobby and I enjoy it, it won’t be fun if it becomes my occupation.”

“That makes sense.”

Sean took another sip of the brew, glanced at the bottle Frederick placed there and grabbed it when

Frederick wasn’t looking, “I think Claire will like it, I’ll thank you for her.”


Frederick was both pissed and amused at him.

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The Vanderbilts had their own distillery, but those wines were for sale and designed to conform to the

men’s taste.

Women naturally wouldn’t like to drink it.

“Sean, you aren’t even married yet and you’re already spoiling her so much! Won’t you regret it if she

becomes spoiled one day?”

“She’s the woman I want to spend my life with, of course, I have to spoil


Sean raised an eyebrow and put the bottle behind him, “Claire likes sweetness, she doesn’t like wine.

But it tastes mellow and sweet and it suits


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Chapter 133 Is His Nose Still There?

had spent a lot of effort on making the wine yet he only had a taste of it. He sighed and sighed.

“Hey, you’re making me a lonely man feel bad now! By the way…”

He suddenly looked at Sean, “Claire went to catch Robert, why didn’t you follow?”


Sean let out a chuckle, “She won’t let me.”


Frederick couldn’t understand, “Robert is now at the end of his rope, and will probably do something to

bring others down. A dog will bite someday. Aren’t you worried?”

Sean shook his head but smiled and said nothing.

Frederick frowned, “What are you smiling at?”


Sean raised his hand, his fingers gently stroked across his forehead and he smiled with a gentle smile,

“Do you think a woman who can knock me out will get hurt by Robert?”


Cupter 134 That’s Enough