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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38

After breakfast, Derek led Evelyn on a tour of the resort. As they strolled along the cobblestone paths lined with

beautiful flowers, Derek pointed out various amenities to her.

"That's the qu, and over there is the fitness center. The public pools are on the other side of the resort, each with

its unique style," Derek pointed ou and Evelyn nodded, taking in the beauty of the resort.

It was a paradise, and despite her reservations about Derek, she couldn't help but feel a bit enchanted by the

place and enjoy herself.

As they walked past a lush garden, Derek's phone rang. He glanced at the screen and smiled when he saw that it

was Michael calling.

"Excuse me," Derek said to Evelyn before taking the call.

"Hey, what's up?" Derek asked the moment he received the call.

"Where are you! Did you forget we had plans? | stopped by the hotel so we could work out together as planned

but you're not in. Did you go homer

"No. | forgot about that. I'm sorry. Something cup so, I'm away on a business trip in Varis, Derek replied,

keeping his tone casual.

Michael frowned, his curiosity piqued. "Varis? Did something happen? Is everything okay over there?"

Before Derek could answer, Evelyn's phone rang. She glanced at the screen and when she saw it was Maya, she

quickly glanced at Derek and said. 1 need to take this. | will be right back."

She stepped away, giving Derek sspace so she could talk to Samantha since she had asked Maya to call her

when they were about to leave for the amusement park.

"Is that empowered lady's

clearly said he was away just heard?" Michael asked with a frown wondering why he would be hearing Evelyn's

voice when Derek had

a business trip in Varis.

Derek hesitated for a moment, but seeing the need to lie, he nodded even though Michael couldn't see him. "Yes,

Mike, it is, | brought her withon this trip, Derek said and Michael couldn't help the burst anger he felt within

him, knowing that Evelyn was with Derek.

Even though his blood was boiling with anger, he knew better than to show it. He took a deep breath to calm his

mind. "You brought her with you? Why! She's not your secretary," he pointed out, trying to sound natural.

"It's all part ofwanting her to know aboutbefore the interview...."

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"still, don't you think you're trusting her too much? Taking her on business trips and all? Michael asked and

Derek sighed.

"I understand your concerns, Mike but you don't have to worry. | know what I'm doing," Derek said and Michael

rolled his eyes.

"Alright then. Now that you're in Varis, what about the party tomorrow? Don't tellyou won't make it, Michael

said and Derek chuckled. "I have been waiting for you to ask that

"Is that your way of saying you'll miss it?" Michael asked, not wanting to believe that Derek was about to ruin his

plan just before it could hatch.

"Don't worry. | won't miss it. | told you | would go so | definitely will be back in tfor it, Derek said and Michael

smiled, glad that their plan was still in place.

"Okay then. I'll leave you to your work," Michael said and then hung up.

Once Evelyn who was busy on the phone with Samantha saw that Derek was done with his phone call, she ended

their call, promising to check on Samantha again later.

"Is everything okay?" Derek asked, and she nodded.

"Sure," she said and they continued their tour.

After their tour around the resort, Evelyn tried all she could to keep Derek outside with her and she was glad it


Now, it was evening and she couldn't help feeling anxious all over again as they both stepped back into their

suite after having dinner.

"I go shower quickly, Derek said, before Evelyn could and she couldn't help wondering why he always showered

before her.

"Why don't | shower first?" She asked and he smiled.

"Because then you'd go to bed before | get out and | don't want that," Derek said and she sighed.


Chapter 18

"It doesn't make any difference whether you shower first or | do," she said, deciding that after he was done

showering, she would shower and then go to her. She wouldn't give him the chance to try to seduce her like he

had done the previous day.

"Oh, ir dues. It makes plenty of difference. You will see," Derek said with a wink before walking away to the


While she waited for Derck, who was in the shower, Evelyn was haunted by the image of a half-naked Derek from

that morning no matter how hard she tried not to think about it.

Waiting to distract herself, she walked over to the balcony and called Maya again so she could confirm that

Samantha had had dinner and was getting ready for bed.

When she called and found out Samantha was exhausted from all the fun of the day at the amusement park and

was just getting into bed, she decided to tell Samantha a made-up bedtstory. Derek smiled when he came

out and didn't see her inside the room as he had expected.

Just as he picked up his phone to call her and let her know he was out, he noticed the balcony door was open

and he set down his phone and decided to go to her instead.

By the tDerek joined her at the balcony, Samantha had slept off and Evelyn was talking to Maya.

When he saw that she was on the

phone, he snuck up behind her, and

before she could sense his presence,

he wrapged bot ai droind her

waist and kissed her neck, making


her freeze. Evelyn's heart raced at the

sudden contact. The warmth of

' q

Derek's breath against her neck sent

shivers down her spine. The content

is on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

She felt a surge of conflicting emotions-part of her wanted to pull away, while another part was dangerously

close to giving in to the r

Stop," she said, her voice trembling slightly as she tried to maintain her composure on the phone.

Maya's voice crackled on the other end, "Are you still there?"

Yes, sorry, I'm here," Evelyn managed to reply, her voice steadier now. "I'll call you tomorrow."

She hung up and turned around to face Derek, her eyes locking with his, and only then did she realize her


She shouldn't be facing him. She should be running in the opposite direction.

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The intensity of his gaze made her

breath catch in her throat. For a

moment they stoptiifiete, the

1& on Detueen them thick as a cord

" : FY]

Why are you doing this?" she

whispered, her voice barely audible.

Because | can't stop thinking about you," Derek admitted, his voice low and sincere. He leaned in closer, his lips

inches from hers.

I" [ Fa |

You're drivingcrazy, Eve. I've

never wanted anything in my life as

much as | want you. | long for YO |

long to feel you ski dgirst mine. |

WarBito Near you moan my name. |

f u

crave the taste of your lips." he

whispered in a husky voice as he

brushed his hand cupped her cheek,

his thumb rushing gently against her

skin. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Her resolve wavered as he spoke. She could feel the pull, the temptation to surrender to i

Slowly, inexorably, he closed the distance between them, capturing her lips in a soft, lingering kiss.

