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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70

While Derek was lost in conversation with Ethan about his crazy plan, Evelyn stole glances at him at intervals,

wondering how his date with Sandra had gone

"Con, Evie, let's hit the dancefloor. It's been ages since | saw you dance," she said with a grin.

Evelyn chuckled but shook her head as she turned to face Rayna. "Nah, | don't think | can do that anymore..."

"Why not?" Kayna asked, but Evelyn shook her head.

"Like you said, it's been ages since | last danced. | do not have it inanymore. I'm not here to dance, only to

keep you company while you do your boyfriend hunt. You go ahead, and I'll cheer for you from here," she said

with an encouraging smile.

Rayna pouted, clearly disappointed. "It's no fun dancing alone, so | won't bother. Maybe we should just head

hsince it's quite obvious | won't be getting any man's attention tonight, Rayna said with a sigh and took a

long sip from her drink.

Evelyn frowned, feeling a twinge of guilt. I'm sorry, Ray. | didn't mean to ruin your night," Evelyn said with a


Rayna sighed, her expression softening. "No. You didn't ruin it, don't worry. I'm glad we got to do this," Rayna

said, and Evelyn looked at her skeptically.

"Are you sure?" Evelyn asked, her tone laced with concern, and Hayna nodded.

"Yeah, we've been here for over two hours already. | think it's tto call it a night," she said, and Evellyn

nodded, feeling a wave of relief.

"Let's do that, then. It's been a long week, and I'm tired to my bones, Evelyn said, thinking about spending the

weekend relaxing with Samantha.

Rayna nodded and pushed back her chair. "Letquickly use the restroom before we leave. Il be right back,"

she said, and Evelyn gave her a nod

As Evelyn watched her friend weave through the crowd, her mind drifted back to her encounter with Derek.

As much as she tried to shake off her thoughts about Derek, they lingered in the back of her mind.

She knew she had been distracted all night, and Rayna had noticed it. This made her feel like she was failing

Rayna as a friend because she was not open to her.

She would tell Rayna everything when the twas right; she told herself as she sipped the last drop of her


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Having fun?" Derek asked from her side, causing her to jolt in surprise since she had not noticed him coming

"What are you doing here?" She asked, even though a part of her was happy to see him.

"What do you think I'm doing?" He asked as he took the seat which Rayna had left.

He had noticed Rayna leaving just when Ethan stepped out to receive an important phone call, so he had

decided to keep her company so that no one else would approach her. "Being a nuisance," she said, and Derek


"You look beautiful, Eve, Derek said, watching her closely.

She flushed with embarrassment and resisted the urge to adjust her dress. "Thanks" she mumbled.

"I didn't think this was your sort of crowd," Derek said conversationally, "Letguess, it's your first tin a

club, right?" He asked, and she rolled her eyes.

"It's not. You know that," she said, and Derek opened his mouth to say he didn't but then shut it when he realized

what she meant.

Michael loved clubbing, and while she was still dating Michael years ago, they used to go clubbing a lot. On

different occasions when they were together, Michael called Derek in the middle of the night after they returned

from the club because of the tzone difference.

"It's still somewhat difficult to think of you as Michael's ex. | just see you as my Eve," Derek confessed.

"First of all, I'm not your Eve. And secondly, you should try your best to always remember that I'm Michael's ex,

that away from me. Nothing good is going to cfrom being withthis way." Evelyn said, and Derek sighed.

you a question!" He asked, and she shrugged.

way, you can learn to stay.

Chapter 70

*If Michael wasn't my cousin, would you have givena chance? Considering how we met and started," he

said, and Evelyn's heart fluttered.

She had thought of that a lot since meeting him in his office for the first time. If he wasn't related to Michael, she

knew it would have been so much easier to let herself fall for him.

Evelyn swallowed. "I can't answer that," she said, and Derek smiled.

"Tm glad then," he said, and she raised a brow.

"What are you glad about?" She asked in confusion.

"I'm glad that my relationship with Michael is the only reason you're so against the idea of us being together. If

you had said there was something else, | would have been more worried," he said, and she frowned.

"I didn't answer your question," she pointed out, and Derek chuckled.

"You didn't have to. Your silence was answer enough. If the answer was negative, I'm sure you'd have easily

answered my question," he said, and she sighed.

Her heart skipped a beat when he

reached for her hand, and she quickly

attempted to withdraw her hand. Still,

1 |

he held on, "I don't know what

happened between you both or why

you chose to hav sexWitia®

[ €

sfrapgehof the night before your

wedding and call off your wedding,

. fi

but knowing all I know now, I'm sure

Michael must have done something

to make you act that way. Whether or

not you open up toabout it, | will

find out what happened and expose

Michael and Sandra. | will make sure

| clear your nso that everyone

f 3

doesn't keep seeing you as a bad

| n

person. | know you're not bad," Derek

said, and Evelyn felt butterflies in her

belly. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"You don't know that," she said in a cracked voice and cleared her throat.

I" |

| know that. | know you, Eve. | don't

know how, but | know you, and | trust

you. You have no idga@natyol!

mean tie, Eve," Derek said, and

Evelyn swallowed as she tried to

withdraw her hand again, but Derck

held on The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"You remember our deal, right? You realize it's still on?" He asked, and she raised a brow.

"What deal?"

"We agreed that if you fell forat the resort, then | wouldn't."

Evelyn cut in before he could finish,

u f :

Derek, | don't think you should bey

talkin..{he sesteflnés (wrds trailed


oftdnd she frowned, "Why are you

a " q

smiling?" The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"I like it when you callDerek," he said, and she rolled her eyes.

"Want to know how


date went?" Derek asked, changing the subject, Without waiting for her to respond, he launched on with the

details of his

