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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26

Anastasia was casually flipping through a fashion magazine when Monica came running up, all


“Anastasia, Anastasia! I just saw the CEO of Elysian Technologies!”

Monica was all jazzed up, practically buzzing with excitement

Anastasia, having married the CEO of Elysian Technologies, had essentially hit the jackpot. She was

now part of the high society, the wife of a filthy rich family

Anastasia chuckled, “Monica, you’re going bonkers over this! You didn’t even freak out this much when

you first saw Herman Is the CEO even more handsome than Herman?”

Monica took a seat, catching her breath with a sip of water. “Wait a sec, I need to chill out.” She was

bursting with things to share but was too worried about saying something wrong. It was driving her


Seeing Anastasia’s nonchalant reaction, it seemed like she was clueless about Herman’s real identity.

Why would Herman keep this from Anastasia?

Why did he marry Anastasia, a girl from an ordinary background, instead of someone from a big–shot

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Monica was full of questions, and fearing Anastasia couldn’t handle the truth, she decided not to spill

the beans just yet..

Seeing Monica’s weird expression, Anastasia became curious, “Spill it, what does the CEO of Elysian

Technologies look like?”

“…I didn’t get a good look, just saw his back.” Monica decided to keep quiet for now, she needed to

figure out why Herman married Anastasia before telling her the truth. She didn’t want to hurt Anastasia.

Anastasia had once suffered from depression. What if the shock triggered a relapse?

Anastasia laughed it off. “Then why were you so thrilled?”

“The CEO of Elysian Technologies is a top dog. Just catching a glimpse of his back is enough to get

anyone excited.” Monica tentatively asked, “By the way, Anastasia, how did you and Herman get

hitched? Did you really meet on a dating website? Got married after just one date?”

Anastasia nodded. “Yes, my mom signed me up on the dating site. He was in a hurry to get married

too. The matchmaker said Herman had gone on many dates and was happy with my profile. I thought

he was pretty okay, so we got our marriage license.”

Monica was puzzled. How could the CEO of Elysian Technologies be on a dating site?

But judging from Anastasia’s response, she seemed blissfully unaware of Herman’s real identity.

Monica probed further, “He told you his parents had passed away? That he didn’t own a house and

was single?”

Anastasia nodded again, “Yes, that information was on the dating site. Monica, what’s with you? Why

are you suddenly asking me all this?”

“Nothing, just curious. It’s amazing how you two had such an incredible fate” Monica laughed it off,

pretending it was nothing. “Anastasia, have you ever fantasized about marrying into a billionaire family

and becoming a tycoon’s wife?”

Anastasia thought Monica was belittling Herman for being poor.

She firmly said, “I never had such fantasies. After registering our marriage, I was prepared to live my

life with Herman. As long as he treats me well, I don’t care whether he’s poor or rich. Besides, it’s not

easy being the wife of a billionaire. I don’t want to live under constant pressure.”

There were frequent stories online of daughters–in–law from wealthy families being oppressed. It was

no cakewalk.

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Just the other day, Anastasia read news of a popular actress who married into a wealthy family. She

was forced to wake up at six every morning, had to follow her mother–in–law’s countless rules, do all

the housework, and her husband was hardly ever home.

Such a marriage was truly heartbreaking.

Monica awkwardly laughed, not daring to probe further. She said, “Ana, you’re right. You’ve snagged a

real catch with such a handsome husband, haven’t you?”

Monica’s main concern now was whether Herman was just toying with Anastasia, planning to dump her

after having his fun. Why else would he keep Anastasia in the dark, saying he lived in a rented house?

But until she got to the bottom of this, Monica didn’t dare say anything.

Anastasia checked the time. “Monica, it’s getting late. I need to go back. I have a stall to run at five.”

“Okay, I’ll walk you out I’ve already told my friend. I need to check on my beauty salon too.”

The two left the club. When Anastasia got home, Herman was already there.

Herman said, “I’m back.”


Anastasia changed her shoes. “My mom took me to my aunt’s today. Later, I went to Blissful Beat with

Monica. Oh, your boss was there too. Lots of girls were waiting to bump into him, Monica went to see

him as well.”

Upon hearing this, Herman suddenly tensed up.