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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56

After the close of work, instead of going home, Michael decided to go visit Derek's parents to check on them and

make sure everything was still going according to plan.

He arrived at the Stone family mansion and was, as usual, greeted warmly by Derek's parents who were in the

living room.


you cdirectly from the company!" Derek's mom asked when she saw the files he was holding

"Yes, aunt. | cto see how you are feeling now," Michael said with a concerned frown, his voice dripping with


"You work too hard, Michael. This is more than two hours after closing hour," she said and Michael waved it off.

"It's nothing. Aunt. | had swork left to do so | had to stay back. How are you both doing?" Michael asked

looking from his aunt to her husband.

"We're fine, dear. It's good to see that you're doing a good job at helping Derek out at the company. I'm glad," Mr

Stone said and his wife nodded.

"| got these vitamins for you. You've been stressed a lot. | was told it is good for people your age," Michael said,

and his aunt smiled as she took it from him

"Thank you, dear. You've always been such a good nephew, Michael. | hope you're going to have dinner with us

before you leave?" she asked and Michael smiled.

"Only if you prepared it," he joked and his aunt laughed.

"1 will

go see what is going on in the kitchen," she said as she excused herself.

After she left, Michael and Mr Stone launched into a long conversation about politics and sports.

A short while later she returned to join them, "Why don't you both bring your lively conversation with you to the

dining?" she asked and they laughed as they followed her to the dining.

After they had eaten for a while, Michael looked at his aunt, "I hope you're feeling better now that everything has

settled and Evelyn has been fired?" he asked and his aunt smiled, touched by his concer "Thank you, Michael.

We're fine but I'm afraid we changed our mind about having her fred," she said and Michael frowned.

"You changed your mind? Why?" Michael asked, and Mr Stone glanced at his wife before responding.

"Derek believes someone else is responsible for the scandal, not her, and he pleaded with us to let it go," Mr

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Stone said and Michael's frown deepened, fear gripping his heart for a moment "Who else will be responsible for

it if not Evelyn?" he asked, wanting to know all Derek had said to them.

"We don't know the details. He said he's gathering proof and would in texpose the person behind it," Mr

Stone said causing Michael's heart to skip a bear, as he felt a sudden wave of anxiety wash over him.

Did Derek find the bug in his office already? Was he suspecting him! But if so, Derek would have confronted him:

The Derek he knew was a confrontational person and wasn't one to keep something like that to himself, so why

was he not asking him yet?

Or did Derek just say that to have his parents let Evelyn go? He mused and then shook his head. That didn't

make sense. From all Derek's parents had said, Derek seemed confident that Evelyn wasn't the culprit. Who then

was he suspecting!

he moment

He had to find a way to get that bug out of Derek's office in case he hadn't seen it already since he knew Derek

would know it was him the he set eyes on the device.

"We were also as confused as you when he told us it wasn't her, Derek's mother said thinking the frown on

Michael's face was because he was confused.

Keeping his voice steady. Michael shook his head. "I don't know but | have a feeling that Derek said that to keep

her from not getting fired unless he told someone else about it, Michael said but Derek's father shook his head.

"I don't think that is the cas

case," Mr Stone said and even though Michael was already getting irritated and frustrated, he tried to remain


"Seeing as he had no evidence, | don't think you should have let him stop you. We all know how softhearted

Derek is. I'm sure she knows it too and she is taking advantage of it," Michael said and Mrs Stone sighed

"Lagree with you. But we let her go on the condition that he marry Sandra, so we don't have to worry y about her

taking advantage of him anymore, she said anel Michel who had been fuming in anger raised a brow when he

heard that.


Chapter 56


"He agreed?" Michael asked with a pleased smile.

He was glad that even though Evelyn had not lost her job as he had wanted, Derek had agreed to marry Sandra

and that was good enough for him.

"Yes. He did. Now we have to fix a date for them," his aunt said.

"I can't believe he agreed because he didn't want Evelyn to be fired. Did Derek tell you anything about his

relationship with her? I'm beginning to think there is more to it than just the interview," Michael said and his aunt

exchanged a look with her husband, both silently agreeing not to tell Michael that Derek had said he was in love

with Evelyn.

"I don't care if she isn't the one that put out the news about us. | will never let that shameless girl anywhere near

my son. Not after what she did to you," she said and Michael nodded in agreement. "Who knows? Perhaps she

ended things withso she could cfor Derek," Michael said, wanting to add fuel to the fire.

"Too bad for her, because I'm not going to let that happen. Why don't you work out the details of his date with

Sandra and letknow when it is tso | can have him meet with her?" His aunt said, and Michael nodded.

"I will do just that," Michael promised.

After dinner, Michael left the house, and as he drove away, he couldn't help feeling frustrated, scared, and

accomplished at the stime.

He was frustrated because Evelyn

9 f 2

didn't lose her job as he had wanted,

and it also Seemed g gern

sfedpposi: ecause he was

orried that Derek might already be

suspecting him, and accomplished

because Derek had agreed to marry

Sandra. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Thinking of his fears, he decided to call Derek and see if he could find out what Derek was thinking and know if

he was a suspect.

"Hey, Rek," Michael greeted casually when the call connected.

"Hey, Mike, What's up?" Derek asked, sounding equally cool,

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"I'm okay. | was at your office to check on you today but your secretary said you left early. Is everything okay?"

he asked curiously


Yeah. Just had sstuff to handle

1 [1 : :

but I'm good," Derek said and yjghael

f : 5

couldn help feetitgidved when he

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s&wthat Derek didn't seem to be

suspecting him of anything. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

"Cool. | just left the house now, and aunt toldyou asked them not to fire Evelyn because you don't think

she's guilty," Michael said naturally.

"Yeah. | know she's your ex, but that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt," Derek said and

Michael sighed.

"Are you at the hotel?" Michael asked, wanting to see Derek face to face.

"Yes. I'm at the lounge. Derek replied. "Want to join me?" he asked with a smirk knowing that Michael was asking

so he could cover.

I" ' [1 :

Sure, I'll be there soon," he said

before hanging up, certain noy that

f d AQ

Derek waepipsuspediing him and had

pFatiably told his parents all he had

said just to save Evelyn. The content

is on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there! 5